Glancing at Serra, Ron stared at Serra playfully and said, “Is it?” ”

“Do you think, have you won?”

“Miss Serra.”

For Ron’s confidence, Serra was slightly startled, and the corners of his mouth twitched: “Otherwise~!” ”

“Ron, you’ll end up being mine!”

Ron shrugged, “Who knows. ”

“I’m not interested in being your person.”

“I’m interested in you being my man, or my dog.”

Between conversations, Ron reached for Serra with his right hand and caressed Serra’s body.

In a flash.

The golden holy light shines.

The immortal realm’s divine power surged madly, roaring out and pouring into Serra’s body.

All this, what happened suddenly, made Serra look confused, what was this doing?

“Stop struggling!”

“The demon dragon of the Book of Jelf, it will come soon, and you will all be finished!”

“And I will receive your corpse and transform you into a demon…”

I thought that Ron was killing him, but as time passed, Serra’s expression changed suddenly, her face was full of shock, her lips twitched, and she muttered, “How… Possible! ”

Ron was actually healing her!

Is this insulting her?

Heal her!

Might as well kill her!

Ron’s behavior made Serra feel greatly humiliated.

As one of the Nine Ghost Gates of the Gate of Hades, Serra can accept defeat or death.

Only can not accept, the enemy’s treatment.

This shows that Ron does not look at her at all, completely ignores her, completely despises her, which is Chiguoguo’s humiliation!!

During Serra’s struggles, Ron easily healed Serra.

Without waiting for Serra to begin to resist, Ron backhanded another bloody spear, once again penetrating Serra’s body, nailing it under the sky.

Heal Serra first in order to get a reward.

After healing Serra, Ron found that Serra had a bit of a temper and was afraid that Serra would disturb him later, so he nailed Serra under the sky again.

In an instant, blood began to spurt out from Serra’s body, splashing out and flying all over the sky.

Seeing this, Serra, who could not move, and Serra, who was nailed to death by the blood spear, his pupils trembled, and roared: “Ron! ”

“What are you doing!”

Ron narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at Serra: “Shut up!” ”

“If you press again, I will transform you into a succubus.”

I don’t know how, after hearing this sentence, Serra actually shut up.

After healing Serra, as Ron expected, a great reward came as promised, this time the reward was a white wall!

It’s actually a white wall!

Divine Skill White Wall: The peak of the divine power of the colorless realm, in that white light, any life will be destroyed and strangled, even if you survive by chance, you will immediately lose your sensory consciousness, and all the power of confrontation will be suppressed to a minimum. In that white light, the sky seemed to be otherworldly, as if there was nothing he could not do.

Guessed correctly by Ron, healed Serra, obtained a breakthrough, the Black Dragon Sky Fusion Template was improved again, and the rich reward was actually a white wall of divine skills!

This wave can be said to have made a profit!

When the white wall opens, all beings are equal.

With the white wall, whatever Serra’s hole card is, he can fix it.

In an instant.

The black hole vortex under the firmament, when it expanded to the limit, a huge body crawled out of the black hole, and it was the demon dragon of Jelf’s book.

Also Serra’s last hole card!

The body of the demon dragon giant mountain, covering the sky and descending on Magnoria, full of extreme malice, as soon as it appeared, the roar shook the heavens and the earth!

Roll up the endless waves on the sea, roll up the water column that reaches the sky!

Is this the legendary dragon, or the demon dragon!

Face the appearance of the demon dragon.

At this moment, the entire Magnolia fell into a dead silence.

The residents of Magnolia who reacted had a look of horror on their faces, and the haze of fear shrouded the entire Magnolia.

“Dragon… It turned out to be a dragon again, last time a dragon just came, this time again. ”

“Magnolia is finished! Let’s run away, everyone. ”

“Or the Demon Dragon… It’s over, it’s all over. ”

For humans, dragons are natural disasters.

In the face of dragons, humans have no resistance.

After the appearance of the demon dragon, the entire Magnolia was in chaos, frantically fleeing.

In the face of the legendary dragon, or the demon dragon, they do not have the slightest desire to resist, they only want to escape, crazy escape, must escape, so that there is only life.

At this moment, Makarov and Kildas, as well as everyone in Fairy Tail, also looked at each other with solemn expressions, and it turned out to be a real dragon!

It seems that this time, Serra is serious, and the desperate hole cards are all pulled out.

Makarov’s deep eyes, flashing cloudy gaze, muttered: “The dragon is really here.” )

Ask for flowers

“Run away, I’ll fight him.”

Facing the legendary dragon, Makarov knows that with the power of humans, the odds of victory are extremely slim.

So I plan to go back alone and buy time for the people of Fairy Tail to escape.

Seeing this, the people of Fairy Tail certainly refused.

“What are you talking about, President?”

“Yes, we are Fairy Tail, we are going to advance and retreat together.”

“That’s right! We will not run away, let’s fight the dragon together! ”

Laxus had a grim expression and snorted coldly: “Old man, don’t think about playing handsome.” ”

“I’m not going to run away!”

“This kind of limelight thing, you don’t want to enjoy it exclusively.”

Receiving everyone’s response, Makarov burst into tears: “Everyone…. ”

When Makarov was moved, Kildas frowned slightly and raised his eyes to look ahead.

He saw that Ron was confronting the demon dragon.

Despite the long distance, he still felt Ron’s powerful divine power, majestic as an ocean, endless divine power.

The difference is that this time’s divine power is even more terrifying, as boundless as a tsunami, and unstoppable!

Between thoughts, Kildas concludes that Ron is getting stronger again!

Suddenly, Kildas said, “Maybe, we don’t have to run away.” ”

“You don’t have to fight.”

Hearing this, Makarov was stunned for a moment and said in surprise: “Kildas… What do you mean by that? ”

Kildas rubbed his forehead, exhaled lightly, and said, “The sixth sense tells me.” ”

“Ron is stronger again.”

“That’s right, you heard you right.”

“After the victory over Serra, Ron is stronger again.”

“Now Ron may already have the strength to solve the demon dragon.”

“All in all, there is no need to escape, no matter how bad it is, I will also make a move.”

Hearing this, everyone in Fairy Tail also breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes, their fairy tail’s strongest wizard, Kildas, is still there.

There is Kildas here, no surprise!

Although this red-haired uncle looks quite unreliable, his strength is still leveraged.

At the time when they were just breathing a sigh of relief.

As a result, the next second.

The expressions of everyone immediately changed suddenly, and their faces were full of shock, just because ahead, Ron struck again, and he was directly attacking the demon dragon.

This time, Ron has become a dragon slayer boy?

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