The weather was very cool at the seaside in September.

Ye Qing strode towards the pier with his fishing gear in his hand.

When he passed the white sand beach, a dark and thin figure waved at him: "Ah Qing, what are you doing?"

Ye Qing turned his head and found that it was his childhood friend Kangzi.

After graduating from high school, he went to college, and Kangzi followed his parents to go fishing.

In the past three years, the two have hardly met.

He has been busy with his father's affairs when he returned home this time, and he didn't have time to reminisce.

Unexpectedly, he met here.

"Going fishing."

Ye Qing was stunned for a moment, then responded.

Some time ago, my father spent 300,000 yuan on surgery for a serious illness. He sold everything he had to barely make up the money, but the subsequent treatment costs would cost at least 200,000 yuan.

The family really couldn't come up with the money.

Ye Qing thought about going out to sea to fish to see if he could supplement his income.

Kangzi ran over and said, "Fishing? Then I advise you not to go."

"In the past two years, the fish in our sea have become spirits, and they can't be caught at all."

Ye Qing was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Don't talk nonsense, how can there be no fish?"

Kangzi shook his head and said, "You have been studying in college outside these years, so I don't know."

"Since half a year ago, no one in my village has caught fish at sea."

"There are so many powerful fishermen in our village, and they can't catch any?"

"It's about the same. For example, my dad and your dad, who have been fishermen for decades, don't catch any big fish once they go out to sea. At most, they catch a few small fish and shrimps, but they can only earn enough to feed themselves."

"Many fishermen in our village have changed their careers. For example, I am now working in a factory in the town."


Hearing this, Ye Qing stared in surprise and said, "I still hope to make money by fishing."

Now the family is almost out of money for daily expenses, let alone paying for the follow-up treatment for his father.

Telling him now that he can't fish is like a bolt from the blue.

Kangzi said comfortingly: "I heard about your family's situation, but fishing is really unreliable. It's more practical to find a job."

Ye Qing was silent. At present, it seems that finding a job is the most reliable.

But he is a college graduate. Even if he finds a job, he can only make three or four thousand yuan a month at most, which is a drop in the bucket for him now.

At present, the only way to make quick money is to go fishing.

So, no matter what, he has to go.

After a while, Ye Qing gritted his teeth and said: "I still want to try."

Kangzi sighed: "You are still so stubborn."

Ye Qing didn't say anything.

"I'll go with you."

Said this, Kangzi took away most of his stuff and put it on his shoulder: "You haven't gone fishing for several years since college. I am more familiar with it than you. I can't let you lose even the gas money."

Ye Qing also felt Kangzi's enthusiasm and felt a little warm in his heart.


The two came to the dock.

As the only dock on the island, it was built very large. It was very lively in the past. When fishermen came back from fishing, many vendors would come to buy the fish, and then send them to all parts of the country and to the dining table.

The ships came and went, and it was particularly noisy.


Dozens of fishing boats were docked at the dock, and there were almost no fishing boats going out to sea or returning.

The dock market was even more bleak. At a glance, there were only one or two vendors strolling around.

The other fishermen in the village were playing cards and enjoying the cool air like idle men.

A group of fishermen saw Ye Qing and Kangzi carrying things to open a fishing boat, and they all gathered around.

Kangzi's father Li Ba walked out, touching his big bald head.

"Qingzi, don't go. There are no fish in this sea."

"Everyone knows that your family is in a hurry. The village chief is trying to organize each household to raise money to lend to your family."

Ye Qing said that looking at the villagers on the side, his heart was also warm, but he still said that he wanted to go fishing.

After all, everyone's life is not very satisfactory. If they are lucky enough to catch fish, they don't have to pay.

Ye Qing expressed his gratitude while controlling the iron boat to leave the dock.

Seeing the iron boat start the fire, Uncle Ba hurriedly shouted: "Kangzi, don't take Qingzi too far, come back quickly if you can't catch any fish."

Kangzi assured: "Dad, don't worry, this is not my first time going out to sea."

Seeing the iron boat go away, Uncle Ba looked into the distance and said: "Mazu bless these two children, don't let anything happen to them."


The old fishing boat rides the wind and waves.

The sea is swaying

The waves were sparkling.

Seagulls were circling overhead, the sea was surging, and the waves were constantly hitting the fishing boats.

Kangzi controlled the fishing boat and after two hours, he arrived at the fishing area where all the fishermen on the island would go.

The prosperous fishing ground a year ago, now there is not a single fishing boat.

Kangzi shouted loudly to the sea: "Today, we two brothers have contracted this sea area."

"Fishing as much as you want."

Ye Qing nodded vigorously, full of energy in his heart, waiting for the speed of the boat to decrease, and lowered the sticky net.

Two hours later.

Ye Qing looked disappointed.

As Kangzi said, the sticky net was clean, and there was not a single fish.

Ye Qing shouted: "Loosen it again."

He didn't believe in evil.

It was too weird that he couldn't catch a single fish.

Could it be that the fish in this sea area have really become spirits?

Soon he lowered the net again.

Another two hours.

He raised the net again.

This time, Kangzi was depressed, and the net was still empty.

He said, "Ah Qing, let's go."

Ye Qing raised a finger: "Try again."

Kangzi nodded reluctantly.

After pulling up the net again, Ye Qing was disappointed.

Even Kangzi, who had been mentally prepared, was quite emo at this moment.

After working for eight or nine hours, there was nothing except some marine garbage and a few jellyfish and crabs.

The two looked at the pile of garbage that was fished up and began to calculate how much they could sell it to the scrap collector.

Kangzi couldn't hold it back: "This time I lost a lot."

Ye Qing stared at the sea water, obviously unwilling to give up. After thinking for a long time, he said, "I'll dive down and take a look."

He put on his diving suit quickly.

Before Kangzi could stop him, Ye Qing tilted his head back and fell into the water.

The water in this sea area is not clear, and it is still a little turbid.

But it was not because of pollution, but because the sea near Longwei Island is where the ocean currents converge and blend, and the mud and sediment on the seabed are stirred up and become food for marine life.

It stands to reason that the unique conditions here must be very suitable for fish to gather.


When Ye Qing entered the sea, he found that the sea was empty.

At a glance, there were only a few small fish and shrimps.

Ye Qing felt too strange, so he continued to dive and explore the depths of the dark ocean.

Dive to 20 meters.

Ye Qing felt a little dizzy.

But he could still bear it.


Until 30 meters.

The vision was severely obstructed, and the surroundings were basically dim. He could no longer see. Just when he was about to give up, his eyes glanced inadvertently.

He found that there seemed to be a light not far away.

Ye Qing also swam over in a hurry regardless of the huge water pressure.

Soon, he saw clearly and couldn't help getting excited.

It was a school of fish!

It was a school of flying fish, very small in size.

The strange thing was that there was actually an electric eel swimming around the school of flying fish, and it looked like a sheepdog driving a flock of sheep!


No wonder there was no school of fish in the sea, was it all driven away by this thing?

Ye Qing was furious.

He was already a little short of oxygen at this moment, and his mind was not very clear. He didn't think of anything, but only one idea.

That was to kill the electric eel.

As the saying goes, cutting off someone's money is like killing their parents.

In Ye Qing's eyes, he and the electric eel were irreconcilable!

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