The car was so dark that it was difficult to drive.

After the car drove out of the cement road of Dongwan Village and entered the unhardened potholes, the car body swayed violently from side to side.

As a novice driver, Yan Chujiu felt very excited to drive on such a road at night.

Unfortunately, the light in the car was too dim, and the trembling scenery beside him was not as beautiful as during the day.

We swayed all the way to the end. There was already a dense forest in front, but there was still a road, so the car could not go.

Through the dense forest is the sea, and you have to walk through it.

Yan Chujiu looked at the time. It was just a little after eleven o'clock, and there were still several hours before the tide went out!

What are you doing for so long?


Li Meiqi gave an idea first, "Xiang Aotu, we are bored anyway, why don't we take a nap first?"

Yan Chujiu hesitated, "Is this really okay?"

"What's wrong with that? Didn't you say it would take several hours for the tide to recede?"

Yan Chujiu suppressed his excited heartbeat, "Okay, you are so beautiful, whatever you say, I can do it!"

Li Meiqi smiled, then laid the seat flat, turned sideways, and closed her eyes.

Well, I was excited in vain!

She said taking a nap first was just a rest, each of us should rest separately.

Although Yan Chujiu was disappointed, he was not particularly disappointed!

In his mind, although the girl was not very smart, she was definitely a serious girl.

Even if she came out to find him in the middle of the night, she was simple-minded and didn't have so many complicated thoughts.

This is good, he really can't handle someone who is too smart.

Yan Chujiu also followed her example and laid the seat flat.

However, the steering wheel was blocking the way in front, and the legs could not be straightened.

The posture was rather cramped.

Li Meiqi felt the movement and opened her eyes to see him tossing and turning.

"Is it uncomfortable?"

"Well, I can't lie flat!"

Li Meiqi teased him, "You are not at this stage, at this age, it is not the time to lie flat!"

Yan Chujiu was sweating, "They are talking about the east, but you are talking about the west!"

Li Meiqi smiled, adjusted the seat and sat up, "Then let's go to the back!"


Do you mean the back seat?

Two people go, lie together?

Yan Chujiu immediately became interested and wanted to see how she arranged it.

Lie side by side, or lie on top of each other?

Who knew that after getting out of the car, Li Meiqi did not pull the door of the back seat, but lifted the rear trunk door.

Then she moved the equipment for catching the sea from the top to the bottom.

Yan Chujiu understood her meaning a little bit and hurried forward to help.

After all the tools were moved down, the space in the trunk seemed very large.

But even so, the two people still couldn't lie flat.

When Li Meiqi folded down all the back seats, it was not only possible for the two to lie flat, but also for rolling around.

Li Meiqi took a blanket and spread it on it, and put two pillows side by side.

At first glance, it looked like a bed, which was much more advanced and comfortable than the one Yan Chujiu had made in the cave.

After Li Meiqi went up, she saw Yan Chujiu still standing outside in a daze, so she patted the seat next to her.

"What are you waiting for, come up quickly!"

Yan Chujiu felt that this didn't seem good, but her honest body didn't hesitate at all, and she immediately took off her shoes and rushed up.

After lying down comfortably, she looked at Li Meiqi next to her and found that she was not shy and followed her to lie down next to her.

A generous girl will not have a bad pregnancy.

Yan Chujiu couldn't help but sigh, "This is the real sleep!"

Li Meiqi laughed again, "You make it seem like you've never slept before!"

Yan Chujiu said in a faint tone, "The past is just like clouds and smoke, it can only be considered as rest!"

Li Meiqi didn't understand the difference between rest and sleep, and was too lazy to ask about it, just expressing her personal feelings.

"You know what, the back is indeed more comfortable than the front. The front is too narrow, and I feel suffocated."

Yan Chujiu nodded, "Well, I like to be in the back too!"

Li Meiqi's face suddenly turned red after a serious sentence!

His serious tone sounded very unserious.

After waiting for a long time without him speaking again, Li Meiqi couldn't help asking, "What are you thinking about?"

"I feel like I'm dreaming now, it's not real!"

Li Meiqi asked curiously, "What's not real?"

"It's hard to believe that I'm sleeping with you!"

What do you mean sleeping together?

Just resting together!

Hey, this is

Is it the difference between resting and sleeping?

Li Meiqi suddenly understood and glared at him, "Xiang Aotu, you can't talk, so don't talk."

Yan Chujiu argued, "I'm not wrong, this is indeed our first time together..."

"Shh, don't talk!"

In order to avoid Yan Chujiu's bird mouth from saying something that would ruin the atmosphere, Li Meiqi leaned over to turn on the light music in the car.

After that, she also opened the sunroof.


The two of them lay side by side in the car, feeling a sense of privacy, as if the whole world was isolated, and there was only each other between heaven and earth.

In such a quiet place far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, there was the sound of nature breathing around, and there was gentle and lyrical music in the car.

The breeze brought the coolness of the mountain forest at night, gently brushing their faces.

Looking up at the vast starry sky, the stars were like pearls sprinkled on the sky, flashing charming light.

They watched the two of them quietly, as if they were guarding this beautiful moment for them.

There was a distance between the two of them, and they could vaguely feel each other's warmth and heartbeat.

The hazy and beautiful feeling was so romantic.

Looking at Yan Chujiu beside her, Li Meiqi felt no pressure or burden in her heart, but only comfort and relaxation, and her body and mind were completely open.

As the night deepened, the stars seemed to become brighter, quietly witnessing the deepening and solidification of their friendship and their slow growth.

This is beautiful!

Even many years later, this night is still a precious and unforgettable memory in the hearts of the two.

At 3:30 in the morning, Yan Chujiu woke up first in his sleep.

It was not because of kidney deficiency that he had to get up at night, but because he had set the alarm clock, which was vibrating in his trouser pocket.

He reached out to take out his mobile phone to turn it off, but found that his hand could not move.

Looking closely, Li Meiqi, who had been sleeping at a distance from him, had come over at some point and was tightly attached to him.

Not only that, she also hugged his arm.

Yan Chujiu also expressed his understanding. In the wilderness, the temperature at night is relatively low. It is normal for girls to feel cold and subconsciously move closer to warm places.

But why did she put her lips on her neck?

Could it be that the mouth also feels cold and needs warmth?

Yan Chujiu did not move, and continued to enjoy the warmth and softness in his arms.

At this moment, Yan Chujiu even felt that being hugged by her tightly, it didn't matter whether he chased the sea or dug barnacles.

It doesn't matter if the gentle country is a hero's tomb, anyway, he is not a hero.

However, the alarm clock kept vibrating, and his hands were clamped up and down, so he couldn't free up to turn it off, so the experience was a bit unsatisfactory.

Li Meiqi, who was sleeping, also felt the vibration and was awakened!

She blushed when she found that she was hugging Yan Chujiu and even kissing him!

Let go quickly, and then distanced herself without leaving a trace.

After a while, she felt her heartbeat finally calm down, and she called out softly, "Xiang Aotu, Xiang Aotu, wake up, your alarm is ringing."

Yan Chujiu then pretended to wake up from a dream and opened her eyes, "Oh, it's time, let's go now!"

If the play is well acted, nothing can be treated as if it has never happened.

The two got up to clean up, and Li Meiqi turned over a little too much, and something fell out of her pocket.

Yan Chujiu picked it up after seeing it, and when she was about to hand it back to her, she subconsciously glanced at it, and she was stunned there.

Li Meiqi also froze!

Her face was red as if it was about to drip blood!

This is a super-large social death scene!

She hesitantly explained, "That, that, that is not mine!"

It clearly fell out of your pocket, and you still say it is not yours?

Girl, don't lie like this!

Yan Chujiu thinks that if you see through it but don't say it, you can still be friends!

"Yeah, if you say it's not, then it's not!"

Li Meiqi was even more anxious, almost incoherent, "Really, believe me, it's Taozi, I just got in the car!"

Yan Chujiu nodded again, "Yeah, if you say it's, then it's."

Li Meiqi wanted to cry but had no tears, her eyes were red with anxiety.

Yan Chujiu saw that she was so aggrieved, guessed that what she said might be true, so he patted her shoulder, "It's okay, Taozi is also kind-hearted."

Li Meiqi picked up the box and was about to throw it out of the car window.

Yan Chujiu hurriedly stopped her, "Don't, littering in such a place will damage the environment, keep it, just in case you need it in the future!"

Li Meiqi was even more angry, "What nonsense, who should I use it with!"

Yan Chujiu shook his head, "No need to tell anyone, you can use it yourself?"

Li Meiqi was embarrassed and annoyed, and asked angrily, "How can I use it myself?"

Yan Chujiu did

He said casually, "You often go out to fish. If you accidentally fall into the water, just blow it up into a balloon, which can increase the buoyancy of your body, so you can stay on the sea longer and have a greater chance of survival."

He looked serious when he was talking nonsense.

Li Meiqi felt that there seemed to be some truth in it, and she couldn't think of a word to refute it for a while.

Yan Chujiu pushed the box of things into her hand, "Keep it, you can use it to save your life in the future!"

Li Meiqi took it and stuffed it into his pocket, "I don't go out as often as you do, and the chance that you will need it is much greater than mine, so I'd better keep it for you to save your life!"

Yan Chujiu had no choice but to take it, what if he really needs it later?

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