The sky was getting brighter, but the sun hadn't risen yet.

Li Meiqi felt very tired, but she was excited to see so much harvest, and then she was worried after the excitement.

"Xiang Aotu, there are so many seafoods, probably two or three hundred kilograms, how can we get them back?"

The sea water was a bit naughty, and it made the girl's clothes slightly wet. Yan Chujiu was distracted and came back to his soul after a long while.

"With my brother here, there are only five words in the sky: This is nothing!"

Li Meiqi wanted to spray him when she heard it.

You keep calling me sister all day long. You are only two hundred and forty months old, three months younger than me. You can call me sister for your whole life, and you still dare to call yourself brother.

But she didn't correct him in the end. It was nothing else, she just liked to hear him call her sister, which sounded much better than her old man calling her a silly girl.

"You're so awesome, now you should take it back!"

Yan Chujiu put away his playful smile, passed the two safety ropes under the two boxes, tied them up horizontally and vertically like tying crabs.

Then he used a flat pick to pass through the two reserved buckles, and then carried it on his shoulder.

Maybe he had a premonition that the boxes would burst at low tide, so he had made preparations long ago.

"Let's go!"

With a light shout from Yan Chujiu, he picked up the two large boxes of seafood, and then strode forward.

Li Meiqi was stunned, her mouth opened so wide that she could stuff anything in it.

She knew that Yan Chujiu looked thin, but he was actually very strong!

Last time she was wrapped around his waist, let alone shaking, she didn't even shake.

But I still didn't expect him to be so strong. He carried two or three hundred kilograms of seafood as if it was nothing. He walked so easily and comfortably, as if walking on flat ground.

Li Meiqi couldn't help thinking that with such a strong man, the relationship would be deeper in the future, and he should be able to do many extreme sports he likes with her!

Don't get me wrong, it's cross-country, rock climbing, skydiving and the like.

After walking all the way to the natural cave, Li Meiqi's footsteps couldn't help but stop.

It has gradually become a habit to take a break every time she passes here.

In fact, she is also a little worried about Yan Chujiu's waist!

A man's waist is his life, and it can't be crushed.

"Xiang Aotu, let's take a break!"

Yan Chujiu is a person who never drags his feet when working, and he originally planned to go back to the parking place in one breath.

But with a girl, I think it doesn't matter if I drag my feet. Some things don't need to be so rushed, and it's more fun to go slower.

He put down the two boxes of seafood, walked into the cave, and sat on the "bed" that looked dry to rest.

Li Meiqi sat next to him naturally.

To exaggerate a little, the two of them had already slept together, so there was no need to be restrained.

Yan Chujiu looked at Li Meiqi who was turning her neck and rubbing her shoulders beside him, and subconsciously asked, "Are you tired?"

Li Meiqi did feel a little tired, but she didn't dare to nod.

It's not that she was afraid that Yan Chujiu would say she was hypocritical, but she suddenly remembered the last massage!

She could bear it last time, but not this time!

As the contact deepened, her feelings about this man were getting more and more different!

Now his concerned eyes would make her heart beat faster.

Smelling his scent, she was even more flustered and dizzy.

Physical contact, that's even more incredible!

I won't mention it in the car before, I can't describe it in detail.

But just now when she came up from the cliff, Yan Chujiu reached out and pulled her.

Just a simple handshake was like triggering a sensitive switch in the body, a rhythm that could never be turned off again.

Very shameful but sweet!

In order to avoid embarrassment, Li Meiqi shook her head rationally, "I'm not particularly tired, just a little hungry!"

"Then I'll get you something to eat?"

"Okay, okay!"

Li Meiqi couldn't help but get excited again. I don't know if other things were captured by him, but her stomach was definitely controlled by him.

Everything he made was so delicious.

Yan Chujiu walked out, opened the box, took out a few sea urchins, and then found pliers to pry them open bit by bit.

Sea urchins are covered with thorns, so you must be very careful when handling them!

Use judo gently, and don't be rough. Although it won't resist, it can easily hurt you.

Some people don't know which side to cut the sea urchin from. It's actually very simple. You can never go wrong if you cut from the side with the mouth.

But when you cut in, don't cut all the way through. It's easy to

The delicate yellow paste inside will be damaged.

Be gentle, and after cutting in, circle along the mouth to slowly expand the opening.

In this way, the shell can be opened smoothly to obtain the precious delicacy inside.

After the sea urchin is opened, the yellow inside is the paste, and the black is the internal organs.

The internal organs are naturally inedible. They must be picked out with tongs and then gently rinsed with water.

When rinsing, you must be gentle. Too much water and too fast may also wash away the yellow paste inside.

Of course, some people choose not to wash it, and just peel it and put it on their mouths, saying that this is more original.

Yan Chujiu is still quite particular. Although this thing is nutritious and delicious, it still feels a bit fishy and even bitter if it is not washed clean, which seriously affects the taste.

Therefore, after processing it, he still washed it twice with the fresh water he brought.

In this way, you can eat it with confidence!

Steamed eggs, barbecue, soup, steamed vermicelli... None of them will be done today.

Yan Chujiu didn't want to bother to make a fire, so he chose to give it to Li Meiqi raw, which is both original and nutritious.

He handed a processed sea urchin to Li Meiqi, "Try it."

Li Meiqi took it and looked at it. There were five petals of sea urchin roe in the oval sea urchin shell.

The shape is a bit like orange petals, but the color is golden yellow, emitting an attractive glow.

As the daughter of a gourmet, Li Meiqi has naturally eaten sea urchins, but they are all cooked.

Even if she eats sashimi, the meat is dug out, exquisitely arranged on a plate, and then served with a sauce dish.

It was the first time in her life that she fished it out of the sea and ate it raw directly.

"Xiang Aotu, how do you get this to eat?"

Yan Chujiu is a countryman, not as refined and particular as her, and this is still in the wilderness.

He took the sea urchin and dug his finger into it, and dug out a piece of sea urchin roe and handed it to Li Meiqi, "Come on, open your mouth!"

"Ugh~~" Li Meiqi looked disgusted, "You are so disgusting!"

"If I don't eat it, I will eat it myself..."

Before he could finish the word "eat", his fingers were already tight.

Li Meiqi opened her mouth first and ate the sea urchin roe on his finger into her mouth.

The soft touch was fleeting, but Yan Chujiu was shocked.

After Li Meiqi chewed and tasted it carefully, her expression brightened and she praised it repeatedly.

"So fresh, so sweet!"

"It has a dense texture like delicate butter melting in your mouth!"

"It has a slight salty taste, but it does not affect its freshness and sweetness, but rather highlights its taste."

"It tastes so good, the delicious taste is like the essence of the sea is concentrated in this bite."

"No wonder others say it is a French kiss on the tip of the tongue, the taste penetrates deeply into my taste buds!"

High-end foodies often make people salivate as soon as they move their lips.

Yan Chujiu looked at her cherry-red lips eating with relish, and suddenly wanted to taste... the taste of sea urchin.

He used to dislike eating sea urchin, thinking that this thing looked as disgusting as a child's poop.

But in the end he just asked Maggie Q, "Do you want more?"

"Yes! It's delicious! I love it!"

It's OK if you like to eat it, girls who don't mind eating raw or cold food are likable and easy to feed!

Yan Chujiu secretly gave her two points, and scooped off another piece of sea urchin roe and handed it to her mouth.

Li Meiqi didn't say anything this time, and just opened her mouth.

Fresh sea urchin is really irresistible.

Raw once, cooked twice!

When Yan Chujiu scooped out the sea urchin roe for the third time, Li Meiqi had already opened her mouth and came over, and made an "ah" sound.

Although Yan Chujiu was willing to feed her, he wanted to tease her!

"Can't you do it yourself? You have to feed you like this, like a child!"

Li Meiqi actually raised her hand and said, "I didn't wash my hands! They are dirty!"

Yan Chujiu secretly pouted, as if I had washed them!

Li Meiqi obviously enjoyed his feeding, and in order to prevent him from going on strike, she deliberately used words to stimulate him!

"Xiang Aotu, I came all the way here in the middle of the night to accompany you to fish in the sea, but you won't even feed me something!"

Yan Chujiu was both amused and confused, thinking, is this a question of willingness or not?

If the relationship continues like this, the relationship between fishing friends will no longer be pure, and will gradually slide into an irreversible abyss!

It's okay for me, a loser who salutes women when I see them, but are you really sure about it, a rich lady?

However, although Yan Chujiu is straightforward, she is not stupid after all. She would cheat the sun, let alone give it to her.

"Okay, okay, I'll feed you!"

Others say that high-end hunters appear in the form of prey.

I don't have the skills to be a hunter, but it should be okay to play the role of prey!

After feeding three sea urchins in a row, Maggie Q couldn't eat anymore.

Although this thing is delicious, it will make you sick if you eat too much, and it also has high cholesterol.

Yan Chujiu ate the rest herself

, and also used his fingers to pick it out and eat it.

After eating, he was still sucking his fingers as if he was savoring the taste, as if he was still not satisfied.

Maggie Q blushed when she saw this, because he just used this finger to pick out the sea urchin for her to eat.

In this way, the two of them were indirectly kissing, right?

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