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Chapter 160: Decisive battle (in the first chapter)

The surrounding area was pitch black and the wind whistling in his ears. Lu Zhui didn't know where he fell. He could only rely on the instinct of a martial artist to roll sideways at the moment he touched the ground, but he fell into the water with a "thump".

It was a deep pool, the water was bitterly cold, and the wet clothes wrapped around his hands and feet, making every inch of the journey difficult. Lu Chai reluctantly swam to the shore, dragged the Qingfeng sword and sat on the ground, before he had time to rest. He breathed, but felt that the land under him was slowly moving.

The huge impact hit his right arm heavily. Luckily, Lu Zhui had noticed it a long time ago, and he turned to one side, so that his bones were not shattered by that blow. My eyes have barely adapted to the darkness. Although I still can’t tell what kind of place this is, I can see the surroundings, and red light is shining little by little, just like the illusion that the pharmacist saw when he set up the formation. , The same as one piece, the same as the stars, the only difference is that the red light in front of me is by no means an illusion, but... eyes.

Lying on the edge of the pool are countless huge crocodiles, with iron-clad scales, and seemingly heavy, but extremely flexible. Before he had time to think about it, Lu Chai waved his sword and cut the giant tail in front of him into two pieces. The blood spurted out, spreading a strong smell of fish in the air, stimulating the crocodiles to become more manic. When they got up, they opened their mouths to bite the injured kind in the pool, and stirred the water surface into huge waves.

Lu Zhui took the opportunity to run away. Although he didn't know the way forward, at least he had to get rid of the cruel monsters before he could think about how to get out. The feet were not flat, the pits were wet and slippery. After a short half hour of stumble and run, a ray of light appeared in front of his eyes.

It was the light shining from the crack in the dome, very faint, but Lu Zhui was thankful, and he was relieved, sitting on the ground exhausted, wanting to rest for a while.

The hand of the talented pharmacist, Honglian, strangled a red mark on his waist. Although he was separated from the clothes, a layer of skin was violently oozing with blood. The wound was soaked in the dirty pool of water, more like being scattered. With salt, it will be bruising and swollen after a while.

Lu Zhui glanced at the top of his head. The gaps were very small, and the widest part was only thick with arms. Even if he could climb up, he couldn't do without this ghost place.

What does it mean to be unsatisfactory every day? The earth is not working. Lu Zhui sighed, regretting his careless underestimation of the enemy, and he didn't know what happened to Xiao Lan and Ye Jin.

In the Requiem Hall, Xiao Lan touched the ground carefully, but couldn't see where the secret of the mechanism was. Turning around, he saw the mocking smile on the face of the Pharmacist, and his anger was even worse. A punch broke her ribs. Fierce look: "Don't tell me yet, right?"

"I said, I don't know." Pharmacist said, "This is a dead end. Even if the young master has great abilities, don't even think about taking it apart."

Holding her collar with one hand, Xiao Lan strode out of the Requiem Hall as if dragging a bunch of worn rags.

"Hey!" Ye Jin was frightened, why did she swagger out.

The guard at the door saw the main hall door open, and was about to flatter to welcome the pharmacist, but the person who came out was Xiao Lan, and the glamorous and enchanting pharmacist not long ago was dying with bruises and limbs, and watched. It seemed that even the bones were knocked to pieces.

It's also a coincidence that he was the first person who had been guarding the medicine room a few days ago to see the pharmacist killed Aunt Gui. After this time of change, everyone has the experience of being in danger, without saying anything. He knelt on the ground and cried loudly: "Master, you can be regarded as avenging my aunt!"

"Tell all the sub-rudder hall masters, get out here!" Xiao Lan said gloomily, "Send someone to guard the exit of the tomb. If a fly flies out, you are the only one to ask!"

"Yes, yes." The guard agreed again and again, turning around and ran to pass. Xiao Lan casually threw a token to Ye Jin, and whispered: "Please go out and tell the people outside, let them wait at the entrance of Qingshuiwan, and let my mother come over with the predecessor. The sooner the better. "

"...Then be careful yourself." Ye Jin exhorted, and said, "There will be nothing wrong with the second master."

Xiao Lan nodded and dragged the Pharmacist back to the Requiem Hall.

The tomb was chaotic again. A disciple wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape, but was told that the young master had ordered that those who left were going to drop their heads, so they had to stay frightened, and comforted each other there were only three people in charge. Since Aunt Gui If the pharmacist was killed by the pharmacist, the pharmacist was killed by the young master, then no one should be able to kill the young master anymore, it should be safe.

The pharmacist was so speechless by him that he only curled up on the ground, grinning gloomily, with mockery on his face. Xiao Lan's heart became irritated when he waved his hand with another whip, and a group of people fell on his knees at the door: "The young master is mighty!"

"You," Xiao Lan stretched out his hand and pointed at the messy Jinshan, "Who is sure to open this mechanism?"

Everyone could not afford to fall on the ground, no one answered.

The ghost knows that there is a mechanism here, and I have never heard of it, let alone open it.


Lu Chai sat on the ground, thinking carefully about his current predicament. Although the wound on the waist is swollen and unbearable, but after all, the wound is on the skin and flesh. Don’t worry too much. The air is fresh and suffocating. If you are really hungry in your belly, the crocodile pool can be used as a kitchen. Although it is disgusting, at least you won’t be hungry. Die, just... just another fire.

There were two small flints in his sleeves, and he stood up again, trying to find another way to see if he could find the tomb or other burial objects, and get some coffin boards and wood.

The road here is much drier than the crocodile pool. Lu searched for the brightest place and drew a map of the Mingyue Tomb with stones on the ground. It was laid out in accordance with the hexagrams of the Yinhun Array. There really should be a secret tunnel, but I didn't expect it to be so criss-crossed, and there was even a crocodile deep pool.

Buried in such a large piece of water, it is no wonder that the Mingyue Tomb has returned to the tide in recent years, but whether these crocodiles are wild, or someone deliberately put in to prevent outsiders from invading, it is still hard to say. As Lu Chai walked forward, listening to the wind, every tendon in his body was tight, lest any monster rushed out in front of him.

Fortunately, the road was barely smooth, and there were no living creatures except the squeaking rats. Using the sword to pick up the layers of cobwebs, there really is a tomb with altar tables and porcelain plates, and the tributes in it have long been turned into dust.

"Offended." Lu Zhui muttered silently, and stepped on the altar table into pieces of wood, which made a fire.

Light can dispel darkness, and it can dispel anxiety. Lu Zhui looked around with the light of the fire. The tomb was extremely simple and the coffin was too big to be reasonable. It was more than enough for dozens of people to lie in it. He thought it should be the servant or maid who was buried there, and died together.

"I'm sorry you guys." Lu Zhui sighed in his heart. His ancestors took their lives and disturbed people's peace. Thinking about it this way, it was really shameless to face the dead souls in this tomb. He looked at the blazing fire, resting his chin on his knees, but once it calmed down, the wound started to ache again, and he didn't want to take a step.

If you don't want to leave, do you wait for Xiao Lan to come and save it? As soon as this thought appeared in his mind, Lu Zhui let out a "pouch" laugh. Before encountering anything, he would only think about rushing outside, but at this moment, when there are many difficulties and nowhere to go, he feels a little bit of wanting to be lazy, just waiting for his sweetheart to save him. What I said before, arrogance and **** urges people to grow old, it is true.

What the **** is this place? After Lu Chai had enough rest, he drew out a burning firewood and planned to go out to have a look again, but before he took two steps, there was a sudden noise from the coffin behind him. In this eerie and weird place, it was more than horror. , It's just creepy.

Lu Chai stopped abruptly.

The "creak" sound continued, and the coffin lid seemed to be slowly being pushed. Lu Chai clenched the Qingfeng Sword with one hand, a trace of alertness and fierceness flashed through his eyes.


Outside the tomb of Mingyue.

"Mingyu fell into the organ?" Lu Wuming was shocked when he heard the news.

"Yes." Ye Jin said, "That old goblin has a lot of tricks, and we all defeated her, but I didn't expect to be tricked. I am really ashamed of senior."

"Then what are you waiting for, save people!" Tao Yuer stomped.

Kongkong Miao sat on one side, stubbornly reluctant to move his neck. It was the son of the Lu family who fell in, not my grandson. He didn't want to go.

"Old stuff!" Tao Yu'er pulled him up and said, "I tell you, if you are hypocritical, don't want Lan'er to practice your damned empty hand in this life."

"Lan'er, Lan'er is willing to practice, can you manage?" Although Kongkong Miaoshou talked back to her, he knew in his heart that the Lu family's son would not die, otherwise he would not want to see him again in his life, let alone say that. Inherit the mantle. So unwilling to hum, he went into the tomb with Tao Yuer.

"Senior, if you want to go in together, disguise yourself." Ye Jin said.

Lu Wuming nodded, and now I don't know if the people in Mingyue's tomb have obeyed Xiao Lan's orders, or whether they want the old people to recognize themselves, so as to avoid accidents.

Although the disciple in the tomb did not know Ye Jin, but seeing him holding Xiao Lan's token in his hand, he naturally did not dare to fight against it. When he saw the three people behind him, the two men did not know Ye Jin, but the middle-aged woman was There was no doubt that Mrs. Tao back then, so she believed that these were the people with less masters, and her attitude became more respectful.

Xiao Lan was still in the Requiem Hall, and after seeing the four of them, he stepped forward: "Senior."

"How's it going?" Lu Wuming asked.

"I can't find the entrance." Xiao Lan looked at Kongkong's wonderful hand, "It's up to seniors."

"Don't rely on me, I may not be able to find it." Kongkong muttered, stepping on the floor tiles with his feet, very slowly.

Tao Yuer looked anxiously, and wanted to step forward to urge, but Ye Jin held her back: "Madam, calm down, and can't be anxious."

Kongkong Miaoshou also squinted at her, you are anxious, you come.

Xiao Lan patted Tao Yu'er on the shoulder: "Mother."

Lu Wuming looked at the slumped pharmacist in the corner with a gloomy look.

With blood hanging on his lips, the pharmacist smiled, and said in a low voice: "The ancestors of the Lu family have slept for many years. I have a good heart. I will send a descendant to talk with them. Why, this doesn't work?"


In the tomb, Lu Zhui felt deaf: "Who do you think you are?"

The person who crawled out of the coffin had a sharp throat, sat mightily, and said, "I am the emperor Lu Zhifeng of Dayao."

Lu Zhifeng was the ancestor of the Lu family and the master of the Lu Mansion.

And Da Yao is the name of the short-lived dynasty.

Lu Zhui: "..."

He had originally thought that his ancestors had also practiced Soul Piercing Dafa, but this idea was quickly abandoned. If the madman in front of him was an ancestor, it would be too embarrassing and he didn't want to recognize it.

"If you are acquainted, then quickly kneel down and kowtow to call the ancestor." The humanity said, "After I rise up and seize power, I can make you a prince...Ah!"

Lu Chai stepped on his chest with one foot, put the torch close to the dirty face, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't pretend to be fools, who are you?"

The scorching temperature made his face hurt. The man sucked in the air and cried loudly: "The emperor is forgiving, I am Wang Amao!"

Lu Zhui: "..."

If you ask, you don’t ask, who is Wang Amao?

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