It was a video.

It was very popular.

There were more than 200,000 likes.

There were several thousand comments.

Ye Qing took a look and immediately realized that it was posted by Wang Jie.

At that time, Wang Jie was filming with a GoPro on the boat. He didn't pay much attention and thought that Wang Jie was filming her boyfriend Chen Hu.

As a result.

He was filmed the whole time.

The video was about three minutes long, and Chen Hu and Hei Zai were completely reduced to background boards. Two and a half minutes were the process of him catching fish in various ways, and the two of them were motionless, looking like sculptures.

To be honest, it was quite exciting to watch him catching fish in the video. No wonder so many people like to watch this kind of video.

But when I saw the last half minute, something was wrong.

This half minute was the interaction between him and Liu Yudie.

Liu Yudie helped him get the fish and said she would make him a variety of seafood meals, which seemed to be easy to be misunderstood.

He didn't feel anything at the time.

But from the video, not to mention outsiders, even he got goose bumps.

Obviously there was nothing, but after editing, the interaction between the two can be described as intimate.

"This is deliberately making trouble!"

Ye Qing muttered.

After watching the video, Zhang Jun clicked on the comment area.

"Fishermen never get empty-handed!"

"My 60-year-old mother asked me why I was kneeling to watch the video!"

"I counted, in just over two minutes of video, the handsome guy caught 15 tiger groupers."

"The blogger's friend has incredible luck!"

"I suspect it's a show, someone put it on the hook in the sea."

"The guy above is so smart, brothers give him a thumbs up and let him go up. Since it's a show, why doesn't the blogger go up himself?"

"Blogger, give me an address."

"They are all tiger groupers, I swallowed my pride. The fisherman is already full."

"The sea is rich in resources, unlike our inland rivers, where there is no movement for a long time."

"Inland rivers: Get out of here, don't get close to me."

"Everyone, go away. No matter how rich the resources are at the fishing spot, it still depends on luck. The blogger's friends caught fish in a row, but the blogger didn't catch any fish at all! I'm not the only one who saw the blogger go from being calm and relaxed at the beginning of the video to being livid, right?"

"I just want to say, it's tiring to catch fish like this, right?"

"The fisherman dreams of being exhausted like this!"

The fisherman is still very pure.

Basically, everyone is paying attention to Ye Qing's fishing. Later, when he interacted with Liu Yudie, only a few people commented, saying that the fisherman also deserves a girlfriend?

It's obvious that he is a scumbag. Look how tired his girlfriend is.

Such a girlfriend should be allowed to lie in bed and rest. How can she be so hard-working!

I finally found the reason why I always catch fish without any results, because I don't have a girlfriend with a luxury yacht!

After watching it, Zhang Jun put away his phone, crossed his arms and said, "Brother, the evidence is all over your face, why don't you tell the truth?"

Ye Qing waved his hand and said, "It's a problem with the editing."

"She's just my friend."

Zhang Jun questioned, "Then why did she carry fish for you, ask you how you like to eat it, and make such a sumptuous seafood dinner for you?"

Ye Qing asked back, "What do you mean for me? Is she a god who doesn't need to eat dinner?"

"Besides, there are only those on the boat. What else can we eat if not seafood?"

"It's all misunderstanding!"

Zhang Jun: "...Brother, are you really a scumbag?"

Ye Qing didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He didn't even have a girlfriend, so he didn't have the chance to be a scumbag.

He was too lazy to explain and chose to end the topic directly: "If you think so, I can't help it."

Seeing that Zhang Jun was upset by him, he happily opened his phone, found the video, and sent a private message to Chen Hu and Wang Jie's account, asking them what was going on with the video.

After waiting for a while, there was no reply.

At this time, sister Ye Lan had already brought the prepared dishes to the table, and he quickly stood up to help, so he didn't wait for a reply.

He didn't think it was a big deal.

But sending his video without saying hello to him was not okay.

Some principles must be adhered to.


The table was set with food, stir-fried water spinach, stir-fried oysters with chives and eggs, stewed pork ribs with carrots, chicken rice, and a garlic clam for drinking.

Ye Lan said, "Eat more pork ribs and oysters."

She took the initiative to pour wine for the two of them.

It's not that she was asked to serve, but Zhang Jun didn't dare to pour wine casually, for fear of pouring too much and getting drunk.

The Ye family has always had such a tradition that men are responsible for the outside and women are responsible for the inside.

Men are the pillars of the family, and women are

It's the sky.

At home, women always have the final say. Although father Ye Sheng has a loud voice and looks fierce, he can't beat the gentle mother Liu Qin.

This is the so-called one thing conquers another.

This fine tradition has also been well inherited by Ye Lan and Zhang Jun.

Ye Qing looked at it and seemed to see the picture of his future relationship with his girlfriend.

It's quite...

Forget it.

He shook his head and threw the picture out of his mind.

He didn't even want to think about it... think about it.

After dinner, the weather was too hot at noon, and the sun was so toxic that riding a small electric donkey to the central town could make people sunburned.

I looked at the weather forecast and it would change in the afternoon, so I went there when it was cooler.

Ye Qing played with Zhang Xiaoyu under the grape trellis for a while, and they were sweating profusely. After Ye Lan packed up, she called Zhang Xiaoyu to take a bath and take a nap.

Ye Qing washed his face, moved a stool to sit down and play with his mobile phone in the cool air.

Open Douyin.

Going to watch the video again, he found that it was gone.

There was no reply from Wang Jie and Chen Hu in the message. He frowned and felt that the matter was not simple, but since the two had deleted the video, he was too lazy to pay more attention.

He and Chen Hu, a young couple, will probably not have any intersection in the future.

Zhang Jun's face was flushed from drinking, but he was not drunk, but he was also dazed. He moved a recliner under the grape trellis, lay down and spit out the alcohol, and asked: "Brother, will you go home after going to the central town?"

Ye Qing thought for a while and said: "If we go out to sea tomorrow morning, it will be a bit rushed from Beicun."

"We have to walk at night after dinner, and the road is not easy to walk."

"Let's go back to Nancun directly in the afternoon."

"I can talk to Kangzi in the evening."

Zhang Jun nodded, closed his eyes and went to sleep, and soon snored.

Ye Qing couldn't sleep.

He was thinking about what kind of house he should build. He didn't study design, so he simply opened Douyin to search for examples. Not to mention, some videos posted by bloggers are quite useful for reference.

Especially the houses built by some bloggers for their parents, which are very beautiful, and he was very jealous.

"This house is more comfortable than those high-rise buildings in the city!"

"Nothing can compare to my own sea view villa!"

Since he decided to build a house, he had to build a good one. Moreover, there are many people in the family, not to mention his parents, and he will stay in Longwei Island in the future, so he has to reserve a wedding room.

Of course, there must be rooms for my sister and brother-in-law, and a room and a toy room for my little niece.

In addition, there must be a lounge, an entertainment room, etc.

With this calculation, at least six or seven rooms are needed.

"This three-story villa is so grand."

"Flower beds and gardens are so enjoyable."

"It's nice to sit in the pavilion and drink tea."

"Fish pond, tsk, this blogger's family is really rich, there are several golden carps, okay, okay."


Ye Qing was so addicted to watching videos that he couldn't stop.


On the other side.

Liu Ming couldn't help but stare after watching the video sent by Lao Ma.

Not good!

The cabbage at home will be eaten by the pigs outside.

Liu Yudie is his only daughter, the apple of his eye, a precious gem that he is afraid of melting in his mouth and falling in his hands.

He had planned Liu Yudie's future countless times in his heart. The son-in-law in his mind should only be found in heaven and cannot be found in the world!

Watching Liu Yudie in the video helping a stinky bastard carry fish and preparing dinner attentively, he was furious and wanted to find the stinky bastard in the video to fight with him immediately!

Even his father has never experienced such treatment!

Damn you bastard!

Why do you deserve this?

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