The fishermen were so busy that they had to wait for the fishermen to come to the market.

Ye Qing asked, "Uncle Ba, can you sell it at the highest price?"

Uncle Ba laughed, "Of course."

"Scarcity makes things valuable."

"A few days ago, I heard vendors talking about flying fish. I'm sure vendors will be eager to buy your boatload of flying fish."

Ye Qing breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

Flying fish can be sold at a high price to solve the urgent problem.

After a while, Uncle Ba and his friends left the dock and went home, but Ye Qing did not leave.

My father had just finished the operation and needed a series of follow-up treatments. He could not leave the hospital for a long time, and my mother took good care of him.

No one at home gave him the opportunity to go fishing.

Otherwise, if his parents were at home, they would never agree to let him go fishing.

His parents were not at home, so he was reluctant to go back.

He was mainly worried about the fish on this boat, so he simply stayed in Grandpa Lin's tavern wooden house not far from the dock for one night.

The door of the wooden house was not locked, and opening the door would hit the wind chimes, making a crisp and pleasant ding-dong sound.

When he was a child, he liked to come to the tavern the most. It was very lively at that time. The elders in the village and foreign vendors liked to come here to drink after dark and chat about many interesting things from all over the world, which made him, who was still ignorant at the time, full of curiosity about the outside world.


Grandpa Lin no longer runs the tavern, and the wooden house looks shabby. Ye Qing touched the table, but found it was still clean, and someone should have been taking care of it.

He pulled two tables together and lay down as a bed.

Ye Qing thought he would not be able to sleep, but when he lay down and closed his eyes, he fell asleep in a short while.

He dreamed of selling flying fish and holding three bundles of cash. He jumped three meters high in his dream.

He was smiling silly, and was suddenly awakened by someone.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the two elders who had just come to help.

Ye Qing rubbed his eyes and greeted them.

One of them said embarrassedly: "Qingzi, can you tell us where you caught the flying fish? We plan to try our luck."

The other one was smiling and his flattering intention was evident.

They had gone out to sea several times before but had no results and lost nearly 10,000 yuan in gas money. Now they finally learned that there was a school of flying fish. They couldn't sleep when they went home. After a discussion, they decided to go to the place Ye Qing mentioned to fish.

Ye Qing didn't keep them in suspense and told them the location seriously. Both of them were old fishermen. After listening to what he said, they had basically locked the location.

They were overjoyed and got on their fishing boats.


Accompanied by the thick night, the two fishing boats went out to sea.

Ye Qing watched and was no longer sleepy.

He could not help but feel a lot of emotion. The village lived on the sea. In the past year, because of the dragon ball, the fish left the waters near Longwei Island, which hurt the fishermen.


Seeing that he had caught a boat of flying fish, everyone was a little restless.

He hoped that the two elders would have a harvest.

Now that the dragon ball was absorbed by him, this sea area was no longer affected, and the fish should slowly come back.

He also had his own little selfishness.

In the past year, the fishermen of Longwei Island did not catch any big fish, but he caught a boat of flying fish today.

Once, twice, it can be attributed to good luck.

What about ten times, a hundred times?

Others could not catch any fish, but he was liquidated every time. Even a fool could know that something was wrong with him.

As the saying goes, wealth should not be exposed.

In order to keep a low profile, make money with peace of mind, and avoid unnecessary prying, the simplest and most effective way at the moment is to let other fishermen go out to sea and catch fish.

As for how much they can harvest, it depends on their skills and luck.

Ye Qing woke up at dawn.

When he opened his eyes, he didn't feel sleepy at all. After living with the electric eel, he was a completely different person.

He jumped up from the table with a carp jump, stretched comfortably, and his sight naturally extended to the distance.

The blue and boundless sea came into view, and the white clouds in the sky in the distance were stacked layer by layer. As the sun rose slowly, it reflected the incomparably bright morning glow.

The slightly moist air made him take a few deep breaths.

A new day.

It started again!

I had eaten in the early hours of last night, so I didn't feel hungry at all when I got up early in the morning, so I went straight to the dock.

When I arrived at the dock, I waited for a long time, but the vendor who was supposed to collect the goods did not show up.

Soon, Uncle Ba came.

Uncle Ba saw Ye Qing looking anxious, and persuaded him that under normal circumstances, even if it was late, the vendor would definitely come.

If the vendor really couldn't come because of something, he would definitely contact

The village chief, so as not to let everyone wait in vain.

Ye Qing had no choice but to chat with Uncle Ba and wait for a while.

He talked until his mouth was dry, but the vendors had not come yet.

Uncle Ba saw that he was anxious and said, "It's too anxious to wait, it's low tide, go catch some fish to kill time."

"I'll wait here, and notify you as soon as the vendors come."

Ye Qing felt a little embarrassed.

Uncle Ba kicked him out and told him to get out quickly so as not to disturb him from smoking.

Ye Qing thanked Uncle Ba and rubbed his butt and walked towards the white beach.

Early in the morning.

There were not many people on the white beach, only a few villagers were catching fish.

But after working all morning, they couldn't pick up anything.

The impact of Dragon Ball on this sea area will not disappear in a short time.

The sea water is still clear, very suitable for playing, traveling and leisure, but the villagers all rely on the sea for their livelihood, and everyone is most concerned about whether they can harvest more fish.

This is the general environment.

Everyone is looking for a way out.

He occasionally sees some sea-hunting bloggers on the video platform, who can pick up a bunch of seafood by going to the beach, and he always sneers.

Nine out of ten are fake.

There is another one, which is ridiculously fake, which is simply bullying people's IQ.

Ye Qing came to the white sand beach, greeted the people he knew, and then took off his shoes and walked into the sea. He felt that the sea was very kind.

When he walked to the knee-deep water, the electric eel not far away sensed him and rushed over with a "whoosh".

Everyone was busy lowering their heads to catch the sea, but no one noticed.

Ye Qing patted the electric eel's head and secretly took out two flying fish from his pocket. The electric eel ate happily.

After the electric eel finished eating, it swam around him twice with satisfaction.

He asked the electric eel to search for seafood nearby. The electric eel relies on the electric current to determine whether there is any seafood nearby. It means that there is no seafood on the beach, but there is on the reef beach.

The rocky beach is closer to the pier. When the tide is high, most of it will be submerged. When the tide is low, it is just a rocky beach.

In the past, many villagers went to the sea nearby, but now there is no one.

Ye Qing strode towards the rocky beach. Occasionally, he would pick up marine garbage as much as he could when he found it. There was not much. People in Longwei Island pay more attention to the protection of the marine environment.

Not far away.

A young fisherman saw Ye Qing bending down to pick up something, and thought he had found some seafood, so he hurried over.

When he saw that he was picking up garbage, he was disappointed: "Qingzi, you are not right."

"You came here to pick up garbage so early in the morning."

"I heard that you went fishing yesterday. It seems that you were stimulated."

This is a roundabout way to say that he is crazy.

Ye Qing said without raising his head: "I'm just sitting around doing nothing."

The man sneered: "Since you're so free, why don't you come to my house to clean it up? I have a lot of garbage at home, bottles and cans, you can sell them for some money."

Ye Qing raised his head and looked at him coldly.

The man felt guilty: "I... I'm kind."

Ye Qing said indifferently: "Then I won't bother you with your kindness."

This man is Cai Ya, a peer in the village, but not a childhood friend, because the two have a bad relationship, and it's very bad. The reason is simple, because their parents don't get along, and the two don't get along.

From childhood to adulthood, he has been better at studying than Cai Ya, and because of this, Cai Ya has been beaten by his father.

Over time, Cai Ya hated him.

This is the first time they have met since he was admitted to university.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they met, Cai Ya ran to him and mocked him.

Just then.

Ye Qing noticed that there was a flash of red light in the cave where two reefs overlapped.

At this time.

The surging waves came over and submerged the cave, making a rumbling sound. When the waves receded, there was nothing in the cave except the remaining white foam.

But he was very sure that there must have been something just now.

He asked the electric eel to confirm it.

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