
Inside the conference hall of the rigorous Council of Magic.

Because of the appearance of the double ponytailed god Serena, the atmosphere instantly became a lot lively.

The god Serena was still gesturing in a strange pose, her fingers were still pointing east and west, humming hahe: “Ha ~ ha ~ ha ~ mm!” ”

“Haha~ In front of the Eight Dragon Heavenly God Serena, no matter what dragon appears in front of me, I am invincible!”

“Because, Uncle Ben is the strongest dragon slaying demon guide, and dragon slaying is my mission!”

For his abilities, the god Serena is quite confident.

For the strange celestial god Serena, the remaining three Isugar Four Heavenly Kings looked at each other with a helpless face.

Hai Berion Saint Ten Magic Guide ranked second, an elegant gentleman, dressed like a vampire, holding a goblet full of wine (actually milk), taking a sip of milk, and said elegantly: “Celestial God Serena, please be elegant, we are in a meeting now.” ”

Ulufheim Saint Ten Demon Guide ranked third, one of the four heavenly kings of Ishgar, with hands behind his back, looking like a kind old man, but his temper was extremely hot, and he roared directly!

“Hey! Bastard Celestial God Serena, you give me a little quiet! ”

“Now, there’s a meeting!”

Celestial God Serena gestured, pointed at Ulufkhem, and smiled: “In front of Ben Eight Dragon Celestial God Serena, you better give me a little respect, old man.” ”

Ulufkheim’s expression was furious: “Hey! Are you going to fight? ”

Celestial God Serena gestured his fingers, his face full of confidence: “If you are willing to accompany, let you see the power of the eight dragons.” ”

For a while, “five two seven”.

Inside the conference room, there was a lot of saber rattling.

The atmosphere on both sides was tense to the climax.

The eyes of the two were in each other’s eyes, colliding with fierce sparks in the air!

As a good old man, Volod Sinken Saint Ten Magic Guides ranked fourth, and one of the founders of Fairy Tail, looked like a tree man, and persuaded: “Everyone calm down. ”

“Calm down, please…”

In the end, under the persuasion of the good old man Volod Shinken.

The gods Serena and Urufkhem quieted down a little.

The two snorted coldly, each found a seat, and sat down.

The bickering between the two made everyone in the entire conference room also walk on thin ice, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

This is the Four Heavenly Kings of Ishgar, and once a war starts, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Fortunately, there was Wolod Sinken who prevented the disaster from happening.

At this moment, a group of magic judges Crawford Sim, Ogo, Mikairo, Beluno, Yajima… Wait, already sweaty, cold sweat soaked clothes.

The god Serena has a peculiar personality and Urufkheim has a fiery personality, and if it weren’t for Volod Shinken’s obstruction, the two could really fight.

At this point, Makarov, who was wearing a formal uniform, was like a child in front of Volod Shinken, after all, Volod Shinken witnessed Makarov’s birth and also saw Makarov pee his pants.

Makarov scratched his head and said respectfully: “Volod, thank you so much.” ”

Wallod waved his hand slightly, and said kindly and modestly: “Pony, don’t be so polite.” ”

“Okay, let’s go straight to the meeting now.”

In the end, the meeting was managed by the four kings of Isugal, Volod and Hayberion, and reluctantly proceeded.

The content of the meeting was also simple and rude, which is the major event that happened this evening.

First, the town of Roque, the fall of St. Joseph the Ten, and the Book of Jelf demon were killed.

Second, it was the double black dragon who killed Saint Ten Joseph and the Book of Jelf Demon, and that was the point!

The dragon, which had disappeared for hundreds of years, actually returned and reappeared on the continent of Isugar again!

When he said this, the Celestial God Serena was very excited, and began to dance again, gesturing his fingers, and smiled confidently: “Haha~ Ben Eight Dragon Celestial God Serena, it is for this that I was born!” ”

“This pair of black dragons is my goal!”

The confident Celestial God Serena, just like in the original work, before encountering the black dragon, before being instantly killed by the black dragon’s blow, the celestial god Serena is also very confident and arrogant.

The crowd chose to ignore the proud speech of the god Serena, or they were used to it, and the meeting continued.

The third big event is that the blue poison wetland has also descended on real dragons.

According to its physical characteristics, this dragon was named the True Red-Eyed Black Dragon, which directly destroyed a group of dark guilds and then disappeared.

The whole process, coming and going without a trace, mysterious and powerful strength, shocking, this is the real dragon, the legendary dragon!

Not only that, after the appearance of the double black dragon and the true red-eyed black dragon, the fourth major event also followed.

That is the arrival of the Stardust Dragon, descending on Lake City, a Stardust Dragon Breath, a final blow, directly destroying everything.

The so-called B-level regular guild thunder roar, in front of the Stardust Dragon, is still vulnerable.

Under the breath of the dragon, all beings are equal, and all perish!

Immediately, after the destruction thunder roared, the stardust dragon also suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

According to the intelligence, everyone can know that whether it is a double black dragon, a true red-eyed black dragon, or a stardust dragon, their appearance is extremely sudden, sudden arrival, and then show unparalleled strength, directly conquering everything and destroying everything.

All of this, there is no connection, the dragon is suddenly coming, then indiscriminate destruction, and finally disappearing.

This series of explosive events caused Makarov, Volod Sinken, Hay Berion, and a group of magic judges… Wait, it’s a headache.

If, every night, the true dragon will return and destroy everything indiscriminately, then Ishgar will be finished!

For a time, in the conference hall, the atmosphere was heavy, and a layer of death aura was shrouded in it, making everyone’s faces as gloomy as stagnant water.

The exception was the god Serena, who danced his hands excitedly, pointed his fingers forward, and the corners of his mouth turned up: “Ha! It’s exciting! ”

“Ben Eight Dragon Celestial God Serena has the advantage in numbers!”

“Because, I have eight dragons!”

For the optimism of the god Serena, everyone showed envy.

Although, the strength of the Celestial God Serena is indeed very strong.

But the personality is really too proud and a little strange.

Call~! With a light breath, as an elegant gentleman Hai Berion, he took a sip of the milk in the goblet, and narrowed his eyes slightly: “Celestial God Serena, we know that you are very strong, and you are also very interested in dragons.” ”

“However, you have to know that this is the legendary dragon, and it is not as simple as you think.”

“Especially the double black dragon, who instantly killed the Saint Ten and the Book of Jelf Demon.”

“The powerful strength of the double black dragon has long exceeded your imagination.”

The finger pointed to Hai Berion, the god Serena Dragon King possessed, the corners of his mouth were crooked, and he smiled evilly: “Yo! Your Excellency Vampire, you seem to have underestimated the strength of the Eight Dragon Celestial God Serena. ”

“I’m the darling of dragons, and I have eight dragons in my body.”

“The number of double black dragons is only two, and I am eight.”

“Pick two out of eight, the advantage is in me, you tell me, how can I lose!”

Makarov sighed lightly, with rare seriousness, and said: “Celestial God Serena, you are the strongest Magi of Isugal. ”

“Once you lose, the entire Ishgar will suffer unimaginable consequences.”

“So, you have to be careful.”

“Tonight, we already know the four dragons, this is just the dragon we know, what if the other party has more numbers, there are ten dragons, or even dozens of dragons?”

“Therefore, everything has to be discussed in the long term and slowly.”

For Makarov’s persuasion, the god Serena was confident: “Of course, the more dragons the other side, the better, because I am the strongest!” ”

As everyone knows, the last man who claimed to be the strongest has been cut off from the waist. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

After some arguments, there was no progress in the meeting.

After all, in the face of the return of the true dragon, their strength of the true dragon is also in an unknown state.

It is only known that the real dragon is very strong, as for how strong, they have no bottom, everything is passive.

Suddenly, Makarov’s magical communication crystal sounded.

Seeing this, Makarov was slightly startled and said apologetically: “Oh ~ sorry sorry, I’ll take a magic communication crystal.” ”

Volod Sinken smiled lightly: “Makarov, it’s okay, you pick up the magic communication crystal first, maybe it’s urgent.” ”

Although the other magic judges have opinions, but Volod Sinken has said so, and they can only obediently shut up and give Volot Sinken a face.0…..

After all, Wallod Sinken is also one of the founders of Fairy Tail!

After connecting the magic communication crystal, Makarov’s face was slightly angry.

He saw the figure inside the magic communication crystal, which was the figure of Macao.

“Macao! I’m in a meeting! ”

“This emergency meeting is very important!”

“The four heavenly kings of Ishgar are here, there is no emergency, don’t contact me first, wait until I finish the meeting…”

As a result, Makarov has not finished speaking.

Makao directly threw a big move and interjected: “President… Magnolia also came to the dragon. ”

As soon as the words came out.

It was like a nuclear bomb dropped directly into the conference hall.

The entire conference hall suddenly fell silent, and everyone’s expressions were stunned, and their faces were tense and distorted.

Makarov’s eyes widened and he said in horror: “Makao, what are you talking about? ”

“Magnolia is also coming to the dragon?!”

In the end, Macao said it all.

Then, end the magic communication crystal.

After learning that the blue-eyed white dragon had descended on Magnolia.

In this evening, five dragons have appeared, double black dragon, true red-eyed black dragon, stardust dragon, and green-eyed white dragon.

The dragons are back! It’s like a grand show!

Of course, this performance is a disastrous performance for mankind.

The five dragons all came for a short time, but they caused terrifying damage, enough to shake their hearts, and even the Holy Ten fell one.

In the end, the deliberations of the meeting are passed.

Their response.

It can only be a prayer that no more real dragons will come.

The performance of praying for the return of the true dragon has ended.

Pray that the strength of the true dragon is not so strong.

Otherwise, Isugar really can’t stand it!

Although, the god Serena is confident.

However, the god Serena is only one person after all.

In case there are many powerful dragons, Serena, the god of heaven who can fight by relying on righteous group beatings, cannot find the north.

Of course, their conjectures were wrong.

Normally, as long as Ron develops normally, one person will be enough to deal with the god Serena in the future.

In addition, the meeting also decided to strengthen the defenses of all parts of the Isugar continent, enhance vigilance, and prevent the return of the true dragon.

In order to increase the strength of Ishgar, they had to find a candidate for Saint Ten as soon as possible, so as to improve Ishgar’s strength.

After all, Joseph’s fall was also a tragic loss for Isugal, and this gap must be filled as soon as possible.

It is urgent to find candidates for Saint Ten.

After some discussion, Makarov coughed, cleared his throat, his expression condensed 0.8, and said: “Everyone, I have a potential supernova to recommend.” ”

“That man is Ron, the president of the Dragon Empire.”

“I’m only eight years old this year, and I have a lot of potential, but I don’t have the qualifications and time to grow.”

“As long as Ron is given a little more time to grow, he will definitely grow to the strength of Saint Ten.”

“Ron’s potential, strength, Kildas has also seen it, so don’t worry.”

“So, I recommend making Ron a candidate for Saint Ten.”

“As for how to judge whether Ron is qualified or not.”

Immediately, Makarov smiled heartily.

He had a brilliant idea, and said slowly: “Let Ron hunt the sin of witches.” ”

“After completing this task, Ron will officially become a candidate for Saint Ten.”

“I wonder what you think?”


The corners of Makarov’s mouth turned up slightly, revealing a victor’s smile.

Today he is really full of intelligence, and he has won Ron a great opportunity to become a Saint Ten candidate.

Although the limelight of the Witch’s Sin is very strong, the dark guilds hunted by the Witch’s Sin are all C-level dark guilds.

Makarov felt that with Ron’s current strength, as long as he found the crime of the witch, he would definitely be able to easily handle it.

At this point in his thoughts, Makarov smiled again in his heart.

He has already begun to imagine a better future, and when he tells Ron the good news, Ron, the smelly boy, will definitely be very grateful to him!

…… The dividing line….

Illustrated by Volod Sinken.

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