The fishermen were so busy that they could not catch fish.

"Here it comes, here it comes."

Old Feng stood on tiptoe to watch and could not help shouting.

Other vendors also came over and discussed what Ye Qing could harvest this time.

Ye Qing returned with a full load twice.

However, the high-quality catches were intercepted and sold by the rich woman Liu Yudie.

These vendors just watched the excitement, which led to their lack of enthusiasm.

Old Feng was different.

He had a backer this time and could afford the same purchase price as a five-star hotel. This time, he secretly muttered in his heart that he must avenge his previous shame.

He was determined to get Ye Qing's harvest!

Lao Bao disagreed, saying some gossips out of jealousy, and curled his lips and said, "He's just a fisherman, what's so good about him?"

"What good will it do us?"

"If it were me, we should let him take the initiative to find us to see what seafood he has harvested, and then we can work together to lower the price."

When other vendors heard this, they just listened, and no one responded.

At this stage.

There are not many catches in Longwei Island, and it belongs to the fishermen's market. They, the vendors, must take the initiative to fight for the catch and then resell it.

At this time, lowering the price, isn't that courting death?

They just regarded Lao Bao's words as a joke and laughed it off.

Lao Bao is not a good guy, unwilling to pay a high price to compete, but instead focused on lowering the price, so he didn't receive any high-quality catches for several days.

This is not.

There is resentment in his heart, and what he said is very unpleasant to hear.

Lao Feng couldn't stand listening any longer and couldn't help but said, "Lao Bao, that's enough."

"What have we relied on to be fishmongers for so many years? It's the seafood from Longwei Island. These fishermen risked their lives to go out to sea and sell them to us, so that we can earn the difference to support our families."

"We are buying at a high price now, and we can make a lot of money by reselling them."

"It's a lot of profit."

"People should be content and grateful."

"You will suffer the consequences sooner or later if you treat fishermen like this."

Lao Bao was embarrassed by what he said, and shouted unhappily, "Whoever wants to flatter can flatter, I won't flatter anyway."

"I don't believe it."

"There are so many fishermen, and high-quality catches are rare, but there are plenty of swimming crabs. Who can't I buy from?"

After that.

He crossed his arms and walked aside.

He dared to shout like this because he didn't buy high-quality catches, but specialized in buying swimming crabs and other common seafood. There were plenty of these things, so he didn't need to count on Ye Qing.

Old Feng shook his head, too lazy to deal with this guy.

At this time.

The fishing boat arrived at the dock, and Old Feng saw Ye Qing and others standing on the deck, and waved to greet them.

Ye Qing waved back.

The dock was full of familiar people, not to mention Uncle Ba and his friends who didn't go out to sea, but were also at the dock. Old Feng and other vendors, manager Old Zheng and chef Old Ma were also there. He nodded with satisfaction. The more people came to buy, the more beneficial it would be for him.

Kangzai was agile. He jumped onto the dock first, tied the ropes, and fixed the fishing boat. As soon as the plank was lowered, Lao Feng could not wait to board the boat and shouted, "I have been waiting for a long time."

"I have been waiting so long, and finally I have waited."

"I heard from Kangzai that the harvest this time is very large. I can't eat it at all. Let me see how big the harvest is."

"I tell you, I want at least 7 yellowfin tuna."

Ye Qing asked, "What is the most?"

Lao Feng was choked. He thought that if he reported seven, Ye Qing would say that he didn't catch that many. In the end, he asked him the most. He thought about it and said, "Ten!"

"As long as you have it, I will take it!"

In fact.

The big boss wanted nine yellowfin tuna. In order to calm Ye Qing, he specially said one more.

Ye Qing shook his head and said, "Only ten."

Lao Feng stared.


This word made him feel uncomfortable.

He couldn't help but wonder how many yellowfin tuna Ye Qing had caught this time.

Ye Qing didn't keep him in suspense and said, "Twelve."

"Except for one weighing more than 50 kilograms, the others are all over 100 kilograms, and five or six of them are about 200 kilograms."

"What do you think? Can you eat them all?"

Old Feng was stunned.

Oh my God!

Is this a poke at the yellowfin tuna nest?

Others couldn't catch any, but Ye Qing caught twelve as soon as he went out to sea!

It's incredible!

He came to his senses, smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying, "I can't eat it all.

, I can catch ten at most!"

Give nine to the big boss behind him, and he has to find a way to digest the extra one. At this moment, he really wants to slap himself.

If he had known this, he shouldn't have said he wanted ten.

Now, it's not easy for him to change his words, at least he can't slap himself in the face.

He gave Ye Qing a thumbs up: "Qingzi, I don't obey anyone but you!"

"You are really awesome!"

"With you, Longwei Island will definitely be more famous than before."

Ye Qing smiled and said nothing.

Kangzi shouted proudly: "That's a must."

"To be honest, we actually caught thirteen, one of which we had as a midnight snack last night."

"Qingzi is the signature of Longwei Island. If you want any high-quality catch in the future, just tell me. As long as there is something in the sea, we can help you get it. "

Old Feng was astonished and admired Ye Qing. Such an expensive yellowfin tuna was eaten as a midnight snack?

He couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

The freshly caught yellowfin tuna is the freshest and the most delicious.

What a pity.

Not everyone can have such an opportunity to enjoy it.

Even among fishermen, no one can be as generous as Ye Qing. Who can bear to eat such an expensive catch.

At this time.

Other vendors came over and asked in unison: "Is it true?"

"Can thirteen yellowfin tuna be caught in one day and one night?"

"Let us see it quickly. "

Kangzi turned his head and looked at Ye Qing, who nodded.

He didn't want to show off, because being too high-profile would easily lead to jealousy, but he couldn't refuse the vendors' request.

Kangzi got permission and immediately asked the vendors to follow him, including manager Lao Zheng and chef Lao Ma.

Kangzi opened the freezer with a proud look on his face, and a gust of cold air hit them. Everyone shuddered, and when they looked closely, they were stunned.

Yellowfin tuna were neatly placed in the freezer, especially a few more than two meters long, like deep-sea monsters, which made people feel extremely shocked!

"Oh my god, there are so many yellowfin tuna, I have never seen so many in my life."

"These are so big!"

"And they are all well processed, the meat quality is not affected!"

"This time Lao Feng can report."

"The big boss behind him will definitely be very satisfied. ”

“Before, this guy couldn’t sleep because he didn’t have yellowfin tuna to deliver. Now he doesn’t have to worry about it anymore.”

Listening to everyone’s discussion, Lao Feng was somewhat embarrassed.

Before, he took the initiative to find Ye Qing. To put it bluntly, he asked Ye Qing to help catch yellowfin tuna.

Now, he caught the fish, but he couldn’t eat it.

It has to be said that Ye Qing is really too awesome, which makes people admire him!

On the side.

Manager Lao Zheng looked at Ye Qing who was praised by the vendors, his expression was slightly distorted, and he kept muttering in his heart, God is blind, why is this fisherman so lucky.

How much dog shit must he step on to have such luck.

Caught a carp in the artificial lake, caught a yellowfin tuna that no one could catch at sea, and caught so many at one time.

This has to sell well Hundreds of thousands!

The fire of jealousy in his heart burned fiercely.

Could this guy be the illegitimate son of Mazu! ?

No wonder Ye Shao tried his best to win him over, fearing that he would neglect him.

But even if Ye Qing was lucky enough to catch a precious fish like yellowfin tuna, it would not mean anything.

Luck is just luck after all!

It won't last long.

Manager Lao Zheng shouted indignantly in his heart, thinking that he was a graduate of a prestigious university, worked hard, worked overtime, and worked hard, but his salary at the end of the year was not as much as a fisherman's earnings from a fishing trip.

He felt unbalanced.


He refused to accept it!

Jealousy can make people unrecognizable and crazy.

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