For Rebby’s question, everyone chose Ron in unison.

After all, for them, Ron had become faith.

Either way, Ron is the strongest!

They’ve always believed in this!

Because of Ron, there is the Dragon Empire.

There is no doubt that they will come together and their lives will change.

Miraj clasped his arms in front of him and snorted: “It must be that Ron is stronger, he can beat the double black dragon and call the crying father.” ”

Elusha narrowed her eyes slightly, considered for a moment, and agreed: “Mira, although you are quite annoying. ”

“But what you said this time makes sense.”

Miraj’s fierce gaze glared at Elusha, and she bit her teeth lightly and said, “Elusa, what are you talking about, fat pig?” ”

“Say I’m annoying?”

“You say it as if I like you very much!”

For a time, the eyes of the two collided, colliding fiercely in the air!

The momentum is terrifying! No one will back down even half a step.

Elusha said with interest: “Mira, one point.” ”

The corners of Miraj’s mouth turned up: “Very good, just what I want, just now!” ”

Seeing this, Rebbe looked around for Ron’s figure and found that Ron was not there!

Suddenly, a bad idea popped up in her heart, and Rebbie hurriedly said: “Elusa, Mira, don’t fight first!” ”

“The president is not there!”

“He seems to be still in the Valley of Roque Warcraft.”

“It is exactly the direction where the double black dragon appears, and the guild leader will not be in danger of “seven three three”! ”

After saying that, Elusha and Miraje’s expressions changed suddenly, their small faces tightened, their brows frowned slightly, and they stopped fighting instantly.

Miraj hurriedly said, “Elusha will stop fighting first. ”

Elusa nodded: “Well, Ron may meet the double black dragon…. ”

Immediately, everyone did not hesitate.

Step into the Valley of Roque Warcraft again and look for Ron’s tracks.

The other side.


Inside the guild of Fairy Tail.

Makarov, dressed in a clown costume, with an old drunken look, sat on the bar .

Heroically drinking the wine, he muttered, “If only Fairy Tail had a few more beautiful members…” ”

Wakaba took a pipe in his mouth, and with a narrowed expression, he echoed: “President, you are indeed wise and martial!” ”

“That’s right, you must recruit more beautiful women!”

“Fairy Tail can’t live without beauty and wine.”

Makao complained: “Bastard Wakaba, aren’t you married? Still thinking about beautiful women? ”

Wakaba spat out a smoke ring, picked up the wine glass, took a sip of spirits, and smiled: “Macao, what do you understand?” ”

“It’s called fraternity, love, wanting to give every girl a home and adopt a beautiful girl who is homeless.”

Makarov put his arm around the shoulders of Vakaba and Makao, and laughed: “That’s right, this is Fairy Tail!” ”

“Come on, keep drinking, we’re going to get drunk tonight!”

Macaou helplessly covered his face and persuaded: “President, you have already drunk a lot, you are about to get drunk.” ”

As a result, the next second, Makarov slept directly on the bar, and the second sleep was successful.

Immediately after that, the magic communication crystal called.

The noisy incoming call woke Makarov, who had just slept.

With a confused movement, he took out the magic communication crystal from his arms and placed it on the bar, and looked at the figure emerging from the magic communication crystal with drunken eyes.

Small body, this figure is none other than Makarov’s old friend Yajima, who is also one of the magic judges.

Yajima’s sad figure appeared in the magic communication crystal.

This made Makarov scratch his head, and laughed and said: “Yo, Yajima, long time no see!” ”

“Now come Fairy Tail, I’ll treat you to a drink.”

I saw that Yajima completely ignored Makarov’s invitation and said directly: “Pony… Big event. ”

“The Holy Ten has fallen.”

Because, the fall of the Holy Ten is a super big event.

I can’t hide it, tomorrow’s newspaper headlines are all about this.

Therefore, Yajima did not intend to hide it, and in the magic communication crystal, in front of the entire Fairy Tail Guild, he told this shocking fact.

At this moment, the old horse turned into a pony, which instantly scared dozens of years younger.

Makarov immediately sobered up, slapped himself two more times, leaving red slap marks on his face, and then said cheerfully: “Sorry, Yajima.” ”

“I just drank too much, and my head was a little confused and a little confused.”

“I actually heard you say that the Holy Ten has fallen, how is this possible, I must have heard it wrong!”

As a result, Yajima interjected, “Pony, you heard you right. ”

“Saint Joseph has fallen, and he is the president of the Ghost Dominator.”

“He was in Roque Town, he was killed.”

“At the same time, there is also a Jelf’s Book Demon, who was killed along with Jose.”

At this moment, the entire Fairy Tail was instantly quiet.

Everyone was stunned.

The horrified gaze looked at Yajima within the magical communication crystal.

St. Joseph fell?

And the Jeff demon was also killed at the same time?

Who are the opponents?

Is it that strong?

Grunting, secretly swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Makarov’s mind was also running rapidly, forcing him to sober up.

Fairy Tail and the Ghost Dominator are mortal rivals, and he certainly knows Joseph’s strength.

Also holy ten, Joseph is definitely a strong man.

As a result, did it fall like that?

Makarov had a complicated expression, exhaled lightly, and asked: “Yajima… One more question, who killed Joseph. ”

“Joseph is a jerk and a lot of messing around.”

“But, undeniably, Joseph was indeed strong.”

Yajima narrowed his eyes and sighed softly: “It was not a man who killed Joseph.” ”

Makarov was shocked: “Is it a demon? ”

“The Book of Jelf Demon, kill Joseph and another Book of Jelf demon at the same time?”

“It seems that this Jelf’s Book Demon is very strong, and he actually picked two and won!”

Yajima interjected again and said, “Pony, it’s not a demon either. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ] )

“It’s a dragon.”

“It’s not a dragon yet, but a double black dragon.”

“Penetrate the bodies of Joseph and the Book of Jelf demons, respectively, crucify them under the sky of Roquetown, and instantly kill the Book of Joseph and the Book of Jelf demons.”


Makarov was stunned.

The same goes for the whole Fairy Tail.

Everyone’s eyes were pale, and their expressions were terrified.


Or double black dragons!

Instantly kill Saint Ten and the Book of Jelf Demon!

A series of explosive events, like bombs, bombed everyone’s heads.

Let everyone’s heads directly shut down, too late to think, too late to react, only infinite shock!

After a long silence, Yajima coughed twice and reminded: “Hey, when I first heard the news, I was shocked for a long time. ”

“But that’s the way it is, the dragon, which has disappeared for hundreds of years, has returned.”

“And it’s still a double black dragon, strong strength, there is no doubt.”

“All in all, the heavens of Ishgar are about to change.”

“The disappearing dragons are back, will they still be the masters of the continent? Nobody knows…. ”

“Pony, you should also be more careful, there is an emergency meeting tomorrow, I am here to inform you… Well, that’s it, see you tomorrow. ”


The magic communication crystal flickered.

The image of Yajima’s image jumped, disappeared in an instant, and the communication ended.

After ending the communication, the entire Fairy Tail remained silent.

Once upon a time, the dragon, which only appeared in books, returned.

He also instantly killed Saint Ten and the Book of Jelf Demon.

This series of explosion information is like a nuclear bomb, shocking.

After a long silence, Makarov still had a frozen expression.

At this time, Laxus, who had been in the corner before, quietly, put his hands in his pockets, came to Makarov’s side, patted Makarov on the shoulder, and said: “Old man, don’t be in a daze 0…..”

“Ron’s mission location is in Roque Town.”

“Kildas also happened to be on a mission near Roque Town, so quickly notify that smelly uncle to go to Roque Town.”

Although, Kildas is often hanging, lecherous, and lazy.

But there’s no denying that Kildas is really strong, and ridiculously strong.

At Laxus’s reminder, Makarov came back to his senses and said in amazement: “Laxus, are you worried about Ron? ”

Laxus didn’t turn his head, left directly, and snorted coldly: “Old man, who would worry about that kind of bastard!” ”

“I just wanted to solve him with my own hands.”

Seeing this, Makarov also showed a gratifying smile, will Laxus also care about his partner?

Subsequently, Makarov endured his shock and used the magic communication crystal to inform Kildas of everything.

The whole process, the originally lazy Kildas, was also shocked.

In the end, Kildas had a rare serious expression, and immediately rushed to Roque Town to join Ron and the others.

During this period, Makarov also contacted Miraj and others through the magic communication crystal.

But Ron could not be contacted, and Miraj and the others could not contact Ron.

This made everyone a little worried, worried that Ron had encountered the legendary dragon.

After all, those two black dragons were terrifying existences that even Saint Ten and the Book of Jelf demons could instantly kill!


Ron, as the party concerned, is still walking in the silent Valley of Roque Warcraft.

After killing Joseph and the Red Moon Wolf in an instant, he now intends to move on to the next step.

Of course it’s not over!

When the Asura Realm’s divine power increased from 1v10 to 1v12, after two levels in a row.

He also got a new opportunity to summon members of the Ten Thousand Realms Guild, and this time the new member he summoned was: Cat Cat Legion 2!

The new members of the Cat Cat Legion are none other than Black Song and Tower City Kitten!

There are two cat ladies again, one big European and one poor milk.

A royal sister, a loli.

One charming, one cute.

Perfect complementarity!

Not only that, how can a new storm come to a standstill, and a new dragon is also coming as promised!

In addition to Black Song and Tower City Kitten, Ron also has a newly summoned new member of the Ten Thousand Realms, which is the legendary Stardust Dragon!

In this way, Ron already has three dragons, a green-eyed white dragon, a true red-eyed black dragon, and a stardust dragon!

Exactly, this evening, let’s make a big fuss!

Let the green-eyed white dragon descend on Magno 5.9 Lea and kill it before the Blue Demon Scorpion leads the B-level dark guild Blue Poison Legion to attack the Dragon Empire.

Let the true red-eyed black dragon descend on the Blue Poison Wetland, and directly kick off the base camp of the Blue Poison Legion with one pot.

Finally, let the Stardust Dragon descend to the base camp of the B-level regular guild Thunder Roar and annihilate it.

After all, the big brother of the Lightning Guild is Thunder Roar.

Thunder Roar has also been eyeing the Dragon Empire.

The other party is a regular guild, and Ron is too lazy to cause trouble, and if he shoots directly, he will be targeted by the Magic Council.

Therefore, Stardust Dragon is the perfect attacker, let him control Stardust Dragon and act as the mastermind behind the scenes!

Green Eyed White Dragon VS Blue Devil Scorpion Army.

True Red-Eyed Black Dragon VS Blue Poison Legion Base Camp.

Stardust Dragon VS Thunder Roar B Rank Regular Guild.

The three dragons will definitely set off a huge information storm on the Isugar continent, allowing humans and demons to feel the shock of the return of the true dragons!

The true dragons who have disappeared for hundreds of years, the return of the king again, the ultimate impact brought by it, is enough to shake everyone’s hearts.

And Ron is behind this grand performance of the return of the real dragon.

The legend of the dragon will surely awaken after tonight!

The fear gene that has been sleeping in the human heart for hundreds of years, the gene that is afraid of the real dragon, will also wake up with the return of the real dragon.

…… The dividing line….

Stardust dragon illustration.

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