

A teenager, strolling into this remote village.

A boy dressed in black, aged about eight years old, his immature face is also difficult to hide handsome, as if the male protagonist in the comic, star-like blue eyes have endless charm.

The boy’s name is Ron, he is only eight years old, he is a healer and a traverser, and he has been in this Fairy Tail world for more than two weeks.

He was probably already familiar with this magical world.

Not surprisingly, like most crossers, Ron’s parents were killed by the Dark Magus.

He currently lives alone, relying on his status as a healing wizard, healing the surrounding villagers, purifying curses and other tasks, so as to earn living expenses.

The reason why he can heal magic is also because of his system, a must-have artifact for the traverser.

His system is a healing system, treat others, you can get rewards, simple and crude system.

Relying on this system, Ron can not only earn living expenses, but also improve his magical attainments and improve his own strength.

However, the surrounding villagers are all common colds and fevers, and there are very few rewards that can be obtained for treating such low-end injuries.

However, there is no other way, mosquito meat is also meat, not to mention that Ron is still short of money, and without money he has to eat the northwest wind.

On this day, he came to this village called Lance, and as soon as he entered the village, the village chief brought a few of his subordinates and greeted him with a panicked look.

The village chief at the head was a gray-haired old man with a crutch in his hand, and his vicissitudes voice said urgently: “You are finally here, Ron.” ”

For the boy who was only eight years old in front of him, the villagers did not despise each other because of their age, but were full of respect.

In this wizarding world, magic is everything, and Ron is also a healing wizard, a wizard profession that they often come into contact with.

Ron narrowed his eyes slightly, a little puzzled, and said, “Did something happen?”

“The flu epidemic has started in the nearby villages, have anyone infected in your village too?”

The village chief shook his head and said, “Well, it’s not. ”

“Much more serious than the flu. ”

“The Strauss family in our village, their family has three orphans, Miraj, Elfman, and Lisana. ”

“Last night, Miraj was working in the church in the village, and then something happened, and finally Miraj turned into a demon, and her entire right arm was transformed into a demon’s right arm and became a real demon!”

“If I don’t solve Miraj, I’m afraid something will happen to the village, after all, she has become a demon.” ”

Hearing this, the corners of Ron’s mouth twitched slightly, he is just a healing magician, a demon appears, why are you looking for him!

However, when Ron heard the names of Miraj, Elfman, and Lisana, he instantly understood everything!

Isn’t this the three Miraj brothers and sisters in the demon tail?

According to the current time period, it is exactly the time period when Miraj awakens [receiving magic], and the so-called demonicization is just that Miraj defeated the demon and used [receiving magic] to receive the power of the demon.

It was only because Miraj’s [Receiving Magic] was not yet proficient and could not fully control the power of demons, so it caused the right arm to be demonized and could not be restored to its original state.

Through the description of the village chief, Ron quickly understood the cause of the matter, dragged his chin with his right hand, made a thinking gesture, and said: “I probably understand the matter.” ”

The village chief looked at Ron with worried eyes and explained, “Because our village is so remote and the magic guilds are far away from us, I can only ask you to come and see it first.” ”

“After all, you’re also a Magister. ”

Ron nodded slightly: “I can probably solve this matter.” ”

“However, there is a premise. ”

The village chief was delighted: “What do you want?”

“As long as I can solve Miraj and save our village, I can agree to any conditions.” ”

Patting the village chief’s shoulder, Ron smiled: “That’s good, you can prepare a hundred thousand j.” ”

“One hundred thousand j!” “Village chief pupil earthquake, these money is already a huge amount of money for a remote village!” Can you get a little discount. ”

“This is a demon, if you don’t solve it sooner, Elfman and Lisanna will also become demons, and then your village will be finished.” Ron fooled the village chief in a serious way.

The village chief sighed softly, and finally the deal was closed.

Immediately, the village chief took Ron to the gate of Strauss’s house.

This is a dilapidated old house, because of the departure of the owner, only three orphans are left, nine-year-old Miraj, eight-year-old Elfman, seven-year-old Lisana, the lives of the three children are in trouble, and the maintenance of the house is naturally not done well.

Ron stood alone in front of the gate, and the village chief and the others had already hid far away, peeking at Ron in the distance, not daring to approach the Strauss family, for fear of being cursed by the devil.

Ron smiled and shook his head, he knew what was going on, of course he knew that Miraj was not cursed by a demon, but that his magic was out of control.

Pushing open the door, there was a click, thick dust rushed towards him, and Ron walked directly into Strauss’s house, there was no extra furniture in the house, the family was surrounded by walls, and there was not even a bed.

Miraj’s three siblings huddled in the corner, and Miraj, as her sister, blocked in front of her, protecting Elfman and Lisana who were shivering behind her.

The three brothers and sisters were all wearing black robes with hoods, the hoods covered their faces, and the robes covered their bodies, all of them had bright white hair, and their immature faces were wrapped with endless horror.

It’s just that Miraje, as an older sister, is still pretending to be tough and protecting her younger siblings.

At this time, Miraj looked like a little sister, and his expression was the same, and the milk fiercely glared at Ron, and said coquettishly: “I heard it all!”

“You’re a Magister!”

“I can go with you. ”

“But you can’t hurt Lisanna and Elfman!”

You can see the right arm under Miraj’s robe, the hideous devil’s right hand, very conspicuous and fearful.

At this time, Elfman was still a little Shota, screaming his body, and said in a trill: “Please, let Sister Mira go, is it okay?”

“It is clear that Sister Mira defeated the demons in the village church and was cursed by the demons, Sister Mila is a good person!”

Lisanna also sobbed and said, “That’s right, it’s clear that Sister Mira repelled the demons of the church, why does everyone say that Sister Mila is a demon!”

“Sister Mira is not a demon!”

Seeing this scene, Ron was helpless, always feeling that he seemed to be a villain now, obviously Miraj they misunderstood something.

At the same time, he can also feel that as long as he heals Miraj and eliminates Miraj’s negative state of [receiving magic], he can get a rich reward.

After all, Miraj is the protagonist of the Demon Tail world, and the reward for healing the villagers is certainly not as good as the reward for healing Miraj!

“Ahem. Coughing, Ron cleared his throat and explained, “The words to the village chief are just scene words, after all, in the face of ignorant villagers, if I don’t do this, they won’t let me in.” ”

“Also, your sister Miraj is indeed not a demon, the so-called demon right arm is just a negative state of [receiving magic], I can solve it. ”

As soon as they heard that their sister was not a demon, Lisanna and Elfman immediately put down their vigilance, looked at Ron expectantly, and said, “Really?”

“Please save Sister Mira!”

“Please! Please!”

For Ron’s words, Miraj also had a glimmer of hope in his heart, but he still maintained a certain vigilance and said coldly: “Who are you?”

“Why save me?”

Ron smiled lightly: “My name is Ron. ”

“It’s just a passing doctor. ”

If you don’t want to owe me favors, you can kiss me, after all, you don’t have any money. ”

For Ron, Miraj is an experience package, healing Milager can bring him a great reward, he just simply teased Miraj.

Hearing this, Miraje’s pretty face was slightly red, and his beautiful eyes reflected the figure of the teenager in front of him, shook his little pink fist, and said: “Okay, deal!”

“If you don’t cure me, I’ll beat you up!”

Really cured!

Kiss it!

Anyway, she Miraj will definitely not owe anyone’s favor!

Although Miraj has always pretended to be tough, the red face and accelerated heartbeat still betrayed her.

…… Dividing line….

Illustration of Miraje.

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


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