Lisanna and Cana are not as sick as Elfman.

They just silently said in their hearts: We are the Dragon Empire!

How can you lose!

In an instant!

“Animal Soul Cat” has been received, Lisanna’s ghostly figure, directly killed, a pair of cat paws flickering!

Flexible positioning, coupled with high-speed attacks, is also breathing time, Lisanna exploded and killed more than ten people, and more than a dozen people instantly fell in front of Lisana.

Seeing that Elfman and Lisanna had already killed all sides, Kana smiled lightly, glanced sideways at Kildas, who was watching the battle, and then glanced at Ron, it seemed that she could not lose to Elfman and Lisana.

Without hesitation, Kana also raised her hand to attack, holding a card in her hand, and the magic [card] attacked!

Fate of Summoning Thunder: Combine the cards to generate several lightning attacks!

Explosion of the Sun: Cards that shoot flames come out of the kill!

Icicle of Death: Shoot ice-containing cards to attack opponents, instantly freezing several people!

Between the electric flint, Kana easily pinched a dozen people.

After this wave of operation, Elfman, Lisana, and Kana perfectly cooperated.

All kinds of magic strike together, not like a rookie at all, this is the benefit of enlightenment against the sky, plus the assistance of [Morale Fury LV1]!

The three of them made a joint offensive, so that the fifty members of the Lightning Guild had all fallen.

The members of the Lightning Guild who fell to the ground, one by one, showed pain, their eyes were full of fear, strong, too strong, the little ghost in front of them was simply invincible!

Is this tm a ghost?

How is the combat effectiveness so strong!

I wanted to pick a weak chicken to beat, but I ran into an iron plate.

For a time, the wails of the fallen lightning guild members continued to sound, like killing pigs, and the previous arrogance suddenly disappeared, replaced by screams in the bottom of the bottom.

This scene also stunned Makarov and others.

The corners of Makarov’s eyes twitched slightly, and he said: “It seems that Ron has no chance to make a move, no wonder Ron is so calm.” ”

“It turns out that the victory is in hand, what a terrible little ghost, calm to the point of horror. ”

Kildas also sighed: “Yes, the entire guild is a monster, the talent is so strong, how did Ron’s smelly boy collect people!”

“All the same as the demon. ”

Wakaba and Macao, who were still clamoring for help, are now directly stunned and stunned in place.

This group of imps are almost stronger than them, they help a hammer!

Laxus, who was alone in the corner, had a heavy expression, and he didn’t care much about Lisana, Elfman, and Kana.

But he could feel that Miraj’s strength turned out to be very strong.

Perhaps, he is still weaker than him now, but maybe in the future.

Over time, as the battle progressed, as the battle heated up.

Everyone began to boil with enthusiasm and began to shout the title of the Dragon Empire!

After all, they all support the Dragon Empire, and no one will like the shameless Lightning Guild!

“Up, rush, the little ghosts of the Dragon Empire, there is still one left!”

“That’s right, the leader of the Lightning Guild, kill that golden plane head, and you will win!!.”

“Burst them, the little ghosts of the Dragon Empire, we are optimistic about you!”

Under the cheers and cheers, the atmosphere of the scene reached its peak!

At this moment, this is the home of the Dragon Empire!

At this moment, only the elder of the entire Lightning Guild remained, Lao Ma.

The golden nose of the old horse was still firm, and the gloomy gaze examined Miraj.

He always wanted to kill Elfman, Lisana, and Kana, but he was always restrained by Miraj.

The person in front of him is very strong, this is his intuitive feeling, Miraj is like a demon, with a powerful and evil and terrifying power, which makes people unable to resist!

The old horse gritted his teeth and was ruthless, gathering the magic power of his whole body, holding thunder and lightning in his hands, condensing into a thunder whip, fierce eyes angrily looked at Miraje, and roared: “You are the strongest person in the Dragon Empire!”

“Bear my wrath!”

“This is my life’s skill, lightning five consecutive whips!”

“So far, no one has been able to withstand the Lightning Fivefold Whip, which is also the peerless magic !! of the Lightning Guild.”

“Killing you is equivalent to killing the strongest of the Dragon Empire, and the winner is still my old horse!”

After saying that, Lao Ma also knew that he was now in a desperate situation.

There is no way back.

You can only break the cauldron and sink the boat, play with your life!

The hopes of the entire Lightning Guild were pinned on him, and he was the only one left!

Without hesitation, with the strongest killing move, lightning five consecutive whips, the old horse furiously killed Miraje, and the five consecutive whips came out to !!

Thunder roar!

Lightning and thunder!

Wrapped in the whipping of the power of thunder.

Like a fierce tiger descending the mountain, it was unstoppable and killed Miraj!


Terrifying five-strike combo!

Cutting through the air, there was a burst of breaking wind, which was terrifying!

The whip wrapped in the power of thunder is enough to destroy everything!

For the old horse’s stunts, Miraj did not underestimate it.

On the contrary, she enjoyed the battle very much, licked her lips charmingly, and smiled coldly: “The strongest person in the Dragon Empire is not me… I’m strong, but I’m nowhere near it. ”

“Compared to our president, I am as weak as a newborn baby. ”

“Thank you for overestimating me, and in return for you, I’ll send you to hell.” ”

Hearing this, the old horse’s pupils were earthquaked, his expression was distorted, how could it be, the girl in front of him must be the strongest, and there could be no one stronger than her!

He can accept defeat, but he can’t accept it, he once looked at the small guild, there was even a stronger person, that person had no intention of making a move at all, was he completely degraded?

While Lao Ma was full of thoughts, his heart suddenly felt a little cold.

It’s a little cold, the heart is lifting, the heart is flying, blood gushes out from the chest, poof~!

Blood flowers bloomed in mid-air, producing the most gorgeous flowers of death.

This is the most gorgeous flower, a flower that blooms with the infusion of life.

Just now, in the blink of an eye of the old horse, his so-called stunt lightning five consecutive whips, none of which could hit Miraj, all of them were empty.

Miraj, on the other hand, meditated in his heart {I am the Dragon Empire!}.

Then, with the blessing of [Morale Fury LV1], the attack power was instantly increased by twenty percent, and [Receiving Magic] also allowed Miraj to receive the demon’s legs.

Miraje, whose strength skyrocketed instantly, in a short moment, his strength had reached the A-level magic guide.

With a swift thunderous momentum, the demon’s legs dodged the lightning five consecutive whips, turned into an afterimage, and killed in front of the old horse.

During the whole process, the old horse did not react, this is the crushing of strength.

At this time, Miraj, because of the skyrocketing strength of [Morale Fury LV1], has completely crushed the old horse, which belongs to the dimensionality reduction blow!

Stretching out the devil’s right hand, he directly gave Lao Ma a heart-wrenching attack, causing a big hole to appear in Lao Ma’s chest, his heart and internal organs had disappeared, and blood was still splattering and spurting out.

This was the whole process of Miraj’s attack, the battle was over, and the old horse reacted.

He was also walking towards the abyss of death, looking down at his heart, he could only see a large hole, his expression was distorted and sick, and he muttered: “Heart… My heart is missing…”

At this time, the old horse has long lost his previous arrogance.

How arrogant it was before, how downcast it is now.


“You are really strong, lose to you… I am not wronged. ”

Flicking the blood on his right hand, Miraj had a playful expression, glanced at Ron, who was swimming not far away, licked his delicate lips, revealed a demonic smile, and whispered: “Tell you a secret.” ”

“The magic of all members of our guild is taught by President Ron. ”

Miraj is not, but it is Ron who helps her control the loss of control of magic.

Later, she also taught her a lot, saying that she was a master, that is not an exaggeration.

“As I said, I’m weak in front of President Ron, like a newborn baby, this is the truth, accept the reality, and go to hell. ”

“Fighting with you is just to please him. ”

Under [Receiving Magic], the stronger and stronger Miraj is becoming more and more like a demon when fighting.

Old Ma’s pupils trembled, and he said in a trill: “How… Possible. ”

Is his lost life just a sacrifice to someone else?

With endless unwillingness, the old horse fell, falling in a pool of blood, and the blood stained the ground.

A second before his death, he was wrapped in unwillingness, horror, shock, horror… All kinds of gazes looked at the blue-eyed boy not far away, the only core of the Dragon Empire.

This moment.

There was a dead silence.

With the fall of the old horse, the leader of the Lightning Guild fell.

Lightning Guild VS Dragon Empire, the Guild War is over.

It ended in an unexpected way, and until now, everyone has not reacted, and they all look stunned, and their jaws fall to the ground in shock.

This battle is destined to be the battle of fame of the Dragon Empire.

The title of “Majin” Miraj also began to spread from this moment.

On the side, Xiao Rebby, who was fighting in a battle, also felt his blood boiling at this time, and the little guild really succeeded in counterattacking!

Really, a miracle happened!

This is a plot unique to novels!

This is a plot only found in a wonderful heroic story!

For Little Rebbe’s figure, Ron has long found that the blue pupils reflect the girl’s figure, and the corners of the mouth are slightly upturned, which is an unexpected surprise, which is equivalent to picking up money and making people happy.

…… Dividing line….

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