The fishing boat slowly approached the coastline of Sifang Island and docked on the west side.

Zhang Jun parked the boat and walked out and said, "The waterline here is very deep, it feels deeper than our Longwei Island dock."

"It's a natural harbor."

"It's just a little hidden, and there are a lot of reefs around. If you are not careful, you will hit the reef. ”

Hei Zai gave a thumbs up: "This is professionalism."

"I also found an old captain to take me to Sifang Island."

"But it took me a lot of effort." Kangzi asked curiously: "This island is bare, what's fun?"

Heizi smiled and said: "Some girls just like this kind of wild environment."

"No one will disturb you."

"You can play however you want." How to play. "

"Don't you think it's fun?"

Seeing his lewd smile, Kangzi and his friends understood immediately.

Ye Qing shook his head slightly. It's these rich second-generations who know how to play, travel around and play with women.

A line People landed on the island.

Sifang Island is a wild island, undeveloped, and few people are active on it. The seashore is mainly composed of reef beaches and sandy beaches, and there is no vegetation.

Going far inside, there are some vegetation, coconut trees, bushes, etc. But they are all sparse and bare, nothing to see.

It is worth mentioning that standing on the island and looking out to sea, you can see many fishing boats and lights of fishermen fishing at night, overlapping with each other, creating a unique view. .

It is better to be down-to-earth on the island than to spend the night on a boat.

The group turned on the lights, and Hei Zai walked in front, saying: "The cabin is in front, I spent more than 100,000 to build it. . ”

“Not many girls like camping in the wild.”

“This is my third time here since it was built, and…”

Hei Zai’s words stopped abruptly.

Ye Qing stood behind him and looked at The cabin actually had its lights on.

Heizi scratched his head: "Why is there someone here? Could it be that girl who liked camping before secretly came here to play?"

A group of people came over.

Looking through the window, they saw two young men in formal attire.

The two men in the room When someone spotted them, they hurried out of the house.

The two sides greeted each other.

After learning that the cabin was built by Hei Zai, the two young men showed great enthusiasm, took the initiative to shake hands with Hei Zai, and also told him the reason why they came to the island. .

"We are the staff who came to inspect Sifang Island. This place will be auctioned soon." The two staff members gave a brief introduction.

Hei Zai was surprised: "Selling the right to use for 50 years?"

"It seems that Haibin City is planning to develop the offshore islands."

The Chinese-faced man nodded and said: "Yes, there are many islands in the waters of Haibin City, but most of them are "This is a huge waste of land resources." "In order to better promote the development of energy, these islands should be used to form our unique island economy in Haibin City." Kangzi heard this. I couldn't help but ask: "Is Longwei Island also within the planning scope?"

The square-faced man nodded and said: "Are you fishermen from Longwei Island?"

"As far as I know, Longwei Island has great development potential. "

"But I don't know the specific situation."

Ye Qing was excited to hear this.

If Longwei Island is also included in the development scope, then his idea of ​​building a homestay will no longer be a castle in the air, but a real possibility. The possibility of realization and profitability.

Hei Zai said: "Speaking of which, Sifang Island is located right between Haibin City and Longwei Island. If it is developed, it will definitely be of great benefit to Longwei Island."

Ye Qing nodded slightly.

The staff quickly left the cabin and took their equipment into the forest to continue their research.

Ye Qing and his team prepared the tools for the barbecue. There was clean water in the cabin, so they washed the spotted bream and grilled it directly on the rack. .

Not long after.

The aroma of grilled fish spread, and the two staff members came back.

Seeing the grilled fish, the two stared at it.

Heizi warmly invited them to eat together, since there were plenty of spotted sea bream anyway. They brought a lot to the island, and they couldn't finish eating even if they ate as much as they wanted.

The staff didn't refuse.

After grilling the fish, the group returned to the cabin.

There were a lot of mosquitoes on the island at night, and turning on the lights would kill all kinds of small insects. The insects are attracted to it, so it is impossible to eat it outside.

Everyone sat on the floor around the table.

"Meeting together is fate."

"Let's have a drink together."


In the food

Before, no one could refuse such a proposal.

The group ate and drank. Although it was the first time they met, they had a good chat. Heizi also asked a lot of questions about the development of the island.

The two staff members did not hide anything and told everything they knew. Of course, there was nothing they could not say.

After eating and drinking, they went to rest.

The next morning.

As soon as everyone got up, the staff also said goodbye to everyone and left first.

Heizi looked at Ye Qing and said, "This is good news for you."

"If Sifang Island is developed, the first thing is to build a port ferry, which will greatly reduce the boat trip to Longwei Island."

"In this way, the possibility of tourists going to Longwei Island will be greatly increased."

Ye Qing nodded.

However, now they only have this plan, and it is still early to see whether it can be successful. Chatting, the group returned to the boat.

After breakfast, the fishing boat set sail.

The school of red grouper has also arrived near Sifang Island. We have to stop it before it enters the reefs of Sifang Island.

"Loose the net."

As soon as they left the reefs near Sifang Island, Ye Qing shouted, and Kangzi and others began to work.

An hour later.

The winch started working, and with the sound of creaking, the trawl net was constantly pulled onto the fishing boat.

"There's cargo!"

"It's out of the water!"

Kangzi couldn't help shouting as soon as a small section of the trawl net came up.

Cai Ya also nodded. The trawl net was shaking violently, and the winch was obviously working under load, which meant that the trawl net must have caught a lot of fish.


A hint of brown-red appeared on the water surface. Kangzi wiped his eyes to make sure he was not mistaken, and shouted excitedly: "Red grouper!"

"It's a red grouper!"

"All red groupers!"

Kangzi hurriedly took the red grouper out of the trawl net. The red grouper was spitting bubbles. Because it was pulled up from the deep sea, it was no longer alive.

Punch the bubble.


Kangzi handled it very quickly and finally handed it to Li Shi to send it to the cold storage.

Cai Ya also weighed a red grouper and said: "Four catties and two ounces."

"The red groupers that came up are all this size!"

"It's rich."

"This wave is rich!"

He was very excited!

What he had in his hand was no longer fish, but money. This fish was worth two or three thousand!

And now the trawl net is full of them.

The value is inestimable!

Heizi was also stunned, muttering: "Whatever you ask for, you get it."


"Too amazing!"

There were too many red grouper in the trawl, and Ye Qing had to do the work. If the blood was not drained in time, the meat of the red grouper would be destroyed, and the quality would be greatly reduced.

Heizi didn't care about being shocked, and shouted: "I will help too."

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