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Chapter 181: Ghostbusters

The Gobi is very cold this season. Even if there is a brazier in the tent, you will often wake up when you sleep in the middle of the night. When the wind was whistling outside the tent, Xiao Lan took a soft blanket, gently wrapped Lu Chai’s feet, and then pressed the horns again. When she lay back on the pillow, she saw that the person beside her had woken up. , Is looking at myself. Only a bean-fired oil lamp was lit on the table, and the swaying light was dim, making the peach blossom eyes wet and soft, making it even more ambiguous.

Xiao Lan asked, "Are you awakened?"

"I thought it was a dream." Lu Chai's voice was dumb.

Xiao Lan smiled: "Do you often have such dreams?"

Lu Zhui withdrew most of his face into the quilt, shook his head and said, "No." After a while, he asked again, "Have you ever dreamed of me?"

Xiao Lan nodded: "Often."

Unexpectedly, the other party would answer so straightforwardly, Lu Chai was startled instead, looking at his eyes without speaking. Xiao Lan's heart was turned into honey by this simple and ignorant look, and his heartbeat was throbbing like the first love when he was young. He firmly held Lu Zhui's hand, and leaned over his lips and asked, "Do you want to know," What are you doing in my dreams?"

Lu Zhui covered his mouth and shook his head: "You are not allowed to say it."

"Why?" Xiao Lan asked.

Lu Chai waved his hand to wipe out the flame: "Go to sleep."

Darkness and silence blended, solidified into a big net, a bowl of honey, which bound the two of them into cocoons with nowhere to escape, but it tasted sweet.

Xiao Lan tentatively asked: "Is it too reckless?"

Lu Zhui's voice was low: "Wait for this to pass."

The two spoke vaguely, but both understood what the other meant. Lu Chai turned his back to him, before closing his eyes, he put a warm embrace behind him, his strong arms wrapped around his waist, as if to crush his soul and bones.

"Go to sleep." Xiao Lan said in his ear, "Trust me, I won't let you stay here for too long."

Lu Zhui agreed, fumbled and clasped his ten fingers, his eyes stained with a smile.

The violent wind raged more and more outside the tent, rolled up like snow and yellow sand in the vast world, and the wind blade tore the heavy felt cloth, trying to overturn the heavy objects that shouldn’t belong to the Gobi from the roots, that grief like a ghost. The sound awakened almost everyone from their dreams, wondering when the weather would get better. Namur sat a few times behind the case, looking at the sail-filled door curtain without saying a word—he had lived in the desert since he was a child, and naturally knew that the more the season was delayed, the worse the weather in the Gobi would be. The most important thing to do now is to take these prisoners to the depths of the desert as soon as possible to make peace with Yelvxing. But it is not easy to transport such a laborious task once, and if the three empty tents are left intact and brought back empty, it is really unwilling. As time passed by, the sky above the other side also lighted up, and the sound of the wind weakened and the voices were noisy. It was the soldiers of Xilan Kingdom who were strengthening the stone piles to withstand the next storm that might strike at any time.

Xiao Lan got out of the tent and saw Namur standing on a high place looking at the busy soldiers below, so he took a few steps up the sand dune and asked, "How long will we stay in this sandy sea?"

"What are you in a hurry?" Namur glanced at him, her tone of voice unhappy.

"Should the stormy day be coming soon?" Xiao Lan continued, "Since there are already hundreds of workers, why can't we let them go to the place where they should go as soon as possible, instead they have to stay here for nothing?"

"There are not enough people." Namur said, "The king asked me how many tents I wanted. I made a promise in front of everyone. How can I go home with an empty tent."

"So that's the case." Xiao Lan asked again, knowingly, "My lord only talked about tents?"

"What do you mean?" Namur frowned.

Xiao Lan said: "If the adult only talks about tents, ten people live in that tent, and fifty people live in that tent. Don't say that only three tents are empty. Even if thirty tents are empty, it can live overnight. Let them become'inhabited' in between."

Namur's face was gloomy: "Don't let me hear the words of such a villain a second time."

Xiao Lan laughed happily: "It's just a trick of stealing **** and skiing. If adults don't want to hear it, I won't mention it. But having said that, Xilan Warriors are brave and strong, and want to go to Da Chu to capture dozens of hundreds of people. Isn't it difficult?"

Namur gave him a cold look, then turned and went down the sand dune, leaving only a word floating in the wind.

"Send Ago'er to my tent."


In the Changfeng City.

A Liuzheng sighed, sighed long and short, and polished the big gold wire knife in his hand. Lu Wuming was disturbed by his dangling and had to ask, "What's wrong with you?"

"I have lived in this city for almost a month." Ah Liu grinned, "Every day I have nothing to do except eat or sleep, even the bones are sore."

Lu Wuming shook his head: "Eat, eat, sleep, and sleep. These are the days of the rich man. You should enjoy your good fortune."

"Grandpa." A Liu squatted by his chair, a pair of tiger eyes gleaming sincere childishly, "Just let me go to the desert."

Lu Wuming said coldly: "Dreaming."

Ah Liu continued to fight and sneezed: "Ah, Dad must be thinking of me."

Lu Wuming waved his hand: "Go out."

Ah Liu squatted in the doorway and yawned in sorrow. He was about to help the county officials to chop wood and sweep the floor, so as to vent his nowhere to use energy. However, gongs, drums and firecrackers suddenly came from the city. The signal of the enemy's arrival is to remind pedestrians to go home and hide.

Before Lu Wuming could stand up in the future, Ah Liu had already rushed to the wall with a "swish", like a stout but clever...bear. He stepped on the wind under his feet and rushed across the long street. He first helped the old man who fell in panic into the courtyard, and then picked up two dolls one by one and sent them home. At the same time, he did not forget to tell the people not to panic when they locked the wooden doors. Everyone agreed again and again, watching A Liu run far through the crack of the door, only to feel that his whole body was majestic and brave, like a guardian who descended from the sky.

The gold wire big ring knife can still refract the dazzling light in the dim sunlight. A Liuhengdao stood alone in front of the city gate, behind him was a young man in the city holding swords and clubs, and in front of him was a tall captive evil spirit-dressed in thick fur, his body was slow and clumsy.

Just like this grandson, he still thought about making trouble. A Liu sighed in his heart, clenched the handle of the knife with both hands, and rushed over with a roar. The evil spirit didn't expect that this time the city would have hired a helper. Seeing that he was getting closer, he immediately raised the thick right palm and slapped it down.

"Hero be careful!" someone behind him reminded loudly. Ah Liu swung his knife like a gust of wind, and before the medicine was spilled, he slashed down at the giant palm. After a muffled sound, the blade seemed to be submerged in the iron, and it bounced back a bit, but it was held by Ah Liu with a greater force, leaning and stabbing, finally letting the cold blade taste the taste of blood.

The evil spirit screamed in pain, and half of his arm fell to the ground with a "clang", dyeing a dazzling red on the snow. Lu Wuming also rushed to the gate of the city at this time, but did not do anything. He just watched Ah Liu kill the Quartet-the difference in force between the two sides was huge. These heavy evil spirits used to injure people through drugs and puzzles in order to be invincible. At this time, she ran into the well-prepared Empress A Liu, and soon fell to the ground in a panic.

The descendants of the city rushed up and tied them firmly with hemp rope thick with fingers. Without fur as a disguise, I discovered that the so-called evil spirits were nothing more than men with unusually tall statures, all covered in iron armor, so that they were able to pretend to be invulnerable during the previous encounters.

"Don't beat to death, don't beat to death." A Liu held his hand, and loudly dissuaded him from outside the crowd. "At least take a breath and interrogate."

Although the people in the city wished to cramp and skin these gangsters, they listened very much to Ah Liu's words, and only kicked and punched them to the government. Liu Yun looked at the four or five people with blue noses and swollen blood in front of him, and said in surprise: "How can you abuse lynching to beat the criminals like this?"

Ah Liu was licking melon seeds and playing haha. He used to be the magistrate of Liu County and was an honest person, but now he is good at acting. While the people were kicking these hapless grandchildren, the yamen slowly swallowed them and wanted to eat a hot pot, twisting the Yangko, but now they still pretend to be surprised and say "you can't abuse lynching." If the officialdom has been around for a long time, everyone will get it. Kind of fried dough.

"Quickly confess!" Liu Yun slapped the gavel, "Who is behind the scenes?!"

There was no sound in the hall and no one spoke.

Ah Liu slowly reminded: "If you don’t say anything, there are still hundreds of people waiting outside, and you have to wait in line to vent your anger. Then, if you don’t want to tell who is behind the scenes, then everyone first Let’s talk about where the people who had been captives from the city were locked up. Let’s talk about it first. No matter how tight your mouth is about this matter, it’s useless. Even if it’s to cut you all, Master Liu must be tried. Only in this way can you give an explanation to the people in the city, so it is better to say it yourself as soon as possible, so as not to eat the flesh and blood for nothing.

Lu Wuming glanced at the cheap grandson, but he had a somewhat admiring look. These remarks made it clear to retreat and advance in reality, not only in the rough but in the subtle, but also in expressing the threats quietly, which is indeed quite clever.

Ah Liu felt his grandfather's gaze, secretly triumphant. The so-called tiger father has no dogs, dad dare to fool even Master Wen, so by analogy, it should be easy to fool these despicable and reckless men.

Exceeding awards, all should be done.


On the Gobi Desert, the people in the tents are sitting neatly on the ground, bathing in the sun and fresh wind. After being imprisoned for many days, they are rarely allowed to come out for ventilation. Even if the weather is cold, no one asked to go back. . Lu Zhui looked at the crowd from a distance and asked, "That person in blue is Master Zhang Mao?"

"It's him." Xiao Lan nodded, "This is one of the few opportunities to let the wind go. He also won from the guards. It is extremely prestigious among the people."

"Have you been to him?" Lu Zhui asked again.

Xiao Lan shook his head: "This person seems to be a literati who cares about the people and has a strong character. But I am a traitor who covets glory at this time. The little baby will spit when he sees it. If he rushes to find Zhang Mao, he He may not be willing to care about me, and he may not be willing to believe me."

Lu Chai nodded: "There is some truth, then I will go."

"You?" Xiao Lan reminded, "You and I are in the same group."

"I have my own way." Lu Zhui said, "You just have to find a chance to let me be alone with him for half an hour."

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