In order to participate in the plan to find fragments in the main plot tomorrow, Mu Qing must act immediately, after all, whether it is the control of angels or the use of abilities, she has just started, and she is not sure that she can block it with a random blow from the future kite.

You may ask why you don't hide?

If you look at the original description, it's like a full-screen attack...

Although it is possible to observe the main line without participating, and observe whether there are any differences from the original text to determine whether there are virus fragments mixed in it, Mu Qing does not plan to do this.

After all, the kite origami in the original text is really miserable.,AST period was casually abused by the elves.,DEM period, the original big victory was beaten by the night knife god Shika.,In a fit of anger, accept the spirit crystal elvement of the "phantom", and the strength has increased greatly, and the elven origami has been able to open with the ten incense five five in the explosive state.

But then through the angel of Kurumi Tokizaki [Kekedi] used the Twelve Bullets to go back in time to save his parents who were killed by the elves, but he didn't expect that when he chased and killed the "Phantom", it spread to the city and became the real murderer of his parents, so he reversed and blackened.

And even though their parents were finally saved by the Gokawa Shido, which crossed the road for the second time, they still passed away 1 year later.

Miserable, miserable.

It's simply a child picked up by the author ... And

now that Mu Qing has come to this world, she will try her best to change all this, which she had decided to do before she crossed over to the world of war.

And maybe if the plot is changed from now on, Origami's parents can change the ending of mortality?

Mu Qing looked at the clock in the living room, and contacted the color of the sky outside, the current time should be 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and her plan to strengthen her strength needs to be carried out tonight.

So while it was still early, Mu Qing went to the department store after rummaging through the boxes and cabinets in the house and found a few thousand yen, and secretly analyzed all the things that could be seen in hardware, electrical appliances, fruits and vegetables, etc., and stayed in it for nearly two hours, but only bought a bottle of soda when he left.

You must know that the things that Mu Qing has analyzed can be constructed by 1:1 entities.

So this wave...

Mu Qing returned home and strengthened her use of ability, and just like that, time passed quickly.

As night fell, the sun disappeared into the skyline, leaving only a little light in the starry night.

Mu Qing came to a building not far from Laizen High School, and there was no mistake, this was the base of the organization that desperately brushed its sense of existence in the early stage but did nothing but provoke the elves-AST Tiangong City Headquarters.

AST (AntiSpiritTeam) - against the elf troops.

It is not for nothing that Zen High School is called "the safest high school", after all, there is a government-managed elf armed organization right next to it, where else can you find a safer place than this place?

It's just a pity that in this "two-dimensional" world, the phrase "the safest" was originally a flag.

There are a lot of elves in one school, and each of them is just the existence of the entire AST team...

Even so, AST has a lot to offer.

It has a standard manifestation armor CR-Unit that can use the primary [Random Domain] and flying ability, and can easily penetrate the human body with the Elven Energy Rifle [CCC], and the Elven Lightsaber [No Pain].

Regardless of the lightsaber for the time being, the long-range means of the energy rifle and the large-range defense means in the random domain, these are all needed by Mu Qing at present.

Mu Qing used her angel a little in the house, although the [All-Knowing Key] in the sickle form has considerable close-range combat ability, but at this moment, when her own spiritual power is insufficient, there is a lack of long-range attack means, and the drone form is even more lacking in combat ability, except for the use of impact, there is no attack ability.

Therefore, it is necessary to come to the AST base to observe their scientific and technological products... By the way, [parse] a little.

"[The Key to Omniscience] - Drone Form.

Mu Qing quietly came to the vicinity of the building, carefully mobilized the spiritual power to summon the angel, and at the same time used the ability of [Construction] to copy the [All-Knowing Key] in the form of eight drones, and nine drones controlled by spiritual power quietly searched the entire building, and transmitted the obtained image data to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing deliberately reserved two structure positions so that she could build the surrounding items for hiding when the drone was about to be discovered, and she could also keep herself from being empty-handed, and she could build a scythe-form [All-Knowing Key] at any time to counterattack.

The drone transmitted back a large amount of information, and Mu Qing clearly saw that there were no guards except for a few main roads with guards patrolling.

"It seems that the 25-year gap is not over, and the defense of the AST base can be relaxed like this. "

Although this level of defense is enough for humans, for elves... Hmph....

However, it is not to blame for their low vigilance, after all, until now, except for the terrifying giant space earthquake 25 years ago, it has been a long time since there has been a space earthquake, and AST is naturally idle.

And who would have thought that the powerful elves in their eyes would actually come to be thieves?

AST became active only when Gokawa Shido's sister Gokawa Kotori was elven due to phantoms in the past year, and space shocks appeared frequently.

At this moment, Mu Qing in the elf state easily processed the data transmitted by multiple drones, and at this moment, she already knew the indoor personnel layout and roads in the area she had explored.

"Found it, equipment room.

In just a few minutes, one of the drones sent back the picture that Mu Qing wanted to see, the standard display armor, the elf rifle, and so on appeared in the picture.

Mu Qing was secretly happy, and continued to let the drones patrol covertly, transmitting monitoring information back at any time, and he stunned the doormen on the road with the high agility and high speed given by the elf physique, and faked the scene.

As for the scene of the forgery... Anyway, I won't let him feel embarrassed by making excuses for being knocked down.

However, Mu Qing found a surprise when she faked the scene.

The ability to parse is not only limited to inanimate objects, but can also parse the physical appearance of people, and the resulting human appearance data can be used to transform other objects, so that the object has the exact appearance of the person being analyzed.

However, the essence does not change, that is, except for the appearance and data, the actual shape will not change, and of course it will not be given life.

Similar to a stand-in in ninjutsu.

Interestingly, if this ability is applied to oneself, although oneself seems to have no change in appearance, others seem to be another person!

But it is not without loopholes, when acting on oneself, the pupils will be slightly different from those being analyzed, and there will be a slight golden light flickering, but fortunately, it is not obvious.

This ability can be regarded as a weakened version of [Fake Witch], as long as it is not touched, it is impossible to see the clues without careful observation, and it is very useful at any time.

Mu Qing simply changed her appearance, used her ability to construct her ID clothes, and marched to the interior of the base according to the road with fewer people detected by the drone, and the other guards she met along the way only nodded when they saw her, and they were not suspicious at all.

Under the perfect camouflage, Mu Qing quickly arrived at the equipment room, and used the guard's identity card scanned in the middle of the road to open a set of standard combat uniforms corresponding to the guard.

Mu Qing only left 2 drones to continue to maintain vigilance, and the rest were all lifted, and then [constructed] again in the equipment room to help Mu Qing analyze AST's standard combat equipment.

After all, these devices can be regarded as high-precision technology, if you want to achieve 100% complete analysis, only rely on your own elf, two eyes for analysis, I'm afraid there is no 10 minutes can not be taken, a few more lenses and multi-angle analysis can get twice the result with half the effort.

Dismantling, analyzing, and restoring, the three steps are done in one go, and there are no more parts after restoration, which also proves that Mu Qing's resolution of these devices is from 0% to 100%.

Mu Qing quickly returned along the same path and left AST's headquarters in the night.



"[Random field].

Mu Qing returned to her home, and since she had completely analyzed the AST standard armor, she already knew how to open the random realm, and whispered, and the cyan circle like a bee's grid shrouded her.

Mu Qing felt the intensity of this [random domain] with her hand.

emm...... Even if it took a little effort to break the restriction on herself, she was still built under the hands of an elf with strong willpower, and she didn't believe that the [Random Domain] she created would be worse than that of magicians.

With this kind of defensive strength, it is no wonder that the entire armored squad of AST is almost unable to defeat the elves regardless of their strength or weakness, which is really not very useful.

Since Mu Qing analyzed the [Random Domain] after using the device to release it, it was possible to construct the [Random Domain] independently.

Therefore, the constructed [Random Domain] and the [Random Domain] that is embodied using standard armor have the same strength, and at the same time, it can also be constructed in a directional projection, that is, it will not be limited to its surroundings.

And because of Mu Qing's angelic ability, she built 10 overlapping [random domains] around the enemy in a short period of time to surround it, this kind of formation, non-combat elves should not be able to break through for a while, right?

Mu Qing tried to build an anti-elf rifle and lightsaber again, and it was decent, and she put it away after a few moments of use.

Tomorrow's actions are more or less assured.

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