After the fish was caught, the fish was caught.

Xu Shiguan picked up his fishing gear bag and walked to the other side of Huiwan.

When he arrived at a place, he put down his things and started to prepare his equipment, set up the fishing rod, and even directly cast the guard.


Cast the guard before catching the fish?

Where did this old man get the courage!

Yan Chujiu was puzzled and anxious, and immediately wanted to cast the rod!

This bet... No, the game cannot be lost!

If he loses, this old man who already looked down on him will look down on him even more.

The manor doesn't matter... No, the manor is also very useful.

My aunt has always felt that the vegetable garden behind the house is too small, even if Zhou Baoquan's land is given to her to plant, it is still not enough.

In addition, if the garlic chili sauce is to be made in batches, small chili peppers must be planted in large quantities.

The vegetable garden is definitely not enough, and a new place must be found.

If this manor can be taken, the problem of finding a place will be solved in advance.

However, all these are secondary. The most important thing is: he wants to herd horses!

If you want to win, you have to be cautious!

Xu Shiguan is not a good person, let alone a brainless person!

He dares to make such a big bet, so he naturally has something to rely on.

Yan Chujiu doesn't believe that a man of his age will fight a battle without confidence.

Therefore, he didn't rush to cast the rod, but observed the environment first.

This is someone else's territory. If he is new here and doesn't know anything, he will mess around. When he loses his underwear, he may not know what's going on.

Yan Chujiu looked underwater with his fiery eyes.

The drop in Huiwan is very high, and the water depth is four or five meters when you step out.

The deeper you go out, the deeper it is, and the depth in the center is nearly sixty or seventy meters.

Maybe because outsiders can't get here, the fish resources are quite rich.

You can see a lot of sea fish swimming around along the coast, such as Qingzhan, Balang, Sardines, Mud Meng... In addition to these small fish, there are also relatively large black eagles, yellowfins, sea bass, blackheads, mullets, and at the bottom there are stone dogs, anglers, eels, etc.

Although there are only a few fish, no dense schools of fish, and no particularly large ones, but compared to other places, the resources here are much better!

As an avid fisherman, how can Yan Chujiu bear to see such a fish situation!

His fishing rod is already eager to move, and he can't wait to set it up!

Just looking at Xu Shiguan who has already started fishing, he feels that he can't bear it or he has to bear it for a while, so he walked over to see what the old man is like.

Knowing yourself and the enemy will win every battle!

However, after walking over and looking at the bottom of the water in front of Xu Shiguan, he felt that he was cold.

It's not just cold, it's chilling!

Under Xu Shiguan's fishing rod, a group of fish gathered. These fish kept circling there, as if they were looking for delicious food.

Seeing so many fish, Yan Chujiu was puzzled. Did this old man make a nest in advance and deliberately planned to fight with him?

However, after careful observation, Yan Chujiu found that he had misunderstood him.

Xu Shiguan didn't make a nest, there was no need for that!

This place is a natural fish nest.

There is a shrimp farm next to the manor, and the drainage outlet of the farm is just here.

From time to time, sewage will flow here with the remains of some dead shrimps. For fish, these are undoubtedly natural delicacies.

The fish have become accustomed to this source of food. Over time, this place has become like a canteen.

It was not until then that Yan Chujiu finally understood the true meaning of Xu Shiguan's "private vegetable garden".

Xu Shiguan must have discovered this natural fish nest a long time ago!

In fact, it is not difficult to find that the drainage outlet is an open channel. If you have eyes that are not blind, you can see such a big one coming down from above.

At the beginning, Xu Shiguan said so generously, saying that I lost this manor to you.

Occupying such a throne, there is no need to worry about no fish being hooked, how could he lose?

Such a scheme made Yan Chujiu sigh, the old man is very bad!


Just as Yan Chujiu was sighing, Xu Shiguan saw the Apo on the water surface trembling and raised the rod suddenly.

The fish was caught, and the arc of the raised rod was obvious.

Yan Chujiu saw that the fishing line would deviate, and the arc of the rod was not particularly large. He guessed that it was a yellow fin, which should be half a catty or more, less than one catty.

After the fish slipped out of the water, it was just as he guessed, a yellow fin of about seven taels.

For ordinary people, this is not a small fish, and it can be steamed or braised.

The Poseidon Restaurant where Bi Jin was placed can already sell one hundred

Two hundred more.

After Xu Shiguan took the fish off, he lifted it up and looked at it, then glanced at Yan Chujiu next to him, and actually threw it directly into the water and released it.

"It's too young, go back and call your parents!"

This is a bit too much pretense!

Yan Chujiu now finally understands how Maggie Q felt when she first met him, and she really wants to push this old man into the sea!

But it's no wonder that he pretends. With such a good position, it's a matter of minutes to catch fish. It's normal to catch big fish and release small ones!

Give up your position and let me try. I'll pretend until you doubt your life!

"Huh?" Xu Shiguan seemed to notice Yan Chujiu's appearance after pretending, "Why are you still here, kid?"

Yan Chujiu didn't answer.

"Don't wander around, go fishing quickly, otherwise you will say that I, a comrade in my 60s, bullied you, a child whose hair hasn't grown up yet!"

Okay, okay!

So arrogant, right?

Your granddaughter will have a treat then!

Yan Chujiu turned around indignantly and walked to the other side.

He was going to find a fishing spot and start fishing!

But after searching again and again, there were many suitable places for fishing, but none of them could compete with Xu Shiguan's.

It's not impossible to make do with it casually, but it will definitely lose.

Yan Chujiu didn't want to lose, he still wanted to herd horses!

So he didn't make do and continued to look for a fishing spot!

After searching here for two rounds without finding an ideal one, he walked towards Xu Shiguan.

After tossing around for ten minutes, Xu Shiguan had already caught two more fish, both of which were sea bass, about two kilograms, so they were all put into the guard.

However, such a fishing situation was already very bad for Xu Shiguan.

If you encounter the sewage discharge from the farm, the fish school is so dense, as if the fish pond is feeding, and the whole water surface is churning.

If you use live shrimp for fishing, you can pull so hard that your hands cramp in half an hour.

However, the farm does not discharge sewage every day, only once or half a month.

The discharge time is not fixed, so it is difficult to catch that time.

Xu Shiguan is very cool. Fishing is for fun, not for fish, so he does not specifically catch the discharge time. He just casts a few rods when he feels like it.

Sometimes he catches more fish than others who go out to sea.

This is also one of the reasons why he has been reluctant to give up the manor.

Without this manor, there will be no private fishing spot, and life will be less fun!

When he saw Yan Chujiu still wandering around and not fishing until now, he knew that he had won this time.

Although it is a bit bullying, he did not hesitate to do it in order to prevent his granddaughter from getting entangled with such a country boy.

Yan Chujiu did not stop after coming to his side and continued to walk along the shore.

Xu Shiguan knew that he was looking for a fishing spot, which was a pure waste of time.

In the entire Huiwan, the best fishing spot is right under his feet, a real throne!

Except here, everywhere else is similar.

In fact, not only Xu Shiguan thought so, Yan Chujiu also knew it, but he just didn't give up and wanted to look for it again.

If you just find a place to fish, if there are not many fish, the chance of winning is very small.

Instead of working in vain, it is better to look for it again!

Walking forward, the water eye Jinjing kept scanning underwater.

He was a little surprised to find that his current depth and distance of underwater vision were much better than when he first mutated.

At first, he could only see more than 20 meters deep, but now 30 or 40 meters is no problem.

But even so, he still didn't find the school of fish.

Seeing that it was the end of Huiwan, there was a vast ocean in front of him, and there was no way to go.

Yan Chujiu was very disappointed and was about to turn around and go back. At this time, his eyes suddenly fixed.

Four or five meters in front of him, about 30 meters deep, it seemed that some creature was spewing something under the water.

If I had to describe it, it was like a large octopus hiding under the mud, releasing ink stream by stream.

This happened under the turbid water, and ordinary people couldn't see it at all, but Yan Chujiu could see it clearly.

What on earth was going on?

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