The two sides have been working hard, but the two sides have been working hard.

Yan Chujiu thought that before he could grow small chili peppers on a large scale, he would have to rely on Xu Shiguan for supply.

In the future, they will inevitably have to deal with each other frequently, and it would be bad if things got too stalemate, so he decided to quit while he was ahead.

"Horse herder, I thought about it and felt that dog meat is too nutritious. I am strong now and don't need it at all. Otherwise, I will get angry and have a nosebleed!"

Xu Ruolin looked at his body and shook her head, "No, I think you should eat more, Xiaojiu brother. You look a little thin now. Men need to be stronger to have more strength!"

"But I don't want to eat dog meat now!"

Xu Ruolin had to ask, "What do you want to eat, Xiaojiu brother?"

Yan Chujiu originally wanted to say chicken, but if that happened, he would have to wear a chin and might be locked up in a small dark room, so he changed it, "Duck!"

"Okay!" Xu Ruolin nodded hurriedly, raised her phone and said, "I'll ask someone to fix the duck right away, and we can eat it when we go back later!"

Xu Shiguan was relieved and reached out to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead. The lives of the two dogs were finally saved. It was really a close call!

Su Yueqing, who had been silent, stopped Xu Ruolin and said, "Ruolin, Grandpa Xu, I have ducks at home too. If you don't mind, let's have lunch at my house!"

Xu Ruolin looked at Yan Chujiu and saw him nod. Then she said to Su Yueqing, "Auntie, you are too kind. The highest level of banquet in the world is a family banquet. You are willing to invite us to dinner at home. It is something we are looking forward to. How can we dislike it?"

This girl is really good at talking!

Su Yueqing was overjoyed and smiled.

Xu Ruolin looked at Xu Shiguan again, "Grandpa, do you think I am right?"

Xu Shiguan naturally wanted to say no. If you don't mind, you will be looking forward to it. Don't take me with you!

Yan Chujiu's house didn't even have a decent piece of furniture. The stool he sat on didn't have a backrest. He didn't want to stay any longer.

However, in order to avoid his granddaughter's rage, he didn't dare to spoil it.

The doctor said that the granddaughter's resurrection from the dead might cause some non-atopic reactions in the human body and cannot be stimulated.

"Yes, yes, yes, that... Xiaoqing, I used to be very poor, and I am afraid of causing trouble to you."

"No trouble, no trouble!" Su Yueqing smiled and pointed at Yan Chujiu, "Chujiu is very good, and he is very good at making ducks. Aunt Huang next door praised him as a good hand at making ducks!"

Yan Chujiu was obviously praised, but he felt like he was scolded, and his expression collapsed!

Aunt, I am good at making ducks, not making ducks!

Xu Ruolin asked excitedly, "Brother Xiaojiu, brother Xiaojiu, are you so good at making ducks?"

Yan Chujiu: "..."

Xu Ruolin continued, "Next time you come to my house, make duck for me once, okay?"

Xu Shiguan: "..."


Although Yan Chujiu is good at making ducks, most people don't make it for him.

Huang Xiang'er has been his neighbor for so long, and she has only eaten the duck he made once.

Su Yueqing kindly invited Xu Shiguan and his grandson to have lunch, and Yan Chujiu could only do it reluctantly.

The aunt and nephew were busy together, one went to catch ducks, and the other went to pick vegetables.

Xu Shiguan could barely be regarded as a supplier of raw materials, so it was not wrong to treat him.

Eight yuan per catty of small bird peppers, there is really no such cheap price anywhere.

The ducks raised by Su Yueqing are not ordinary domestic ducks, but musk ducks native to South America, also called Muscovy ducks, or Western ducks!

As a foreign species, it is naturally different from ordinary domestic ducks.

The body shape is not quite the same, with a broad and plump chest and a slender tail, unlike domestic ducks with fat buttocks.

There are also red tumors around the eyes, which looks like makeup, and it looks very bad.

The body size is also relatively large, eight or nine catties is normal, and more than ten catties is not surprising.

The one caught by Yan Chujiu is almost ten catties.

"Mother Muma, how do you want to eat this duck?"

Xu Ruolin came forward and said, "Brother Jiu, do whatever you like. I can do anything. I don't have any requirements for food, and I don't eat much, so it's easy to keep."

Xu Shiguan frowned when he heard it. What is this girl hinting at?

Yan Chujiu thought of the two cans of Tsingtao Pure Draft that had been in the refrigerator for a month or two. If they were not processed, they might expire.

"How about making a beer duck?"

"Sure!" Xu Ruolin rolled up her sleeves and said, "I'll help you!"

Xu Shiguan saw that his granddaughter came up and stuck to Yan Chujiu like a dog-skin plaster and refused to let go, so he interrupted and said, "Why are you helping? Your skirt will be dirty later."

Xu Ruolin is wearing a snow-white dress today.

She is a natural clothes hanger, and the dress fits her body perfectly as if it was custom-made.

The slightly open neckline is just right, revealing the charming collarbone and half-covered breasts, which makes people want to take a few more glances.

The waist is slender and powerful, just enough to be held in one hand, which can make people feel the soft skin and inner toughness.

The hem of the skirt is just a little above the knee, not too long or too short, just showing the slender and white legs.

The figure is graceful, light and soft!

Every frown, smile, and every move exudes charming charm.

Such clothes and dressing are beautiful, but obviously not suitable for work.

Xu Ruolin didn't care, "It's just a skirt, what's the matter, just wash it if it gets dirty!"

Xu Shiguan still wanted to dissuade him, "But..."

"Grandpa, go drink tea, don't worry about me."

Xu Shiguan smiled bitterly, thinking that his tea was so bad, I dare to chop off my head if it's more than 30 yuan a pound, I can't drink it!

"Grandpa, if you feel bored, you can go to the pier and see if there are any seafood to buy back."

Xu Shiguan finally realized that his granddaughter was thinking that he was in the way here!

Yan Chujiu hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, no, my aunt bought some fresh clams, and there are still a lot of sea fish and shrimps in the refrigerator."

"If there are seafood, then see if there is any tea, Grandpa, don't you like to drink tea? The pier market in Dongwan Village is much larger than the one in our village, there should be good tea!"

Xu Shiguan certainly knew that the pier market here is not small, and it's not his first time here!

In fact, I don't want to leave, in fact, I want to stay, stay with you to prevent people from stealing the tower.

You have to believe me. It won't be long before I want you to have nothing to do with him.

Seeing that her grandfather didn't say anything, Xu Ruolin changed her words.

"Grandpa, why don't you go and drive my car back? The car is at the small dock you took me to before. The key is under the tire on the right rear side."


"Old people should exercise more, which is good for their health. Go ahead!"

Xu Shiguan sighed and thought that it would be better to give birth to a piece of barbecued pork than you!

Unable to withstand the repeated urging of his granddaughter, he had no choice but to drive for her.

Seeing that he finally left, Xu Ruolin smiled and whispered to Yan Chujiu, "Little Jiu, grandpa is gone."

Yan Chujiu sweated, "What do you want to do after he leaves?"

Xu Ruolin nodded, "I want..."

Yan Chujiu opened his eyes wide, "Huh?"

"I want to help you fix the duck!" Xu Ruolin squatted down, "Come on, Little Jiu, I'll hold its feet, and you bleed it."

Yan Chujiu lowered his head and took a look. The duck didn't bleed, but his nosebleed almost came out first...

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