For the appearance of the Magic Council, as an old acquaintance of the Magic Council, Kildas looked calm.

He is a notorious Magister, because his magic is: the super-superior destruction magic, Crash, which is indescribably powerful.

Moreover, he also likes to be in a daze, so he intentionally or unintentionally destroys the old problems of the buildings around him, so the main street of Magnolia is specially transformed for Kildas.

However, there is no other place, so the entire continent of Ishur, where Kildas passes, is often destroyed.

In addition, Kildas inherited the glorious tradition of Fairy Tail, and when performing tasks, he also shot hotly, completely regardless of the consequences.

So for the Magic Council, Kildas is quite familiar, after all, he is often caught.

This time, the Magic Council appeared, and Kildas understood everything at once.

It was precisely because of the incident in the village of Lance that although Ron destroyed the Dark Magus, he also destroyed half of the village of Lance, and such “great achievements” naturally attracted the Council of Magic.

However, he also knew that this kind of behavior would not cause Ron to suffer too much trouble, at most it was just a verbal warning, and then pretended to catch it, and Ron would be released in two days.

Because he knew that the matter was not serious, Kildas held the attitude of eating melons, and a trace of black abdomen burned in his heart, and he looked at Ron with melon-eating eyes and smiled.

Ron, this kid, let him in for two days, frustrate Ron’s spirit, and let Ron be honest seems to be good.

Suddenly, the captain of the Magic Council who forcibly detained the unit headed by him said with a heavy expression, “The purpose of my coming here should be clear to you. ”

Kildas took out the wine bottle from his backpack, blew it up, took a dry sip, and said with a smile: “Of course I understand.” ”

The three Miraj brothers and sisters were like great enemies, with solemn expressions, protecting Ron’s body.

Ron patted Miraj on the shoulder, still calm: “Mira is fine.” ”

The captain of the forcible detention unit continued: “Although you have merit in the incident in the village of Reims, you have destroyed most of the houses and caused irreversible damage. ”

“This message has been conveyed to the Magic Council. ”

“So the Magic Council, send us over. ”

Kildas laughed and laughed, he used to be arrested and others watched, and now it was finally his turn to see others being caught, which was really good.

“Get to know. ”

The captain continued: “Although, for this incident, the people of the village of Lance expressed amnesia and did not know what happened. ”

“However, based on past experience, we still calculated the prisoners. ”

Kildas laughed heartily, asked knowingly, and said with a mean smile: “Yes, who the hell?

The captain said, “That’s right, it’s you, Kildas. ”

Kildas continued to laugh: “Yes, take him away and lock him up for two days.” ”

Suddenly, Kildas’s eyes widened, and his smile stopped stunned, hey, it’s not right!

What does it matter to him!?

Kildas, who reacted, had already been surrounded by the people of the Magic Council, locked his hands, and the unconscious Laxus was also taken away by the way.

During the whole process, Kildas was in a state of confusion, eating melons, eating and eating, and found that he was actually the melon!

In this regard, Ron probably guessed everything, he had shown strength in front of the people of Lance Village, and this kind of strong strength naturally deterred the people of Lance Village, so the clever old village chief and others chose to keep quiet about his destruction of the village.

And Kildas, who has a huge reputation, has also been to the village of Reims because of the mission.

In addition, the reputation of Fairy Tail is also hugely poor, because it is often destroyed, so it is often criticized by the Magic Council.

In addition, Ron is only eight years old, and the Magic Council naturally does not suspect Ron without evidence, and naturally treats Kildas as a prisoner.

For a moment, Kildas shouted, “Lie down!”

“It’s none of my business. ”

“It was all done by Ron!”

The captain pointed at Ron and said, “He’s only eight years old, tell me, can he take out thirty Dark Magus, and destroy half the house?”

“No kidding!”

Kildas’ eyes widened and he said, “But that’s the truth!”

At this time, the knowledgeable Ron, Miraj, Elfman, and Lisanna played their acting skills tacitly, and several of them looked well-behaved.

Ron had a dark belly in his heart, his expression was calm, and he said to the captain: “Uncle, Kildas is actually a good man, he won’t be imprisoned for too long.” ”

The captain looked at such a well-behaved Ron and explained, “No, anyway, Kildas did eliminate thirty Dark Magisters. ”

“At most, it’s just a few days to be held as a warning.” ”

Ron said, “That’s good. ”

During the whole process, Kildas was stunned, and Ron’s stinky boy’s acting skills are too good!

His heart originally wanted to blacken Ron and eat a wave of Ron, but he didn’t expect to be overshadowed by Ron!

Anyway, Kildas, who originally ate melons, this pot is on his back.

Luckily, he is experienced and knows the process, and at most he can stay for a few days, which is not a big problem.

Before leaving, Kildas let out a sigh, scratched his head, and smiled wryly at Ron, “You smelly boy!”

“You owe me a favor. ”

Ron waved his hand and said goodbye to Kildas: “In the future, I will help you take care of your daughter as compensation for you.” ”

Kildas smiled: “You still have to remember?”

“Hahaha, sorry, I don’t have a daughter. ”

In this way, the Magic Council arrived in a hurry, and finally took Kildas and Laxus with them.

It’s just a small episode, and Kildas will stay for a few days at most and come out.

If Makarov had come forward, such a trifle would have come out on the same day.

Therefore, Ron did not pay attention to it, and continued to embark on the journey with Miraj, Elfman, Lisanna and others.

Their destination is precisely Magnolia, the location of Fairy Tail.

Because of the relationship between Fairy Tail, there are many magic guilds in Magnolia, and it can be said that Magnolia is full of business opportunities.

Ron plans to go to Magnolia to open a medical center, rely on treatment, earn money, and improve his strength by the way.

If you can treat Makarov and Kildas, you will earn a lot, the strength of these two people is so strong, the system should give him a huge amount of rewards.

Since it is still quite far from Magnolia, Ron and others are stop-and-go these days, and when passing by some small cities and towns, they will also stop and take Miraj, Elfman, Lisanna and others to play for a while and sightsee.

After a few days of getting along, his relationship with Miraj and others also warmed up rapidly.

On this day, in a hotel, Miraj took Elfman and Lisanna out to buy the next daily necessities.

In the room, only Ron was left.

This is a rare time for Ron to spend alone recently, after all, he has been on the road, and he and Miraj and others basically stay together.

Ron, who was alone in the room, did not waste the opportunity and planned to summon Junai Himejima, a guild member he had already obtained.

S-class Jijima Juno is Ron’s strongest combat power at present!

Before, there was no chance to let Himejima Juno come to this world, but now the opportunity has finally come!

Moreover, according to the system’s prompts, the summoned guild members are 100% loyal to the host, and everything belongs to the host and lives only for the host.

For example: seventeen-year-old Jijima Juno fell in love for the first time, and all the first times are still there… Wait a minute.

Not only that, after these few days of getting along, because of the lack of childhood care, Miraj, Elfman, and Lisanna, after these days of getting along, because Ron often took them to eat and drink, it also healed their little hearts by the way.

After this wave of healing, the rewards are also rich, so that Ron’s Asura Realm divine power LV3 also continues to improve, upgraded to LV5.

And, get a new opportunity to summon members of the Ten Thousand Realms Guild.

This wave of members of the Ten Thousand Realms Guild is actually the magical version of the Black Shadow Corps, which is the enhanced version of the ninja version of the Black Shadow Corps in Jackie Chan Adventures!

[Illustration by Shuno Himejima.] 】

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