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Chapter 226: Extraordinary second

Speaking of this cottage, it is really poor, even if it is preparing a wedding banquet, it is nothing more than three or four pots of pork. Xiao Lan watched in the dark for a while, and gradually became aware of the abnormality in her heart--marriage should be a happy event logically, but you can see the expressions and behaviors of these people in the kitchen, but there is not a hint of joy, it seems that they just want to move quickly. After finishing the work, I went back to bed early. As for the red silk and red silk that ordinary people would arrange when they got married, there was no shadow. The whole village was in tatters. If you insist on picking the most valuable one Yes, I'm afraid there is only the small cushion embroidered with silver silk on the donkey.

This kind of weird "wedding banquet" would be strange to anyone. Xiao Lan looked around and simply jumped to the top of the tree. At this time, the four fields were silent, and there was no light to find a half. The black paint was gloomy, and the graveyard was like a magic cave.

Xiao Lan regretted a little, why didn't he chase it out earlier? This is good, and it can happen in just over ten days.

At the same time, Lu Zhui was sitting cross-legged on the bed, looking at Silver Star from a distance. He was really tired and sleepy after rushing around for days, but the bedding in the bandit's den was so dirty and smelly that even piled in the house didn't smell bad, let alone covered him. The boy looked at him three or four times through the window, and finally couldn't help reminding him: "It's going to dawn." Are you running or not?

Lu Zhui said, "Yeah."

Seeing that he only answered one "um" word, and the wind was calm between his eyes, the young man swallowed the rest of the words and stood at the door again. Lu Zhui looked at him for a while, then suddenly said, "Hey!"

The young man turned his head when he heard the sound, and before he could speak, there was a pain in his neck, and the whole person was black and limp on the ground.

Lu Chai put his cheek in one hand and narrowed his smile.


Xiao Lan stepped into the door and grabbed his cheek with one hand: "What the **** are you doing?"

Lu Zhui sincerely defended: "This is wrong, I was forcibly arrested."

"Say." Xiao Lan said concisely.

"You said first, why came after him." Lu Zhui found a comfortable posture in his arms, "Knowing that I would be in danger?" They sang like that on the stage.

"The matter on the side of the emperor is over, I want to go to Fengcheng to pick you up home." Xiao Lan said, "Who knows to inquire all the way, everyone said that you are busy going around with food, walking along the way. Stop, it's still far from closing the city."

Lu Zhui calmly said: "Yeah." It's rare to go out alone. Naturally, he has to be comfortable and how long he can swing.

"Let's talk, what's going on?" Xiao Lan asked, "As I have seen along the way, these people are nothing more than martial arts, and I'm afraid they won't be able to catch you."

Lu Zhui said, "Intentionally."

Xiao Lan asked again: "Purpose?"

Lu Zhui replied: "To eliminate harm for the people."

Xiao Lan laughed and said casually: "Not for the wedding banquet?"

Lu Zhui: "..."

Lu Zhui turned to look at him, his eyes quite meaningful.

Xiao Lan frowned slightly: "What's the matter?"

Lu Zhui said: "This wedding banquet... it, cough."

Xiao Lan squeezed his chin: "What happened to this wedding banquet?"

Lu Chai said quickly and quietly: "These bandits rob me to marry the thief."

Xiao Lan felt a little dizzy.

"Do you understand?" Lu Chai poked him in the chest and explained again, "Um, married, me." I myself.

Xiao Lan: "..."

Lu Chai resolutely hid in the corner of the bed.

"Looking for death." Xiao Lan gritted his teeth.

Lu Zhui immediately distinguished: "This matter has nothing to do with me."

"A cottage with air leakage on all sides, whether you find officers and soldiers to encircle and suppress, or fight alone, you can level it in at least an hour." Xiao Lan brought him over, "but you are sitting on the bed alone in the middle of the night watching. Waiting for the wedding banquet of the half pig tomorrow with the stars?"

Lu Zhui didn't understand, "What half pig?"

Seeing him with a blank face, Xiao Lan laughed and angered, shaking his cheeks: "If you go on fooling around, everyone in this cottage should wake up."

"That's not possible." Lu Zhui grabbed his hand into his palm, "Okay, let's talk about business. In the afternoon I went into the mountain, but unfortunately it was raining all the time, so I had to find a low **** for shelter, who knew I met this afterwards. Huoshan bandit, it is estimated that it was caused by the cry of donkey."

"Your donkey is eating carrots in the back kitchen at this time." Xiao Lan interrupted.

That treatment is pretty good. Lu Chai cleared his throat and continued: "They said they were married at first, and I thought they were a lustful man. I didn't think too much about it. But the person who was just knocked out by you told me, here In the first year, the thieves have become parents four times, both men and women, but none of them can live for three months."

"Within a year, how about that year ago?" Xiao Lan asked.

"A year ago there was no such person at all." Lu Chai said, "The thief's name is Zhang Heihu, and I don't know where it came from. In Bixia Mountain, he was the king of the mountain, and he collected a group of unlearned people. The magician acted as a thug. Except for the boy who was just now, his brother was so lazy and wanted to follow Zhang Heihu. I guess he was to save his brother and stay in the cottage."

"But when I left the city, the people didn't say that there were bandits in the mountains." Xiao Lan said.

"Because Zhang Heihu doesn't rob homes and robs at all, nor will he block roads and rob." Lu Zhui said, "Even if the woodcutter sees the cottage, he will only be regarded as a desolate martial arts school. There is no danger, so naturally he will not remind you."

Xiao Lan shook his head: "I don't understand this." As a bandit, he didn't rob his family and only hid in this mountain and got married again and again. If nothing else, where did the money come from? It is a big expense to raise so many lazy people.

"It's unreasonable, so I changed my mind temporarily, intending to see this black tiger tomorrow, and then make the next move." Lu Zhui reminded, "You are not allowed to make trouble."

Xiao Lan rolled his throat twice, as if swallowing a sentence back. Even if he knew it was acting, he really didn't want Lu Chai to "get married" with others-even if the thief outside was to look at it, he felt deeply. It's a big loss.

"What are you thinking about?" Lu Zhui squeezed his mouth and smiled. "Stupid, do you really want to visit him?"

Xiao Lan took the opportunity to pinch his waist.

"But this person is a little weird." Lu Chai said, "You should also be careful."

Xiao Lan nodded: "Okay."

"It's going to dawn." Lu Zhui glanced outside and passed on, "Let's carry the people outside first, he can't faint now."

After the boy was dragged in by Xiao Lan, after smelling the cool medicine for a long time, he finally woke up faintly, but there was no surprise. Xiao Lan didn't even look at it. He just rubbed his sore neck and said nothing. Yan sat in the courtyard and continued to guard the door with a blank face.

"Yes." Xiao Lan praised, "There are good looks, please accept it."

"I think so too, but I have to wait until the matter is over." Lu Chai yawned, "I'm sleepy, I want to sleep for a while."

Xiao Lan pulled him into his arms. After a while, Lu Zhui's breathing calmed down, and there was a faint dullness under his eyes, which seemed to be really tired.

Xiao Lan dropped a kiss between his hair, and kept touching the palm of his back, trying to make him feel more at ease. After another hour, the sky was bright outside, and the boy turned his head and coughed heavily as a reminder to the two.

Lu Chai put his arms around Xiao Lan's waist, and muttered, "I didn't wake up."

"Why don't you go to sleep?" Xiao Lan said softly, squeezing his neck, "I'll go and beat everyone outside, and I am not allowed to bother you."

"Don't make trouble." Lu Chai stretched vigorously. Before he got out of bed, the boy had put a basin of water on the window sill and whispered: "Come on."

"Is it Zhang Heihu?" Lu Zhui showered his face with cold water, and he was quite awake.

The teenager nodded.

Xiao Lan disappeared into the dark, leaving only Lu Chai alone to sit by the bed, elegant and scornful, like a slumbering nobleman.

The footsteps in the courtyard were getting closer, and the door of the house was pushed aside vigorously, even if a dark figure rushed towards him. Lu Zhui was really taken aback. Although he had seen a lot of harlots, he had never seen a monkey rushing to such a field, so he rushed forward without saying a word. It was only after dodge to see that the other party was a thin, humpbacked middle-aged man, his brows huddled together, and the roe-headed rat eyes were greasy and wretched.

This time, Lu Zhui saw Zhang Heihu's face clearly, but Zhang Heihu also saw Lu Zhui's face, but he was slightly startled. Although he didn't know who the white-clothed young man in front of him was, he knew how graceful he was. , I shouldn't have been caught easily by the gang of people, but for a moment he hesitated, not knowing what to do. And in a short moment of hesitation, a cold iron whip was wrapped around his neck, like a snake.

Lu Zhui helpless: "Why are you out now."

With Xiao Lan's force, Zhang Heihu's face turned pale, his knees softened and he fell to the ground.

Lu Chai hurriedly said: "Leave a life, I still have no questions to understand."

"Don't ask, I know." Xiao Lan said coldly, "Old man from Mingyue Tomb."

Although Zhang Heihu couldn't turn his head back, he could already hear his voice, his hands were stuck with iron whip, and his anger seemed to go sprung intermittently and said: "Young... young master, forgive me."

"Let go first." Lu Chai said.

Xiao Lan volleyed back the iron whip.

Zhang Heihu walked around the gate of the ghost, his neck was hot and wet, and he was too shocked to speak for a long time. Lu Chai stared at him for a while, but instead he wondered a little bit. Those who escaped from the tomb of Mingyue are naturally not short of silver. As for marriage and death, is it necessary to arrest people to practice the soul-piercing Dafa?

"Let's talk." Xiao Lan said, "If you dare to play tricks, I will make you better than death."

"I...I entered the grave too late, I don't know Young Master Yu." Zhang Heihu couldn't afford it, shaking like a sifting chaff, "Otherwise, there are a hundred courageous people who dare not dare."

"You know that this is not what I want to ask." Lu Zhui said, "Why come here to occupy the mountain as the king? What is the reason for frequent marriages and killing people? One hundred fifty ten."

"I didn't intend to come to Bixia Mountain. I just walked here to see the beautiful mountains and rivers, and I stayed." Zhang Heihu murmured, "Match...Match, I found a box of ancient books from Mingyue Tomb. There are ancient fairy recipes, which can make people live forever and live forever."

Lu Zhui was taken aback when he heard this. There was only one copy of Manta before, but there is a box here?

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