The old man was very handsome, but the old man was very handsome.


Really luxurious.

Zong Wen was overjoyed. A villa worth several million yuan was negotiated so easily?

Compared with the decoration of the previous large flat, it was too easy.

He nodded and said, "Brother Ye, according to your initial needs, I estimate that it will cost three million!"

"For details, we need to wait until I come up with a plan."

"Then we will sign the contract."

"Originally, you have to pay a deposit first, and then I will come up with a design plan. However, since you are Yingying, forget about the deposit."

Ye Qing nodded and said, "Okay, I hope it will be as soon as possible."

"If I am satisfied, we can start construction immediately."

Zong Wen certainly had no objection, and was even more anxious than Ye Qing.

If he won this project, his performance this month would basically be stable. It is not easy to be the vice president of a decoration company. If there is no performance, he will be dismissed at any time.

Therefore, he was so anxious to win the large flat decoration project in Oak Bay.

Ye Qing's arrival was a great help to him.

He thought for a moment and said, "Three days."

"We can come up with a plan in three days at most."

Just as Ye Qing was about to speak, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and the young couple came over. The woman said, "Mr. Zong, is it convenient?"

Zong Wen frowned, reluctant in his heart, but he couldn't offend the client. The main thing was that the two had already pushed the door and called him. He couldn't ignore it. He could only send an apologetic look to Ye Qing. Ye Qing nodded, and he hurried out of the conference room.

Outside the door.

The woman said, "We need to take a look and take these plans back to discuss with our parents. After all, they bought the house and paid for the decoration."

If it was before.

Zong Wen would have to persuade the client as soon as possible, but now, he nodded calmly: "Okay, it should be, contact me anytime you make a decision."

The young couple was stunned. They thought Zong Wen would persuade them in various ways. They also prepared a lot of arguments, but... they were useless.

I can't tell what I feel, but it's pretty uncomfortable.

Zong Wen said again: "Hello, both of you."

"I have clients to attend to."

"Excuse me."

After saying that, he turned and walked into the meeting room.

The young couple was sent to the elevator by the assistant in a daze.

Meeting room.

Zong Wen just sat down and couldn't help complaining: "The client just now is quite difficult. His parents bought the house and paid for the decoration."

"There have been more than a dozen plans for a decoration plan, and I still have to go back and ask my parents."

"I don't have money in my hands, and I rely on my parents for everything, so I naturally have no say."

If you take someone's money, you will be short-handed and eat someone's food, even when facing your parents.

If you want to have confidence, you must first have an economic foundation.

Now everyone advocates lying down, but lying down is not relying on parents, eating parents, and drinking parents, but you can lie down if you have the ability.

In that case, you can lie down when you need to, and you can lie down however you want, not to mention parents, even if God comes, it will be useless to say anything.

Kangzi nodded repeatedly to show his agreement.

Not everyone can be like Qingzi.

Just like him, his family is not without money, but that is the money earned by his parents.

As long as he asks, his parents will definitely spend money on him.

But he doesn't want to.

He can't ask his parents to pay for a relationship.

Now he is following Ye Qing, let alone a car, he will have to spend his own money to build a house like Ye Qing in the future, how encouraging.

Ye Qing is not interested in talking about others behind their backs, and said lightly: "Let's continue to talk about the details of the plan."

Zong Wen nodded.

In this regard, he is still very professional. After Ye Qing puts forward an idea, he can immediately respond and give very pertinent suggestions.

Most of them, Ye Qing can accept and adopt.

Half an hour later.

Zong Wen sorted out all the details of the conversation and said, "It's time for afternoon tea. There is a nice cafe downstairs in the company. I'll treat you."

Ye Qing shook his head: "We have other arrangements."

"Next time."

Zong Wen did not force it, and personally sent him downstairs with his assistant.

Watching Ye Qing and Kangzi stop a taxi and leave, Zong Wen couldn't help but sigh: "What a young talent."

"There is an essential difference between the first and second generations of rich people."

"Spend millions to build a house for your parents, but take a taxi to travel."

"Tsk tsk, it's not simple."

The assistant nodded repeatedly and said: "It's great to have money,

He looks cool even when he's riding in a car."

Zong Wen turned around and said, "Does that have anything to do with money?"

"He's really cool, isn't he?"

After that.

He took out his cell phone and called Zhou Yingying.

After calling several times in a row, Zhou Yingying finally answered and yawned, saying, "Cousin, if it's nothing serious, I'll definitely beat you to death. I just fell asleep."

Zong Wen laughed and said, "It's something serious. Just now, your classmate and I have basically finalized the cooperation."

Zhou Yingying yawned again, "What's the big deal?"

Zong Wen said, "Do you know what kind of house your classmate wants to build?"

Zhou Yingying said unhappily, "What kind of house can be built in the countryside? It's just a two- or three-story small Western-style building."

Zong Wen shook his head, "You still don't know your classmate very well."

"Your classmate wants to build a luxury villa worth three million. ”

“You don’t know, I took on a difficult client first, and I spent a long time trying but still couldn’t handle it. In the end, I just talked to your classmate and solved it.”

“You don’t know how happy I am!”

Zhou Yingying was stunned.

Isn’t Ye Qing only over one million?

Why does he want to build a luxury villa worth three million?

Did he make over one million again in the past few days?

She had a hundred questions in her mind, and the original strong sleepiness immediately dissipated without a trace.

Zong Wen asked curiously: “Do you know how your classmate made so much money?”

Zhou Yingying shook her head and said: “I don’t know. He came to my workplace to buy things some time ago and spent a lot of money. At that time, I saw that he had more than one million in his WeChat balance.”

Zong Wen was surprised again. Wow, there was so much money in the WeChat balance. He said half-jokingly: “Then you have to hurry up.”

“Try to give me a chance to thank my future cousin-in-law. ”

Zhou Yingying said unhappily: "What cousin-in-law? We haven't even started yet."

"Since Ye Qing wants to build a big villa, you have to pay attention."

Zong Wen laughed: "Don't worry, this may be your wedding room in the future. I will definitely put 200% into the design."

Zhou Yingying blushed on the other end of the phone: "What are you talking about? Let's not talk anymore."

Hang up the phone.

She opened WeChat and wanted to chat with Ye Qing, but suddenly she didn't know what to talk about.

At this time.

She noticed that there were a lot of messages in the high school classmates group, and saw Ye Qing's name flashed by. She clicked in curiously and found that they were indeed talking about Ye Qing.

It was the class monitor who started it.

It was said that the Golden Week on October 1st was coming soon, and everyone had just graduated and started working, so they took this opportunity to arrange a class reunion to have fun.

The class monitor's appeal was not low, and many classmates responded.

Classmate Zheng Jian said that the Kempinski Hotel is very popular now, and his uncle is a hotel manager. Manager, can help arrange a private room, and can get an internal discount for the banquet.

The monitor agreed, saying that the party can be held at the Kempinski Hotel, and all expenses will be covered by him, which caused the classmates to cheer and post messages saying that the monitor is really nice.


The monitor asked if anyone could contact Ye Qing. After several years of class reunions, he didn't want to miss anyone.

But no one responded, and they all said that there was no contact information.

Zheng Jian sent a message: "Monitor, forget it. When we were in school, Ye Qing didn't fit in with us. He came from a remote island and we were not the same kind of people. "

It was not a voice message, but Zhou Yingying could also feel the strong yin and yang in this sentence, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

Seeing Zheng Jian say this, other people also kept sending messages.

Say that Ye Qing went to Jiangnan to attend university.

Zheng Jian also joked about the high school incident. Jiangnan is a good place, it is very nourishing, and Ye Qing should not have that fishy smell on him.

As soon as this sentence came out, many people sent "hahaha".

Although it was a joke, it was very uncomfortable to say it. Zhou Yingying knew that Zheng Jian was joking and mocking Ye Qing.

She couldn't help but send a message: "Zheng Jian, you didn't get into college, but Ye Qing got into a 211 university. You are jealous, right?"

After a while.

Zheng Jian replied.


"Do I need to be jealous of him?"

"What are college students now? The waiters under my uncle are all college students!"

"When I went to the Kempinski Hotel to play, those waiters had to call me Master Jian. ”

“Although I didn’t go to college, I have a car and a house.”

“My family arranged my job, and I earn tens of thousands of yuan a month.”

“With my conditions, do I need to be jealous of Ye Qing, a young man from the island?”

“Ye Qing hasn’t made any news yet. I guess he’s not doing well, and he’s embarrassed to let us old classmates know.”

Zhou Yingying was furious after reading this.

Ye Qing is going to spend three million to build a luxury house for his parents

Huada Villa, do you know?

Ye Qing relies on himself, what about you?

However, she didn't send these out after all, because at this moment, the group was full of messages praising Zheng Jian as a role model among classmates and a model for them to learn from.


There is nothing to say to these flattering classmates!

No wonder Ye Qing didn't want to join the group. If he saw these, he would be angry.

He had foresight.

Zhou Yingying left angrily, but saw that the class monitor had sent her a message alone.

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