I have to say that the two demon maids are pleasing to the eye, not to mention that these two are still strong, especially Gurefia, who cultivate well, and can definitely hold the Holy Ten… After thinking for a moment, Ron pondered and said, “There is a new mission. ”

“Which of you willing?”

At present, his house still needs more than 400,000 j’s rent every month.

The guild members will only increase, and the house will have to be rented larger, so it will continue to be too cost-effective.

Therefore, it is better to let Jijima Junai and Gurefia devour the dark guild and eat black and black, so that it is faster to make money.

In this way, it will be possible to buy a house very quickly.

Let Himejima Juno and Gurefia frantically make money behind their backs.

He then took the money to raise Miraj, Kana, Lisana, Rebbie, Elfman and others, as if… A little too much?

Ahem, Ron comforted himself, everything is for the guild, for the glory of the Dragon Empire!

On the side, after Ron’s question, Gurefia and Junai Himejima both showed great interest.

Gurefia revered, “Master, I am willing to fight for you. ”

Jijima Zhu Nai chuckled: “I’m oh too, master.” ”

With his eyes narrowed slightly, Ron thought for a moment and said, “The mission is still to devour the Dark Guild, plunder their money, power, and resources, and plunder everything in the Dark Guild. ”

“In the future, you will take turns.”

“The ice attribute troops of the Black Shadow Corps are under the jurisdiction of Gurefia.”

“The fire attribute troops of the Black Shadow Corps are under the jurisdiction of Jijima Junai.”

“No matter what, when one of the parties attacks, the remaining side must silently guard the base camp of the Dragon Empire in secret.”

War is the fastest way to grow, savage growth.

It was this path that Ron had chosen.

Let Himejima Juno and Gurefia command the witch’s crime, let his hole card gradually increase, and eventually become an ace.

Immediately, Jijima Ju Nai blinked his beautiful eyes and smiled lightly: “Yes, master.” ”

“That… Is there a reward this time? ”

Gurefia’s cold gaze glanced at Himejima Junai as a warning.

However, Junai Himejima completely ignored Gurefia, pretending to be fine, and looked at Ron expectantly, waiting for Ron’s reply.

Seeing this, Ron raised his forehead, raised his eyes to look at Jijima Junai, and the corners of his mouth tugged: “Of course there is.” ”

Jijima Junai ruffled the hair next to his ear and smiled: “Ah la ah la, it’s really exciting.” ”

“In that case, let Gurefia go first.”

“After all, I just finished my mission and left the opportunity to Gurefia.”

Himejima Junai, who got the benefits, did not forget to give Gurefia a sip of soup, which is human love.

Gurefia was slightly startled, and then said in a cold voice: “Good.” ”

Gurefia, who has a very serious personality and a clear distinction between public and private, is not as jumpy as Jijima Juna, and everything is done with a straight face, very rigorous and serious.

After taking the task, Gurefia did not seek a reward either.

However, Ron looked at Gurefia with playful gaze and said, “After completing the task, you also have a reward.” ”

Hearing this, the scene just now, the intimate scene between Ron and Jijima Junai, surged into Gurefia’s heart.

The expression of the goddess Gao Leng changed imperceptibly, and she nodded, “Thank you, master.” ”

Immediately, Gurefia bent slightly towards Ron and said reverently: “Master, I will go to complete the task first.” ”

Glancing at Jijima Junai again, Gurefia said in a warning tone, “Protect the master, protect the base camp of the Dragon Empire.” ”

Himejima Juno hid his smile: “Ah-la-ah-la, of course.” ”

Then, Gurefia’s figure disappeared in an instant, disappearing from everyone’s field of vision.

Looking at the direction in which Gurefia disappeared, and the cold moonlight shadow, Jijima Junai looked back at Ron with sultry eyes, and smiled lightly: “Ah la ah la, master.” ”

“When you reward Gurefia, I don’t mind joining, it seems to be more exciting.”

Good fellow, will there be my master in a threesome?

Indeed, Gurefia’s meticulous expression of the cold goddess, combined with the maid costume and proud figure, will indeed make people feel a powerful sense of conquest… However, Ron coughed and said, “Junai, you have to pay attention when you say this. ”

Jijima Zhu Nai was slightly startled, and said stunnedly: “What do you mean?” ”

Ron explained: “When you just spoke, Gurefia had not gone far and would probably hear it. ”

The corners of Jijima Juna’s mouth twitched, and she was still more or less afraid of Gurefia.

On the other side, Gurefia disappeared into the lonely night.

When there was no one around, her cold and frosty face was also flushed with a hint of crimson, and she muttered in her mouth: “With Zhu Nai?” ”

How would that feel?

No way! Could it be that my mind was also polluted by Junai Himejima?

Shaking his head, discarding distracting thoughts, or completing the task for the master first.

In this way, Gurefia, who was dressed as a maid, burst out with a powerful aura, relying on the super intelligence of the Black Shadow Corps LV2.

According to the intelligence, she quickly locked on to the target, Himejima Juno killed two dark guilds, then she will kill three dark guilds.

The Mokun Guild, the Thorns of the Rose, the Black Sun, and the three C-level dark guilds, this is the goal of Gurefia, to make three dark guilds and present a meeting gift for the master.

As a practical player, once the task is determined and the target is locked, Gurefia has always been a quick attack, and now the Black Shadow Corps is already LV2, and there is a huge improvement in all aspects.

In addition, Gurefia’s strength is far above Himejima Junai, and Gurefia, who played for the first time, had completed the task before dawn tonight.

The so-called dark guild had no resistance in front of Gurefia.

The three major C-level dark guilds, the Mokun Guild, the Thorns of the Rose, and the Black Sun, had completely disappeared before dawn came.

Tonight is destined to be an extraordinary night.

And when she went on the expedition, Gurefia also used the title of the sin of the witch.

This directly shocked some well-informed melon-eating masses!

Tonight, is the crime of the witch a killing madness?

Take out five dark guilds in one go!

There is a Thunder Witch leading the team before!

Later, there is a silver-haired Queen of Annihilation to lead the team!

When Jijima Juno led the team to annihilate the Black Feather Guild and the Hungry Wolf Knights, and also killed the Magic Council, everyone was surprised enough!

As a result, the time was less than an hour!

The second wave of the Witch’s Sin offensive is back.

And even more ferocious, ferocious, and brutal!

Destroy the three dark guilds, the Mokun Guild, the Rose Thorn, and the Black Sun in one go.

Those who don’t know still think that tonight’s dark guild has withered into a waste.

In fact, Gurefia is too powerful, this is the real silver-haired Queen of Annihilation!

It was from tonight that the nickname of the silver-haired Queen of Annihilation also began to spread.

The reputation of the witch’s sin is even more powerful, especially after the second wave of offensive, the queen-like aura of Gurefia, the queen-like offensive, the enemy rushed in an instant, and even the troops in the nearby Magic Council directly pretended to be stupid and did not come to stop Gurefia.

With the lessons of the past, the troops of the Magic Council are not fools, and no one will do the act of sending death in vain.

After everything was over, this battle Gurefia only took about two hours, and the mission efficiency exploded and killed Himejima Juna.

Standing on the battlefield, Gurefia was covered in blood and stained red, and the members of the fallen dark guild were all nearby, raised their eyes to glance at the cold crescent, and muttered in a flat voice: “Mission accomplished.” ”

“Next, will there be a reward from the master?”

With a waveless expression, it was impossible to guess what Gurefia was thinking at this time.

Moreover, Gurefia, who is familiar with Ron’s hobbies, also collected a wave of the treasures of these dark guilds when hunting the dark guild, a total of three million J, which is still passing, will the master be happy?

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


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