Toya Xingyang was increasingly looking forward to what kind of chess game Matsushita Chi would play.

If Matsushita Chi also wanted to use the Tianyuan layout, the two would have to compete to occupy the Tianyuan position. And now that he has occupied Tianyuan, it will not be easy to take this position from him.

"Tenth row, eighth column."

Taya Xingyang smiled, holding the black piece in his hand, and calmly placed the chess piece on the chessboard.

The AlphaGo system in Matsushita Chi's mind was running quickly.

He chose to continue to occupy the star position.

"Seventeenth row, third column."

Taya Xingyang was not surprised at all.

After watching Matsushita Chi's chess game last time, he made a lot of preparations.

And he just watched Matsushita Chi's chess game again, and he already had some understanding of Matsushita Chi's chess style.

Since Matsushita Chi is good at fighting, he must not be like Xiaoliang, who was dragged into the fight by Matsushita Chi's emotions.

He has to be patient, use traps, and hunt the white pieces step by step.

And starting with Tianyuan can be regarded as blunting this kid's edge!

After all, anyone who knows Go will not put the first piece in Tianyuan's position! Of course, it is not completely without benefits for him to occupy Tianyuan at the beginning. At least it can prevent Matsushita Chi from attacking in the same way.

After all, Tianyuan can indeed achieve mid-game traction and occupy the advantage of guiding the fight between the two sides.

"Tenth row, ninth column."

The black piece fell.

Seeing that Toya Xingyang had been placing pieces outside Tianyuan, Matsushita Chi frowned.

He didn't expect that Toya Xingyang was not panicking at all. He placed pieces so steadily and had no intention of attacking at all. He was always on the defensive.

Could it be that Toya Xingyang saw his thoughts and was afraid that he would take away Tianyuan's position?

This was too cautious!

In this situation, the onlookers also began to discuss.

"It is indeed good to consolidate the maintenance around Tianyuan, but if all the chess pieces are used here, wouldn’t it be an active limitation on the expansion of the territory?"

"There are many ways to defend, and this method is the first time I have seen it. But the person who does this is Toya Xingyang, so what do you have to worry about?"

"Come to think of it, Toya Kyoyo must have his own ideas. This method of playing is rare, so we must learn it well!"

"It seems that Songxia Chixia will definitely occupy another star position in the next move! I don’t know why he spread the chess pieces so far apart, just to expand the territory?"

"The black and white pieces, one is too loose, the other is too compact, I don’t know what it means!"


Zuo Wei's eyes narrowed slightly.

This layout and thinking of the last game, he had a bold guess in his mind.

Toya Xingyang publicly stated that he would use Matsushita Chi's play.

And the chess piece also landed on Tianyuan.

Then, he did not quickly expand his territory like other chess players, but carefully maintained Tianyuan.

Matsushita Chi, who could have directly attacked Tianyuan, was very sensible to take a detour. But how could Matsushita Chi be so calm and not take any measures?

Therefore, these white pieces in the star position are most likely to reverse the chess game!

He is setting up the chess game from the outermost periphery!

But how difficult is this!

It is equivalent to using the most chess pieces to achieve a quarter of the opponent's effect.

And the scattered chess pieces are actually not stable.

As long as the opponent launches a fierce attack on one corner, that corner will soon fall.

Naturally, the whole situation will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

If Tianyuan cannot be occupied at this time.

Then the layout of this game of chess is completely ruined!

Although it is not to say that the whole game is lost, the possibility of a comeback is very small.

Zuo Wei opened his folding fan, covering half of his face, but his eyes were fixed on Song Xia Chi.

Song Xia Chi looked at the few black and white chess pieces on the chessboard in front of him and pursed his lips. After thinking for a moment, he finally chose a position among the many options.

"Fourth row, sixth column, small eyes."

Taya Yukihiro narrowed his eyes.

"Good choice! You really caught people by surprise!"

I originally thought that Matsushita Chi would choose to continue to occupy the star position.

Unexpectedly, after occupying six stars, he chose to consolidate the barrier of the star position at the corner.

Of course, he understood why Matsushita Chi suddenly played here.

This position is not only to consolidate the power in the corner, but also to make it difficult for Kuroko to settle in the star positions on both sides of the corner.

It is equivalent to indirectly overturning the situation set up by Kuroko.

Moreover, Matsushita Chi also grasped the opportunity to consolidate Kuroko very well at this time.

He was still a few steps away from strengthening Tianyuan's defense. If Matsushita Chi chose to continue to occupy the star position, Matsushita Chi would have no chance when he finished strengthening it.

Standing firm in the triangle first is undoubtedly the best choice.

Sai nodded while looking at the chessboard. At the moment when Matsushita Chi made his move, he seemed to understand the mystery of this move. Toya

Yukihiro picked up the Kuroko and continued to consolidate the city at Tianyuan

"Row 11, Column 11"

"Row 3, Column 5"

"Row 11, Column 10"

"Row 5, Column 7"


"Second row, second column."

Suddenly, Toya Xingyang turned his chess piece and placed it at the edge.

Matsushita Chi and Sai were both startled.

The others didn't seem to understand, they just thought Toya Xingyang was going to start the second step of his plan.

"Is Toya Xingyang going to... weave a net?"

Sai couldn't help but speak out his thoughts.

Generally, few people would put chess pieces in such a marginal position shortly after the start of the game.

The only explanation is that he wants to build a larger territory than Matsushita Chi, and use black pieces to catch all white pieces in one fell swoop.

But it is so obvious that other people who are not familiar with it may not be able to see it, but Matsushita Chi cannot fail to understand this intention!

Although one piece cannot be completely certain, as long as two more pieces are placed, his guess can be verified!

Isn't Toya Xingyang afraid of alerting the enemy?

Or is Toya Xingyang trying to buy time for Matsushita Chi to confirm these two moves?


This is completely possible. It might be a trap to influence Matsushita Chi's judgment.

In order to delay the time for Matsushita Chi to build the city.

Zuo turned his eyes to Matsushita Chi.

Now, what will Matsushita Chi choose?

Will he try to test Toya Xingyang's chess moves, or launch an attack directly?

Or will he ignore it directly?

Matsushita Chi didn't think so much at this time. The power of the black pieces is currently concentrated in the center of the chessboard. One or two chess pieces can't make any splash.

Besides, the positions given by AlphaGo, the top three didn't seem to want him to pay attention.

He chose the first position, picked up the chess piece from the chess box, and placed it on the chessboard very naturally.


"Seventh row, third column, Xiaofei."

Matsushita Chi actually ignored his chess piece?

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