The fish was caught in a big hole, and the fish was caught in a big hole.



"What a strong force!"

Kangzi yelled. Although he was prepared, he was still shocked by the pulling force of the yellowfin tuna.

His hand shook and the fishing rod was almost pulled away.

He was not a novice, so he quickly stabilized his posture.

He raised the rod and stabbed the fish.

The electric reel was spinning frantically, almost clearing the fishing line.

He used more than 500 meters of fishing line, so you can imagine how powerful this yellowfin tuna is.

It must be cleared.

If it weren't for the power of the electric reel, he wouldn't be able to hold the fishing rod at all.

After pulling for a while, he quickly put the fishing rod against his stomach, pulling and tugging, which made him very uncomfortable, but in order to catch the yellowfin tuna, he could not care about anything else.

He laughed and said, "It's awesome!"

"It feels so good."

"I finally understand Qingzi's happiness."

On the other side, Zhang Jun's fishing rod had not moved, and he could not help but look at Zhang Jun with envy.

Catching a giant!

It was still a yellowfin tuna!

This was definitely an enjoyment that was difficult to describe in words.

And he was still waiting anxiously.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The fight between Ye Qing and the yellowfin tuna was coming to an end.

The yellowfin tuna could no longer drill into the deep sea and was constantly being pulled to the surface of the sea.

It was still resisting.

The trapped beast still fought, and the power it burst out was also very terrifying.

Ye Qing didn't force it too close. He reeled in the line, let it out, reeled it in again, let it out again, and the yellowfin tuna was gradually led away by him.


The yellowfin tuna came to the surface of the water, flapping violently, and the water surface was stirred up.

When the light came on, the torpedo-shaped body was particularly beautiful.

Zhang Jun was jealous.

Ye Qing suddenly said: "Brother-in-law, don't just look at me."

"Get ready."

"I think you will catch a fish soon."

Zhang Jun grinned and said with a wry smile: "Okay, then I'll borrow your good words."

He just thought Ye Qing was comforting him, but he still subconsciously held the fishing rod tightly.

The next moment.

The fishing rod in his hand was suddenly pulled by a huge pulling force, causing his body to stagger forward involuntarily, but he held the fishing rod tightly with both hands, so the fishing rod did not fall out of his hand.

In an instant, goose bumps appeared all over his body.

"I caught a fish!"

"I caught a fish too!"

He shouted excitedly, holding the fishing rod tightly with both hands, and then bent down and raised the rod vigorously.

At the same time.

The electric reel made a "sizzling" sound and quickly released the line.

The yellowfin tuna fled madly into the deep sea with the hook, and the fishing line was stretched straight to cut the water.

It was useless.

The fishing rod absorbed his burst of power, the fishing line could also withstand the pulling force, and the fishhook was firmly hooked in the mouth, and it was doomed.

Zhang Jun was extremely fortunate.

Fortunately, Ye Qing reminded him, otherwise, he would definitely be caught off guard and would most likely lose the fishing rod.

After a long while, Zhang Jun managed to stabilize himself and laughed, "Ahahaha, it must be a yellowfin tuna."

"It must be at least 200 pounds."

"Brother, you are not only lucky, but also have a good mouth."

"You said you would catch a fish, and I caught a fish the next moment. It's amazing!"

Ye Qing smiled.

He is not a god, and he can't predict the future.

However, he still has a pair of eyes on the seabed. When he saw the yellowfin tuna was about to bite the hook, he quickly reminded Zhang Jun.

At this time.

The yellowfin tuna had been pulled to the side of the boat. It was round like a torpedo, with a very beautiful body. It was much bigger than others. Ye Qing called Li Shi and shouted, "Brother Shi, give me the spear gun!"

Li Shi handed it over immediately.


The spear gun pierced the yellowfin tuna, like pulling onions in dry land, and Ye Qing lifted it up directly.


The seawater slid down the yellowfin tuna's body, like a waterfall.

Kangzi and Zhang Jun were stunned when they saw this scene.

Oh my God.

It was really shocking.

Ye Qing's pretense was amazing, and I had to admit it!

After putting the yellowfin tuna down, Ye Qing didn't care about admiring it, and quickly hung it up and bled it. He had seen Uncle Li bleed the yellowfin tuna before, and he watched it carefully at that time.

He had reached the level of knowing how to do it after watching it once, so it was easy to bleed the yellowfin tuna.

Tuna is special.

If it doesn't swim, it will die soon. If it dies and is not bled, it will affect the meat quality, and it may even be impossible to


This is probably their way of protecting themselves.

What a pity.

People rely on their brains to eat.

Ye Qing quickly handled it, and then carefully observed the yellowfin tuna that was caught. It was bigger than the one caught before. It was two meters and five meters long!

At first glance, it was quite shocking.


201 pounds!

He nodded with satisfaction. Now that the resources in the waters of Longwei Island have recovered, there will definitely be other people who will catch yellowfin tuna in the future.

The stage of scarcity will soon pass.

But at this stage, yellowfin tuna can still be sold at a sky-high price, which is why he was anxious to go out to sea to fish when he learned that yellowfin tuna was entrenched in this sea area.

After bleeding, he personally put it in the freezer for freezing.

Looking at the time, it took a total of half an hour.

Li Shi was not idle either.

He was still chopping red friend fish, one after another, and he couldn't stop, he couldn't stop at all.

When Li Shi first got on the boat, he was actually quite nervous.

He knew that he was stupid, slow to learn, and always in a hurry to do things. He was disliked everywhere, and he was afraid of holding Ye Qing back.

But now.

He was full of energy.

This job was not difficult, not difficult at all.

Who doesn't know how to chop fish?

On Ye Qing's fishing boat, he had a place to use his skills.

After seeing this, Ye Qing nodded with satisfaction: "Brother Shi, you did a good job. Just keep throwing fish. Whether we can catch yellowfin tuna depends on you."

Li Shi was very happy when he heard it.

This feeling of being needed is really great.

Ye Qing continued to bait.

One minute later, the fish was caught!

This time, he called the electric eel for help.

The first time he didn't ask the electric eel for help, he planned to try the ability of the yellowfin tuna and experience the taste of catching a giant.

To be honest, it was very cool.

Just have some fun.

They are not here to fish for fun, but to make money.

The yellowfin tuna can still be caught now, but when they are full, they will leave quickly like a scumbag who puts on pants.


The opportunity is fleeting, he must seize it.

And he has to race against time.

Otherwise, if the yellowfin tuna leave this sea area, it will be unknown when he will encounter it next time.

The electric eel slowly approaches.

At this moment.

The yellowfin tuna is preying and is very aggressive. In addition, the caught yellowfin tuna is going crazy to break free. If the electric eel approaches rashly, it may be injured.

Ye Qing asked it to stay away.

Release the current.

The yellowfin tuna was shocked by the current and couldn't help shaking. Ye Qing took advantage of his illness to kill him, and quickly reeled in the line. After the yellowfin tuna reacted, the electric eel released the current again.

This current did not cause any substantial damage to the yellowfin tuna. It could be said that it was not very lethal, but it was very disruptive, preventing it from bursting out its power.

In just fifteen minutes, Ye Qing had already pulled the yellowfin tuna to the surface of the sea.

At this time.

Zhang Jun and Kangzi also slipped the yellowfin tuna out of the water.

The three looked at each other and laughed so hard!

But when the yellowfin tuna was pulled to the side of the boat, Zhang Jun and Kangzi found a big problem and hurriedly shouted to Ye Qing: "Qingzi, come and help!"

Ye Qing asked: "What's the matter?"

The two said in unison: "It's too big, we can't pull it up!"

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