After a short episode, Elusha was successfully promoted and became an A Magister, on a par with Miraj.

It was from this point of view that Miraj seemed to be at odds with Elusa.

When it’s okay, the two, like Natsu and Gray, have to fight every minute.

When there is something, the two are sisters heart to heart, one heart, everyone goes together.

For a while, the atmosphere of the scene was a little dignified.

Elusha confronts Miraj.

The eyes of the two collided with fierce sparks in the air!

Miraj rubbed his fists and said excitedly: “Elusha, you are very strong!” ”

“Is this your strength?”

“Let’s talk about it!”

Elusha was also not to be outdone, her momentum was not at all, and she snorted: “Shriveled bad girl, always accompany you!” ”

The corners of Miraj’s mouth were slightly raised: “Oh, what are you talking about?” Big fat pig! ”

“Stop talking nonsense, let’s fight!”

“Just what I want, I want you to know who is the senior!”

The two of you say a word, and no one will back down half a step.

Seeing this, Ron helplessly covered his face, raised his hands, and divine skill: brain collapse!



Directly double kill Elusha and Miraje!

The crisp knocking sound struck Miraj and Elusa’s brains.

Suddenly, the two of them held their brains together, and the milky eyes glared at Ron.

Miraj grinned and snorted: “President! ”

Elusha also pouted: “Ouch, what are you doing?” ”

Rubbing the heads of the two and soothing them a little, Ron smiled lightly: “Okay, if you want to fight, go back to the guild and fight again.” ”

“I’m still on a delegated mission, it’s dangerous here, and it’s not suitable for internal leverage.”

Seeing Ron’s serious expression, Elusha and Miraj looked at each other, and they all stopped looking over, snorted, and stopped being inward.

With a light breath, Ron was also helpless, raising his eyes to look at the Black Rose Base Camp not far away.

I have to say that the Black Rose Dark Guild is indeed quite rich in “two or four zero”, and has decorated the base camp into a luxury villa.

The huge villa has swimming pools, gardens, courts… The variety of entertainment facilities is really enviable.

However, in the next second, Ron’s eyes narrowed slightly, under the dark night, under the reflection of the cold moonlight.

He saw a figure, the man dressed naked, covered in anger.

With long pale green hair, bright red lips, and a coat of red mink, the overall image is very coquettish, roast chicken, and cruel.

Obviously, this person is none other than the Star Spirit Magi of the Cyan Pegasus, Karian Lilika.


His bait.

The corners of Ron’s mouth turned up slightly.

Very good, let him be a fisherman.

With his index finger pressed against his lips, Ron hissed, shrunk his body so that his body could better hide in the bushes, and whispered, “Karen is here.” ”

Suddenly, Rebbie and Jubia obediently covered their small mouths with their hands, for fear of making a noise and alarming the front.

At this time, Miraj and Elusha also calmed down and stopped arguing.

That’s it.

Ron and the others waited for the opportunity.

Hide in the shadows, waiting for the best opportunity.

The other side.

Karin’s whole person was very happy, and her face was full of joy.

The sandpiper mussels compete, the fisherman gains, and now the Black Rose Guild and the Black Magic Order are fighting the Dragon Empire and fighting flying.

Fortunately, she had information and specially came to pick up the leak.

At this time, the base camp of Black Rose, there is not a single figure in the huge villa, cheap she Karian!

She is so clever, using her beauty to deceive the stupid men and get the latest information.

Then, knowing that the Dragon Empire was attacking Black Rose, Black Rose also found a helper Black Magic Sect, and the more fierce they fought, the better!

Meisei is her biggest weapon, using Meisei, her rent, clothes, food, drink, housing and transportation… Even mission intelligence is free and even earned.

Oh, stupid men!

It was not yet played in the palm of her by Lord Kalien.

As a refined egoist, Karen simply exploits beauty.

Let that group of men serve her, she will not give anything for that group of licking dogs, including beauty.

That group of licking dogs is only worthy of watching, can not be touched, can not be touched, and she can also get the maximum benefit.

Including the intelligence this time, she was deceived from licking dog 14.

The other party was also stupid, stealing information from his own guild to her, and gave her an extra million j, saying that it was pocket money.

While she obtained intelligence, she also got a million J, and the money was really easy to earn.

The more she thought about it, the more excited she became, and the smile on Kalien’s face became even more sufficient.

Swaggering, she strode into the villa of Black Rose’s base camp, and Karen also had a map in her hand, which was given to her by Lick Dog No. 11.

It is marked with the location of the Golden Key of Baluge and the location of the treasure of the Black Rose.

While walking, he hummed a little ditty happily, and Kalien’s pleasure value was already full.

The Golden Key of Balug, the Golden Key of the Three Zodiac Signs of the Contract, the Treasure of the Black Rose…. She, Lord Kalien, wants it all!

Walk inside the brightly lit, large, empty villa.

Karen bypassed several winding corridors and walked along the corner.

Finally stop in a corner of the villa, in front of an inconspicuous room.

After thinking for a moment, Karen still took out Leo’s golden key, waved it suddenly, and sneered: “Open it!” Leo’s Gate Leo! ”

Immediately! Shine gold!

When the dazzling light fades.

Wearing a black suit, Leo like a cowherd, wearing sunglasses, with a solemn expression, appeared brightly.

As the head of the twelve gates of the zodiac in the Star Spirit Realm-Leo, Leo, is still a yellow hair, and the yellow hair on one end is very conspicuous.

Glancing at the contract master Karian, Leo held up the frame of the sunglasses and said coldly: “What happened?” ”

Karen snorted coldly in displeasure: “! Be polite to me! ”

“You don’t want something to happen to Aliyes, I’m your contract master, the master of your star spirit!”

Damn it! Threaten him with Aliyes again… Leo dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, his pupils under the sunglasses flashed coldly, and he gritted his teeth: “I know.” ”

“What do you need me to do?”

Karen pointed to the room in front of her and sneered: “I want to enter this room, I am afraid that there are traps inside.” ”

“You go in for me first.”

The corner of Leo’s eyes twitched, and finally he pushed the door open.

There was a click, and after opening the door, I walked in slowly.

Everything was ok and the whole room was simply and plainly decorated.

Suddenly, a transparent protective box attracted Leo’s attention.

Just because, this transparent protective box, the contents stored in it are the golden key of the Virgo star spirit Baluge, one of the zodiac signs!


Leo understood everything!

Karen wants to take another golden key!

His verbal contract with Karen must also be fake, and Kalien’s ambition is not so small.

He could tell from the fact that Karen was still looking for the golden key of the zodiac.

Once Karen gets the golden key of Baluge, she will definitely contract the golden key of Balug, as well as the golden key of Aliyes.

Before, everything Karen did was just to use him and make him work for Karin!

At this moment, it is too late!

The moment Leo notices everything!

The corner of Kalien’s mouth was crooked, the God of War possessed, and a dive crossed Leo’s body, leaving one afterimage after another, killing in front of Baluge Golden Key!

Immediately afterwards, he took out his weapon from his arms, and a flickering iron whip suddenly whipped towards the transparent protective box in front of him!


A crisp sound!

The transparent protective box is vulnerable, and the glass is shattered.

Karen took the Balug gold key inside, held it tightly in her hand, and took out the golden key of Aries Aliyes from her arms.

Don’t give Leo a chance at all, pinching to death!

Raising the two golden keys in her hand, Karen looked at Leo in front of her mockingly, and laughed: “Sorry little Leo~!” ”

“This game, I won!”

“I will forcibly contract not only Aliyes, but also Balu of Virgo!”

“I am the true master of the Star Spirit, and with three golden keys, I will definitely become famous in the Fiore Kingdom, become the most famous Lord Magister, and earn more money!”

At this moment, Karen imagines a bright future.

Everything was too late, Baluge’s golden key, Aliyes’s golden key, all in Kalien’s hands, Leo gritted his teeth and roared: “Kalien, you deceived me!” ”

Karen smiled disdainfully and snorted coldly: “I deceived you more than a man. ”

“All men are my playthings.”

“Have you learned? Little Leo! ”

“Let me teach you a good lesson!”

“Contract! of the zodiac…. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ] )

The reason why Leo in the book is so Aquaman is also because he learned the technique of Kalian after the sea.

Just when Karen is infinitely arrogant, infinitely confident, and infinitely at her peak.

All of this, abruptly stopped!

The air was silent, and the moonlight that spilled through the window was even colder, and it fell on Karen and Leo.

The expressions of the two were shocked, and their pupils quake.

Just because!

When Karen forcibly contracts the Golden Key of Balug and the Golden Key of Aliyes.

Enveloped by an invisible force, this is not magic, but spell!

The so-called spell power is the power of the devil!

This is the ultimate malice, condensed power!

At this moment, Ka Lian’s expression was distorted, and her green tea-like tone said: “I’m sorry… Leo. ”

“You know me, I’m more joking.”

“You know, I was just joking with you.”

“Please, save me!.”

Karian, who was entangled in the spell, was unable to move, like a puppet, losing control of her body, and she also knew the seriousness of the matter!

Black spell power gushed out from the broken transparent protective box, wrapped Kalien’s whole person, and immediately faded the disguise, and the broken transparent box instantly returned to its true appearance, which was the Book of Jelf!

The Book of Darkness suspended in mid-air, wrapped with endless spells, erupting into endless spells like a tsunami, this is the Book of Jelf!

Synonymous with horror, thriller, terrifying, powerful, invincible!

During the whole process, Leo waited and watched.

As the leader of the zodiac, he has the power to reject the Lord of the Covenant.

Faced with Kalien’s request, Leo did not change his face and muttered: “This is actually a trap, the Book of Jelf is disguised as a transparent protective box, wrapped in Baluge’s golden key 0…..”

“Once the golden key of Balug is taken away, the Book of Jelf devours the person holding the golden key, making it a sacrifice and thus resurrected.”

Hearing this, Kalien’s face collapsed and distorted, regardless of the image, as if a shrew scolded the street, cursing!

“You TM, I want you to save me, not for you to explain!”

“You are the Star Spirit, I am your master…”

In a flash!

In the case of Karen collapse.

The Book of Jelf opens automatically!

A majestic black spell surged out like an ocean, directly drowning Karen and drowning everything, including Kalien’s cries for help, shouts, and screams.

In just an instant, Karen was devoured and became a sacrifice to the Book of Jelf, and the demon of the Book of Jelf was successfully summoned.

The most tragic thing is that Karen is not dead yet, she is still alive like nourishment.

Living in the body of the devil, becoming the demon’s nourishment, being absorbed by the demon little by little, but there is no resistance until death.

After Karen is devoured by the Book of Jelf, a huge black magic array emerges under the dome.

Immediately, the Book of Jelf swooped into the sky and merged with the Black Magic Array.

Immediately afterwards, the demon with a huge body crawled out of the magic array, and his scarlet eyes scanned the surroundings, roaring angrily and roaring, revealing his hideous fangs!

When the demon came, the villa of the Black Rose Guild collapsed at the feet of the devil.

Reduced to ruins, broken walls and ruins, gunsmoke and smoke are everywhere, extremely violent, and explosions continue to sound.

Leo stepped back one after another, constantly dodging the boulders that fell after the collapse of the villa, and finally escaped to the open space outside the villa.

Looking up and staring, the demon of the Book of Jelf in front of him was like a hill, covering the sky.

It has a pair of huge wings, a pair of scarlet vertical pupils, and a red moon symbol on the forehead, which is unusually conspicuous, and the fangs and claws are also shining with a cold glow.

Although the overall image resembles a wolf, it has a pair of huge demon wings!

This is the demon of the Book of Jelf, the Wolf of the Red Moon!

Grunting, secretly swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Karen has been devoured, although not dead, but it is also a matter of time.

No matter what, he can’t beat the monster in front of him… Leo’s face was livid. Cold sweat continued to break out on his forehead.

What to do?

Can’t beat it at all!

Even if he sacrificed his life, he couldn’t beat it at all!

This is the demon in Jelf’s book, the Wolf of the Red Moon!

There is no solution at all, near the Valley of Roque Warcraft, there is also the town of Roque.

He could not save Kalien, but he could not give up Roquetown, which was tens of thousands of lives.

What to do?

No way at all!

The fact of despair is in front of you.

Suddenly, a haze of despair enveloped Leo.

As the head of the twelve gates of the zodiac, Leo, he is very strong!

However, the contractor Karen has been devoured and is dying.

In this state, his strength is not at its peak at all, and it is really too difficult to resist the Red Moon Wolf!

Next second!

Without waiting for Leo to react.

The wolf of the red moon who completely descended, raised his head to the crescent moon, bathed in the moonlight of the 1.3 forest, and a long roar sounded, covering a hundred miles!

Roaring Moon!

This roar was filled with extreme malice!

Let the people in a hundred miles away shake their tiger bodies one after another, and the one who is immediately clips off the, the direct Yang Wei who is having sex, and the direct Quanguo who is bathing escapes….

This extremely vicious roar let everyone know that the demon of the Book of Jelf had arrived!

In this magical world, it is not uncommon for powerful Jelph’s Book demons like Dailiora to destroy the world everywhere.

Therefore, when the Red Moon Wolf let out a long demon roar, those who heard the sound understood everything in seconds and directly began to evacuate.

Especially in the nearby town of Roque, everyone fled overnight.

Everyone was full of despair, including Jubia’s parents.

At the exit of Roque’s Warcraft Valley, Joseph and Thor, who were still crouching in Ron, were also slightly startled.

Pupils trembling, expressions distorted, rushing, demons are coming?

What kind of train are these little imps doing!

They just want to be a quiet old sixth, sneak up on Ron, take revenge on Ron, and destroy Jubia.

The result?

Waited for half a day.

Ron didn’t wait.

Wait for the demon of the Book of Jelf, this tm ghost!

At this moment, the Demon Red Moon Wolf was completely crazy!

Under the cold moonlight, spread the demon wings, soared in mid-air, and the huge and terrifying figure was completely displayed in front of the world!

This scene made Joseph’s face gloomy as stagnant water, and he gritted his teeth and said: “Good fellow! What the hell is that bastard Ron doing! ”

“How come even the demon of Jelf’s Book came out!”

At this time, Thor’s expression was startled and said: “No~No~No~!” ”

“President, how do I feel that demon, his gaze seems to be on our side, will he come to us?”

With a grim expression, Joseph warned: “Shut your crow mouth, don’t really say it right!” “。

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