After a brief farce last night.

The next day, a new day arrived.

For yesterday’s events, Kana’s grinning personality has long been forgotten.

Miraj looked at Kana’s state and did not continue to reply.

As if they were fine, the two reconciled again.

If Kana is like Elusa’s strong contrasting cute personality, she will definitely still be scaring Miraj now.

In the new day, Ron’s mood was not very pleasant.

Because, even if the strength of Miraj, Kana and the others has already been greatly improved.

However, their Dragon Empire Magic Guild still did not entrust the task!

It’s too difficult, no way, because they are not very old, and they are new guilds, and the people who come to issue task commissions, as soon as they enter the door and see that they are all ghosts, they directly shake their heads, and then leave, there is no task commission at all.

And so it lasted until noon.

Ron yawned boredly and muttered, “It seems that we have to find a way to increase our reputation.” ”

Otherwise, if you continue like this, you will not be able to receive the entrusted task, and Miraj, Kana and the others will not be able to exercise, increase their strength, and gain combat experience.

When Ron frowned, a noise sounded, and a group of menacing people went straight to the Dragon Empire Magic Guild.

This group of people are a group of strong men, with fierce expressions, armed with all kinds of weapons, maces, titan giant axes, spears, blades, magic staffs… Wait a minute.

There were about fifty people in total, and the leader was a strong man with a golden airplane head, wearing a pair of sunglasses, a thick gold chain with a dog chain around his neck, and a golden suit, which was very pompous.

This group of people is also unceremonious, a huge crowd, under the onlookers of the surrounding masses, arrogantly entered the Dragon Empire Magic Guild.

A mouth full of gold teeth, the golden head of the strong man shouted: “Which of you is the president!”

“First of all, my name is Lao Ma, the president of the Lightning Guild. ”

“This street is all under the control of the Lightning Guild, and the newly joined guilds have to contribute funds to the Lightning Guild, understand. ”

Ron, who was originally listless, saw the Lightning Guild appear, his eyes shone all of a sudden, and he just wanted to sleep and came to the pillow, comfortable.

I was thinking about how to increase the prestige of the Dragon Empire and increase the task commission.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, the stepping stones sent themselves to the door.

In an instant, Ron understood everything, just thinking that they were the Guild of the Weak, and deliberately came to make things difficult for them.

This is also a very common thing in the wizarding world, and there are many rogue guilds in regular guilds.

Just like after the incident on Sirius Island, strong as a fairy tail, you will be bullied when you are lonely.

Not to mention, he has a whole new little guild.

At this moment, when the Lightning Guild appeared, the grown Elfman’s expression was also eager to fight, waving his fists and shouting: “Ahhh!

Kana covered her face helplessly, took a sip of juice, and said leisurely: “It’s really tasteless.” ”

“It’s still Ron. ”

Lisanna was a little afraid, her small body hid behind Ron, and said weakly: “Brother Ron… There are a lot of people on the other side. ”

“What should we do?”

Miraj rubbed his hands and had an excited smile on his face, and said with a heroic smile: “Lisana, this is our guild, if others come to destroy it, we will protect the guild!”

“We are the Dragon Empire!”

Rubbing Lisana’s little head, Ron soothed, “Lisana, Mira is right. ”

“Besides, I won’t make a move this time. ”

“This is our guild, and we should protect it with our own hands, so you show me enlightenment. ”

Hearing this, the weak Lisanna, her eyes gradually firmed, stood up, and said: “Sister Mira, Brother Ron, I understand, I will also protect the guild.” ”

“We are the !! of the Dragon Empire”

Seeing this scene, Ron smiled gratifyingly, very good, and continued to maintain.

When fighting, as long as you have the belief that {we are the Dragon Empire}, your combat effectiveness will also increase a lot.

Just to test the effect of Guild Bond [Morale Berserk LV1].

At this time, the elder of the Lightning Guild, Lao Ma, looked angry, and the green tendons on his forehead jumped, seeing that this group of imps actually completely ignored him, and still talked freely in front of him.

Slapping a table, Lao Ma roared: “Our Lightning Guild, but the C-level union, ranked 150, do you imps understand?”

“Give me respect!”

As a result, Ron said leisurely: “One hundred thousand j.” ”

Lao Ma’s eyes widened, and he looked confused, and said, “What hundred thousand j?”

Ron smiled and explained, “You smashed the table for a hundred thousand j”

The old horse was angry and roared: “I came to collect money, not to give money!”

“You imps, I don’t want to do anything to imps, you better not force me!”


There was a loud bang.

Miraj has long been impatient and shot directly!

Filled with fighting spirit, she uses [Receiving Magic] Satan’s Soul.

Of course, she can only receive both arms now, but her strength is close to that of an A-class magic guide.

Miraj, who entered the combat state, directly punched several guild members on the enemy side.

For a time, Kana, Elfman, and Lisana also used magic one after another, [Card] magic, [Receiving Magic], and the battle began with a bang!

This scene made everyone in the Lightning Guild angry, and they also roared out!

The crazy offensive unleashes all kinds of magic, Teddy Impact, Magic Kun Flame, Magic Kun Collision, Firebird Roar, Magic Fish Current… Wait a minute.

Without saying a word, the guild battle began instantly.

Lightning Guild VS Dragon Empire.

Although, battles between magic guilds are forbidden by the Magic Council.

However, that was only for large magic guilds.

The battle between some small guilds, no matter how much they fight, can not wipe any sparks.

As long as it doesn’t cause a particularly huge evil impact, the Magic Council will turn a blind eye.

Like, in the original work, Natsu and the others who returned from Sirius Island severely taught the Dusk Ghost Guild a hard lesson, and nothing happened.

Suddenly, the surrounding residents, seeing the Lightning Guild VS the Dragon Empire, and after the war between the magic guilds, they were also eating melons on the side and watching the play, with expressions of amazement, disdain, and worry.

Because, the Lightning Guild has a total of fifty people, and it is still a C-level union ranked 150, and it is full of combat power!

And the Dragon Empire?

Just five imps!

Or a new guild!

The Lightning Guild is actually so shameless, to hit a group of imps’ guild, and fifty people to beat five people, this is really shameless!

As residents of Magnolia, they are also well-informed and often see Fairy Tail hitting various guilds.

However, this time, they really couldn’t stand it, the Lightning Guild was too shameful!

Dare to hit the Little Ghost Guild today, and dare to beat them ordinary people tomorrow and bully ordinary people.

“Lie down, the leader of the Lightning Guild is really shameless, he actually picked such a weak guild to fight!”

“That’s right, although those imps can also do magic, how can five people beat fifty people!”

“I’ll go find Fairy Tail, although those guys often do things, they are all very good and should help the Dragon Empire!”

At this moment, just when there was chaos nearby, a blue-haired little girl, wearing a yellow hair ring on her head, and a pink cherry blossom on it, wearing a small white floral skirt, holding a book in her arms, was stopping here, watching the battle in front of her, her eyes flashing with hope, and muttering in her mouth: “Dragon Empire?”

“Their guild members are about the same age as me~ they can also magic, so cool, just like the story in the novel.” ”

…… Dividing line….

Illustration by Rebe Makugaden.

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