The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Kangzi shouted from the side: "Qingzi, godfather, please agree to Brother Ye."

Wang Ye also said: "We have agreed before."

"I also agree to Brother Kangzi."

"Brother Ye, give me some face."

It is hard to refuse such a kind offer.

Ye Qing agreed, and seeing that he could turn around in front, he turned on the turn signal and went straight to the Kempinski Hotel.

If Kangzi had not been in the car, he would definitely jump up: "Thank you godfather!"

Ye Qing was speechless. It didn't matter to him as a single dog how he wanted to play, but it was a bit inappropriate for Kangzi, who had a girlfriend, to want to play with him.

But as a childhood friend, he couldn't say anything.

Just after hanging up the phone with Wang Ye, another call came in.

It was Zhou Yingying calling.

Ye Qing answered.

Zhou Yingying's voice came: "Ye Qing, are you in Haibin City?"

Ye Qing said: "Yes. What's the matter?"

Zhou Yingying was silent for a second, and said hesitantly: "There is indeed one thing. Didn't I tell you before that our high school classmates have a party during this golden week."

Ye Qing was silent and waited for her to continue.

Zhou Yingying continued: "I know you won't go. Don't get me wrong. I'm not pestering you. I hope you will come."

She knew why Ye Qing didn't attend the class reunion, so she hurried to explain, fearing that she would offend Ye Qing's taboo.

She sighed and said, "There is a problem now, and I may need your help."

Ye Qing asked, "What problem?"

Zhou Yingying said, "We have a class reunion, and the class monitor said that he would be responsible for all expenses, so many students responded, and some students who were out of town also promised to rush back."

"Zheng Jian took the responsibility in the group, saying that his uncle was a manager in the hotel and could help arrange the private room, and the banquet could get an internal discount."

"But today I accompanied the class monitor to the Kempinski Hotel, and Zheng Jian disappeared and lost contact."

"The class monitor specifically asked the staff, and Zheng Jian did not help with the reservation at all."

"Seeing that the classmates have already arrived, it is impossible that there will be no place to stay tomorrow."

Ye Qing's mind moved.

The manager who was dismissed by Wang Ye before was named Zheng. Could he be Zheng Jian's uncle?

That's really a flood that washed away the Dragon King Temple, and it was a good wash!

He said, "The monitor should have a backup plan."

Zhou Yingying said, "You know the monitor well."

Ye Qing quickly explained, "Well, don't get me wrong, I'm not familiar with the monitor. When we were in high school, every time there was an activity, the monitor liked to prepare a plan B. Everyone knows this."

No matter what activities were held in the class, there was never any problem.

Over time, in the class, the head teacher was not as effective as the monitor.

Not only because the monitor was beautiful, kind, and had money, but also because she was indeed talented and capable. No matter what the problem, trouble, or complicated relationship with classmates was, she could solve it one by one and was unanimously recognized by the classmates.

Some classmates who like to read novels joked that whoever gets the monitor gets the world. As far as he knows, no one has gotten the monitor until now.

Among his peers.

Ye Qing only has one person to obey, and that is the monitor!

Even though he has made so much money in just one month and his mentality has changed drastically, his feelings for the class monitor are still pure, and she is the only white moonlight in his heart.

Zhou Yingying joked: "Tsk tsk tsk, what are you in a hurry to explain? I didn't say I misunderstood."

"Student Ye Qing, your reaction is very problematic."

"I know that the class monitor helped you many times when you were in school."

Ye Qing remained silent.

Zhou Yingying made herself look bad, and said to herself: "You are right, the monitor certainly has a plan B, but there are too many tourists during the Golden Week this year."

"The monitor booked a hotel just in case, but it was cancelled."

"The deposit has just been returned to the monitor."

"The monitor and I are trying to find a solution now."

"I thought of you, aren't you familiar with Mr. Wang from the Kempinski Hotel?"

Ye Qing thought for a while and asked: "How many rooms do you need?"

Zhou Yingying asked: "Are you willing to help?"

Ye Qing said: "Yes."

"It's not for your sake, it's for the monitor."

This matter is not difficult for him, just call Wang Ye, compared with the help the monitor gave him, it's not worth mentioning at all.

Zhou Yingying was immediately deflated when she heard this,

Depressed, "Really? You don't have to explain it specifically."

"There are eight students from other places."

"Two people in a room, you book four, no, as long as you can book it."

Now the hotels in the entire Haibin City are full, as long as you can book it, she dare not ask for too much.

Ye Qing hung up the phone and called Wang Ye immediately.

Wang Ye answered.

He briefly explained the situation.

Wang Ye agreed immediately and asked with a smile: "Is your class monitor a girl?"

Ye Qing said: "Yes."

Wang Ye laughed: "I guess she is very beautiful."

Ye Qing coughed twice: "I'm just helping my classmates, Brother Ye, don't think too much."

Wang Ye said playfully: "Okay, okay."

He didn't say much, but he knew Ye Qing's character. If it was an ordinary classmate, Ye Qing would never ask him for help. This class monitor must be very different in Ye Qing's heart.


The coffee shop opposite the Kempinski Hotel

Zhou Yingying put down her phone, walked to the window seat, and said to the girl in the black skirt sitting there: "Class monitor, the trouble is solved."

"Let's go to the Kempinski Hotel now."

The girl in the black skirt raised her head. At that moment, the whole world was much brighter in Zhou Yingying's sight. Even though she had seen it many times today, she was still amazed.

Shen Ninglu stood up, with a tall figure of 1.7 meters. Although the long skirt covered her long legs, the slimming effect of the waist made people see her amazing lower body proportions at a glance!

The class monitor has lost her immaturity and is simply going crazy!

Zhou Yingying, a girl, wanted to fall under her high heels.

After Shen Ninglu stretched out her hand to her, she immediately responded.

When they were in school, Shen Ninglu and she had a good relationship. They were very close hand in hand, but it was not abrupt.

Zhou Yingying was very happy.

The class monitor is still the same class monitor.

Still very approachable and friendly.

She subconsciously took Shen Ninglu's arm, and glanced at their arms. Zhou Yingying thought she had fair skin, but when they looked at each other, she was obviously much darker.

She couldn't understand why Shen Ninglu's skin was white from face to body. Although she didn't see it, she suspected that the parts covered by clothes were also white.

White and attractive!

The two walked from their seats to the door of the cafe. As they walked, the eyes of the people in the cafe also moved with them. Until they pushed the door and walked out, Zhou Yingying could still feel those eyes chasing them.

She was a little stressed.

Although she knew that these eyes were not looking at her.

On the other hand, Shen Ninglu was calm from beginning to end.

That's right.

Shen Ninglu has been a pearl since she was a child, she should have been used to it.

The two walked towards the Kempinski Hotel across the street. On the way, Shen Ninglu asked curiously; "Who did you call to book a room at the Kempinski Hotel?"

Zhou Yingying's heart tightened.

She hesitated to mention Ye Qing.

She always felt that there was a very subtle relationship between Shen Ninglu and Ye Qing!

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