The two of them were very close.

Moreover, Ye Qing did not accept the 1 million yuan he gave her.

This made Lao Deng sigh and feel helpless.

1 million yuan is not a small amount, but Ye Qing did not want it. This alone is better than many people.

Of course, he was not so rich that he had no place to spend it, so he had to give Ye Qing the 1 million yuan.

He wanted to be good friends with Ye Qing.

On the one hand, Ye Qing's ability was obvious to all, and on the other hand, he could see that the relationship between Ye Qing and Liu Yudie was not so simple.

Lao Deng and the Seaside Hotel had a thousand connections. To put it bluntly, they were like grasshoppers on a rope.

To please Ye Qing was equivalent to to please Mr. Liu, which was an investment in the future.

Besides, if he gave the money, it would be like setting up a tree at the south gate. With his reputation spread, he could make more money.

He would not lose money in this deal anyway, but now that Ye Qing did not want it, he could only work hard on the fry!

Not long after Ye Qing and the others left, another car drove over. The reporter got out of the car and ran over in a hurry to ask, "Where is the person involved?"

Old Deng shook his head, "He has been gone for a while."

"And the handsome guy doesn't want to be interviewed."

"Why don't you interview me again? Let's find a place with good scenery by the reservoir and talk slowly."

The reporter smiled. She didn't have time to chat with people. She had to seize the time to publish the news.

News is time-sensitive. She got this exclusive news because of her boyfriend. How could she miss the opportunity?

She smiled and said, "Let's talk about it next time."

She planned to think of a way to see if she could find the person involved.

Lao Deng said, "I can help you contact the person involved."

The reporter's eyes lit up: "Then let's talk about it!"

Lao Deng laughed. He would never miss such a good opportunity for publicity.

After a few simple interviews, he called Liu Yudie.

Liu Yudie answered.

Knowing that the reporter wanted to interview her again, she looked at Ye Qing, who shook his head: "I don't accept the interview."

Liu Yudie thought for a while and said, "Then can I accept the interview for you?"

Ye Qing was stunned: "You?"

Liu Yudie took out her mobile phone and opened the video she had taken: "I was careful at the time and took all of this."

Ye Qing took it out and looked at it. The video was blurry, but you could see how he caught the crocodile and how he saved the little yellow dog from the crocodile's mouth.

Liu Yudie quickly assured: "Don't worry, I won't reveal any information about you."

"I want to take this opportunity to promote the Seaside Hotel."

Ye Qing nodded: "You can do it, this is a good opportunity for publicity."

"You can focus on promoting the hotel and try to weaken me."

He had no reason not to agree.

This time, he was able to make so much money, thanks to Liu Yudie's introduction.

Anyway, he has made money, as for the limelight, whoever wants to come out can do it.

Liu Yudie's promotion of the hotel attracted the attention of some people, which was a good thing for him.

Liu Yudie was full of joy. She didn't expect Ye Qing to be so straightforward and considerate of her.

Back to the Kempinski Hotel.

Liu Yudie made an appointment with the reporter. Whether to say hello to the prince or not, she drove directly back to the Seaside Hotel.

She has been busy for so long, and it is not all in vain. After all, she has gained something.

If the operation is good this time, it can surpass the Kempinski Hotel in the limelight.

Ye Qing had just returned to the room with the little yellow dog when Wang Ye came running in.

He had already known the whole story through Xixi, and as soon as he walked in, he shouted: "Brother Ye fought the crocodile, I didn't see it with my own eyes!"

"I will regret it for the rest of my life, I will regret it for the rest of my life!"

He regretted even more that he had no involvement in this matter, and Liu Yudie could make a big fuss about it.

All in all, this wave of losses!

Ye Qing smiled: "Just lucky."

"I was a little stronger."

"It's nothing."

Little yellow dog: "Woof woof woof (and I roared when I saw a crocodile on the road)."

Wang Ye looked at the little yellow dog and shouted in surprise: "This is the little yellow dog."

"It can actually survive from the mouth of the crocodile!"

"It's incredible."

He reached out and rubbed the little yellow dog's head, and asked with a smile: "Little guy, how did you create a miracle and survive?"

The little yellow dog looked at Ye Qing: "Woof woof (master)."

Wang Ye asked: "Did Brother Ye save you?"

Little yellow dog: "Woof (yes)."

Wang Ye shouted in shock: "

The puppy said you saved it."

Ye Qing asked: "Do you understand?"

Wang Ye shook his head: "How could I understand? I guessed.

"To be honest, the puppy's reaction is a bit amazing."

"This puppy must be extraordinary."

"Brother Ye, are you willing to give it up?"

Ye Qing shook his head: "Of course not."

"The dream of this little yellow dog is to travel the world with a sword and do justice everywhere."

"I have promised to accompany him."

Wang Ye stared: "Really?"

"A dog still has ideals?"

"Forget it, then I won't take someone else's love."

Ye Qing nodded. He was telling the truth. Wang Ye obviously didn't believe it, but it didn't matter. He would never let the little yellow dog stay in the Kempinski Hotel as a mascot.

It was lunch time.

During the meal, Kangzi exaggerated the process and danced from time to time, which made Wang Ye feel more and more sorry.

He knew that Ye Qing went to fish for crocodiles, but he didn't think Ye Qing could succeed, so he didn't take it seriously.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qing could always do amazing things that ordinary people couldn't do!

After dinner.

Ye Qing and Kangzi went out to a relatively large pet store and bought a series of dog supplies for the little yellow dog.

Because they bought too many things, they asked the boss to put them in the room of the Kempin Hotel first, and wait for Ye Qing and his friends to leave Haibin City before picking them up.

Under the boss's suggestion, a nameplate was also made. Ye Qing was a bad namer, so he gave the little yellow dog a name of Xiao Huang.

The little yellow dog was very happy.

From birth to now, it finally has a name!

On the other side.

After interviewing Liu Yudie, the reporter immediately released an exclusive news.

This news was like a prairie fire, and the popularity rose wildly, and it was out of control.

First of all, the local fishing groups were popular, and links to the news kept appearing in the groups.

Then came the local forums.

Some people questioned, some were amazed, and there were all kinds of things said on the Internet.

In a short time, the news became a hot search, sparking the discussion enthusiasm of many netizens.

Under Liu Yudie's deliberate guidance, the reservoir and Kempinski Hotel were frequently mentioned, earning enough exposure. On the same day, many Internet celebrities contacted and wanted to check in and shoot to meet the parties involved.

Some praised Ye Qing for removing the pests for the fish, while others criticized him. In particular, Wang Ming was scolded badly.

All the things he said and did were presented in the video, forming a sharp contrast with Ye Qing, who was even worse than a dog.

When Wang Ming returned home, he was still frightened and uneasy. He saw these comments and smashed his phone in anger.

This time he was embarrassed, which was a complete disgrace. Ye Qing was far away and the filming was blurry, but he was close and was filmed clearly.

As soon as he smashed the phone, his parents came over with their phones and asked him if the person in the video was him?

His father: "Son, is this embarrassing guy in the video you?"

Wang Ming couldn't hold it anymore.

He shouted in grief and indignation: "It's me, it's me, it's me!"

"I'm embarrassing!"

"I'm embarrassing you."

After saying that, he raised his hand and slapped his face like crazy, "Pa pa pa", slapping him hard.

His parents hurriedly stopped him and comforted him: "It's okay, it's okay, it's embarrassing, no one will care when the news heat is over."

"Just stay at home honestly during this period."

Wang Ming broke down and cried.

On the Internet, keyboard warriors praised Ye Qing while saying vicious words to Wang Ming.

Cyber ​​violence is not desirable, but Wang Ming can be said to have brought it upon himself.

However, unexpectedly, it was the little yellow dog that really became popular.

"Our Chinese rural dog is the best!"

"I also have a little yellow dog exactly like the one in the video!"

"I have one at home."

Many netizens posted photos of their own little yellow dogs, and short videos of "Leading a yellow dog on the left and a cang on the right" kept emerging.

Netizens are making all kinds of fun, and the ordinary Chinese rural dog has become popular on the Internet.

Ye Qing and Kangzi returned to the hospital and found that everyone was discussing this matter. Ye Qing was so scared that he quickly stuffed the little yellow dog into his backpack.

Back to the ward.

Ye Qing took the little yellow dog out of the backpack. After seeing it, Ye Sheng joked: "Son, you didn't see the news, so you also plan to raise a little yellow dog."

Ye Qing smiled: "Is there a possibility that I am the person involved in the news."

It's not easy to show off outside, but in front of your own family, when will you show off!

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