The fisherman was caught in a trap, but the fisherman was caught in a trap.

Ye Qing was delighted to see the prey.

If it was an ordinary seafood, he might pretend not to see it.


What the electric eel found was a group of small blue dragons!

Even if he had harvested hundreds of thousands of fish this time, it would be hard not to be tempted by a group of small blue dragons.

He picked up the intercom and said, "Uncle Ba, you go back first."

"I feel there may be goods on the right."

"I'll go and take a look."

Uncle Ba was stunned, then shouted anxiously, "Qingzi, there is heavy fog, be careful."

Some unfamiliar routes may hide dangers.

For example, reefs.

If such a large fishing boat approaches, it is easy to run aground. In case of a violent collision, the consequences will be disastrous.

Ye Qing smiled and said, "I'll be careful."

After informing him of the direction, he immediately asked his brother-in-law Zhang Jun to adjust the direction.

Thick fog covered the area.

He couldn't see clearly on the sea surface, but with the electric eel leading the way, he could observe the seabed to judge the situation ahead.

After a while, Ye Qing saw clusters of beautiful and colorful coral reefs through the electric eel's perspective, and he could also sense that there were many small fish near the coral reefs.

Most of these small fish are ornamental and have no economic value.

Very beautiful.

Typical of good-looking but useless.

Ye Qing also found a tiger grouper, which is a common type of grouper, but compared with other fish, it is a precious fish species.

The whole body is covered with dense and small brown spots, covered with small ctenoid scales, and there is a black saddle-shaped spot on the tail peduncle, which is named after the tiger skin.

This tiger grouper was very big, estimated to be more than one meter long, and was ferocious and suspicious by nature. After discovering the electric eel, it first showed off its "ferocious" appearance, and then immediately swam back to its secret place.

Tiger groupers have a high protein content and a low fat content. The nutrients contained in the gelatin of fish skin can promote the synthesis of collagen cells, so it is called a beauty and skin care fish.

Liu Yudie will definitely like this tiger grouper.

"Catch it later."

Ye Qing secretly made a note. Since he had discovered it, he naturally couldn't let it go.

When the thick fog dissipated a little, Zhang Jun, Uncle Li and others gasped.

They actually entered the reef area.

Ye Qing was still calm and said, "Brother-in-law, reduce the speed to the slowest and cast the net!"

They came to an open area in the chaotic reef area, where a group of small green dragons discovered by the electric eel were hiding.

Compared with the famous Australian lobster, the size of the small green dragon is smaller, but the price is much more expensive, because the shell is thin and the meat is refreshing and sweet, the meat is delicious and nutritious, and more importantly, it can be used as medicine, which has the effect of nourishing the kidney and strengthening yang, nourishing yin and calming the mind. The old people in the village often say that it can strengthen yang and nourish the kidney.


The small green dragon is extremely expensive.

Ye Qing found that the size of these small green dragons is more than 30 centimeters on average, which has reached the standard for being put on the table.

He shouted: "Cast the net."

The trawl net can reach the bottom of the sea and catch most of the small green dragons.

Ye Qing stared through the electric eel.

As long as there are small green crayfish that want to escape into the cave, the electric eel will release electricity, and the small green dragon will flee in fear when it senses the danger signal.

Then, it was caught in the net.

Ye Qing also found some female shrimps that had not yet laid eggs, so he controlled the electric eel to get them out of the trawl net.

When waiting for the net to be raised, Ye Qing was actually a little exhausted.

In order to catch these little blue dragons, he was really worried.


With the operation of the crane, the trawl was slowly pulled out of the water.

I saw the little blue dragons baring their teeth and claws, trying to break free from the trawl. One of them was very fierce and successfully broke free.

But unfortunately, it did not fall into the sea, but into Uncle Li's arms.

Uncle Li grabbed the little blue dragon and shouted excitedly: "Oh my god, little blue dragon, it's actually a little blue dragon!"

The other two urged him to weigh it.

Uncle Li weighed it, and it was a full 1.2 kilograms!

Zhang Jun couldn't help asking: "Brother, how do you know there are little blue dragons here?"

Ye Qing scratched his head: "Don't little blue dragons live in places like this?"

Zhang Jun: "..."

What he said was right, but he always felt something was wrong.

But as the trawl completely left the sea, he got on the boat and saw so many little blue dragons, he didn't care to think about it and hurried to help.

After digging for a while, Zhang Jun shouted: "Oh my god, I caught a tiger grouper!"

"What a big tiger grouper."

"This is the biggest tiger grouper I have ever seen in my life!"


"The average grouper is not this big!"

"What kind of luck is this!"

Uncle Li and others couldn't believe it. This completely overturned their cognition and experience of the past few decades.

It was already an hour after the work was done.

These little green dragons can't be thrown into the fish hold casually. They have to be tied up. Otherwise, it will be bad if these little green dragons have nothing to do and play with fish.

This is a skillful job.

After tying and counting, there are a total of 108. Uncle Li smiled and said, "A Qing has caught all the heroes of Liangshan."

Ye Qing asked, "How much can these little green dragons sell for?"

Uncle Li pondered for a while and said, "Generally speaking, they can be sold individually. These quality ones can be sold for five or six hundred, but it's hard to say now."

Ye Qing asked, "Why is it hard to say?"

Uncle Li grinned, "Either very expensive, or more expensive."

Ye Qing also smiled.

He stood at the bow and shouted, "Return! "

The fishing boat slowly sailed out of the reef area, and the speed gradually increased.

When he returned, Uncle Ba and others finally arrived at the Longwei dock. Lao Feng and others were already looking forward to it. Without waiting for Uncle Ba and others to get off, they rushed to the fishing boat impatiently.

There were not many vendors this time. Basically, there were one or two vendors on each fishing boat. Lao Feng came to Uncle Ba, lit a cigarette, and his movements were smooth.

"Brother Ba, let us see the harvest."

Lao Feng shouted anxiously.

Seeing a fish tank full of golden pomfret and flying fish, they were ecstatic.

"Good, good."

"All good goods."

"The quality is too high. "

They were amazed and immediately negotiated the price. The flying fish was charged at 22 yuan per pound and the golden pomfret was charged at 31 yuan!

This price was already high, but it was quite reasonable according to the current situation of Longwei Island.

Old Feng asked: "Aren't there tuna?"

"Where are the fish?"

"Don't hide them, let us see them."

Other vendors also shouted anxiously.

At this time.

The yacht came quickly. Liu Yudie, who was wearing a T-shirt and pleated skirt, got off the yacht as soon as it docked, trotted to the fishing boat, and asked: "Wait, let me take a look first."

Uncle Ba and others nodded quickly.

The little rich woman was rich, and they had to rely on her.

Old Feng and others couldn't help but get anxious.

Why are they robbing again!

But when Liu Yudie saw what Uncle Ba and others had harvested, she was disappointed: "Why are there only some golden pomfret and flying fish?"

"Wait. ”

“Where’s the handsome guy? Why isn’t he here?”

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