In a flash!


The cold wind was still roaring.

Elfman hugged his arms, shivering, and said in a trill: “Temperature… How did it suddenly drop so much? ”

“So cold… Ah Qiu~! Lisana sneezed and said, “I don’t know.” ”

Rebbie also raised her eyes to look at the dome and said in shock: “According to the weather law of Magnolia, it is still autumn, how can it be so cold, this is not in line with the rules.” ”

Kana said trembling while drinking orange juice, “The devil knows.” ”

Only Laxus found an abnormality, his pupils quake, and only the figure of the boy in front of him was in his eyes.

He had fought with Ron, and naturally knew that Ron’s power was divine power!

Last time, Ron used divine powers, triggered a vision of heaven and earth, and finally used a divine skill: Wrath of Thor lv1.

Nowadays, this feeling is exactly the same, it is all divine skills!

It’s just that this time the divine skill is the ice attribute!

Regarding this, Miraj also noticed it, she frowned tightly, stared at Ron, and said coldly: “President!” ”


“War? Or don’t fight! ”

Ron was still sitting on the recliner, with his back against the back of the chair, drinking frozen orange juice, looking comfortable and smiling: “As you can see, of course you can fight.” ”

At this time, Ron had already erupted with divine power, and the divine power of the Vientiane Realm was surging like a tsunami, gushing out, triggering a vision of heaven and earth, causing the surrounding temperature to drop suddenly!

Miraji rubbed his fists, full of fighting intent, and said excitedly: “When will the war start!” ”

Ron’s playful gaze looked up at Miraj and said, “Milla, the battle has already begun. ”

After saying that, Miraj was not polite, directly spread the wings of the demon, flew out at a rapid speed, and killed Ron.

The terrifying magic roared like a tsunami and gushed out, this is the demon Miraj.

In the face of Ron, Miraj started with a big move, and did not dare to snub, the magical SoulExtinct!!

When Ron was still ten meters away, he stopped and braked, and his hands gathered a large amount of darkness, generating a super powerful dark shockwave, which slammed towards Ron like a dark tide!

The big move impact at close range, this is Miraj’s strongest special move!

“Bastard President! You should at least give me a little more seriousness, but I have always become stronger and chased your pace! ”

There is no doubt that for Miraj, Ron is her beacon, the beacon that has always illuminated her path forward, and she has always worked hard for it.

Therefore, this battle is also a battle for her dignity.

She wanted to see how big the gap between her and Ron was!

As a result, during the whole process, Ron remained unmoved.

In front of the powerful dark shockwave, the forehead swayed wildly, the eyes of the ancient well without waves, Ron held a glass of frozen orange juice in his right hand, and his left hand was slightly raised, Divine Skill: Eternal Ice LV1!!

The use of the divine power of the Vientiane Realm triggered the eternal freezing of the divine technique blasted out by the vision of heaven and earth, and in the moment Ron raised his hand, it spread out madly with the momentum of thousands of miles of ice!

In the face, the dark shockwave of SoulExtinct, which Miraj roared into, was frozen by the eternal ice in just an instant, and everywhere it passed, the ground was frozen, trees, flowers and plants, butterflies floating low… All of them!

Under the impact of the divine power of the Vientiane Realm, everything in sight was frozen.

At this moment, in front of Ron’s left hand, it had turned into a white expanse, ice and snow, snowflakes floating, winter had arrived!

Including Miraj, who was directly frozen into an ice sculpture, an ice sculpture solidified in mid-air, without any support points, but Miraj was strangely hovering in mid-air, and was raised by Ron’s hand and frozen into an ice sculpture.

At this moment, Miraj, who was frozen into an ice sculpture, opened his small mouth slightly, his pupils trembled, his expression froze, and his face was full of horror.

There is no doubt that the battle is over.

Elegant, quite elegant.

Ron raised his hand, used the divine power of the Vientiane Realm to use the Eternal Ice LV1, and easily pinched Miraj, and the whole process was as simple as breathing.

After it was over, Ron rubbed his eyebrows apologetically, sighed lightly, and muttered, “It seems… Too much force. ”

Immediately, with a snap of his fingers, the ice and snow in front of him instantly melted and faded, and everything in the world returned to life and color again.

The unsealed Miraj also stumbled, fell to the ground, faded the whole body of [Receiving Magic] to receive the soul of Satan, the magic power has been exhausted, both palms supported on the ground, panting rapidly, raising his eyes to look at Ron, biting his teeth lightly, and snorting coldly to show dissatisfaction.

Ron shrugged and said, “Mira, I’m sorry, the first time I tried this trick, it seemed a little too much. ”

Although Miraj had already fought fiercely in Laxus before this, he had consumed a lot of magic power.

However, Miraj also knows that in her heyday, if she goes to fight Ron, she will also be killed instantly, which is a gap in strength.

Simply put, after this battle, she understood a truth, Ron’s strength and her strength are not in the same dimension.

Immediately, Miraj got up, patted the dust on his body, came to Ron’s body, grabbed the frozen orange juice, gurgled and drank, drank it all in one go, and glared at Ron fiercely: “I’m just careless, I will continue to get stronger, and I won’t drag you back!” ”

Ron kept smiling: “Mira, I know, you’ve become a lot stronger.” ”

Then, when Ron continued to pick up other orange juice, Ron took a cup, and as soon as he took a sip, Miraj quickly snatched it up, grunted and drank it in one gulp, and so on, and kept grabbing Ron’s orange juice to drink, and seemed to spread all his resentment on the orange juice.

Seeing this, Ron smiled bitterly helplessly, brushed Miraj’s little head, and soothed: “Mila, you are already very strong, and your strength is beyond my expectations.” ”

This is Ron’s truth, Miraj has indeed improved a lot, and can already defeat Laxus.

It’s just that he’s more perverted.

Miraj puffed out his cheeks, pouted, and said, “How much strength did you use when you fight?”

Ron spread his five fingers and said, “All the strength is used, it is full, I have pulled it full, strike with all my strength, and fight you.” ”

Miraj stuck out his tongue in disgust and said, “If it is fake, who will believe it.” ”

“I’m not a child and don’t need your comfort.”

“Next time, I’ll let you do your best.”

Continuing to rub Miraj’s white hair, which felt good, Ron soothed: “Well, Mira, I’m looking forward to you.” ”

At the same time, in an inconspicuous shadow, a black shadow is quietly emerging, and it is the Black Shadow Corps.

There was no doubt that there was new information coming to report Ron.

In this regard, Ron also had some guesses.

The probability is that the Black Shadow Corps has completed its training and has begun to officially attack.

On the other side, Elfman, Kana, Laxus and others on the side were already stunned.

They witnessed the whole process of the battle, Ron killed Miraj instantly, and the whole battle process was already over with just a raised hand!

This is Ron’s strength, the crushing of divine power, like a god, invincible!

The power of the gods triggered a vision of heaven and earth, so that winter had arrived, and instantly froze Miraje, this kind of power was enough to shock people’s hearts!

Until now, the temperature is still very low, Elfman, Kana and others are still screaming, and the upper and lower rows of teeth have been fighting.

Especially Rebby and Kana, the two of them saw Ron make a move for the first time.

Although they already knew that Ron was strong, they never expected that Ron would be so strong, which was terrifying!

After a long silence, Kana exclaimed: “The president is the real monster.” ”

Rebby had thought that Ron could not do magic before, but now she was only shocked and nodded in approval: “This is no longer the power of magic.” ”

Lisanna explained: “This is divine power, the power of Brother Ron. ”

Elfman also echoed in amazement: “Brother Ron… More powerful than before, it’s terrifying. As a man, I have to cheer up! ”

The first time they heard about the divine power, Kana and Rebbe were also shocked, and the reverence for Ron in their hearts became more and more high.

The most injured belonged to Laxus, who silently got up and left silently.

His eyes were colorless, his expression was waveless, and he who had fought against Ron knew very well that Ron was stronger again.

Not only that, Miraj is also stronger than him under Ron’s training.

As the proud son of heaven, he has never lost against his peers.

However, since I met Ron.

Against his peers, Laxus has never won.

More importantly, Miraj and Ron are younger than him.

This made Laxus’s arrogant heart suffer a huge setback!

It’s just that the strong Laxus does not admit defeat, and my life is up to me!

He will continue to cultivate, and next time he will defeat Miraj first, then defeat Ron, and take back everything that once belonged to him!

It’s just that the trajectory of fate has changed, and Ron, as the man with the script, has long rewritten everything.

Ron can develop Miraj to the point where he can defeat Laxus.

Nature can also make Elusa, Kagura, Minerba… and others, defeat Laxus.

Laxus doesn’t know that this is just the beginning, and he will be defeated many more times to become a stepping stone to the famous Laxus card.

Of course, because of this, Laxus is also getting stronger, constantly getting stronger, and there is no rebellious period, it can only be said that misfortune depends on it, and blessing and misfortune fall.

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


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