The so-called Shelaxus Wool Project is the regular, disciplined, and organized Shelaxus wool.

Now Laxus is in a rebellious period, equivalent to Natsu's rebellious and war-thirsty kind.

Not surprisingly, a battle between him and Laxus was inevitable.

Then, he can beat Laxus first, and then help Laxus heal, beating Laxus can cultivate combat power, and healing Laxus can also get rewards.

Not only that! He helps Laxus treat and can charge Laxus for a fee.

Now he drags his family with him, and his whole body savings are only 500,000 J, and he has to rent a house to live in a big city and get 100,000 J.

It just so happens that the fat sheep Laxus sent to the door, not white, by the way, earn living expenses, and also get rewards.

Suddenly, Laxus's lone wolf-like gaze met Ron's gaze, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "Hey, boy!" "

"Dare to fight me?"

Ron nodded: "Yes." "

The concise answer made Kildas and Laxus slightly stunned and surprised, Ron's behavior was always unexpected, and he actually agreed!

"Hah!" Kildas scratched his head and said, "Brother Ron, don't look at Laxus with bad yellow hair, he is very strong." "

Laxus glanced at Kildas obliquely and gritted his teeth: "Uncle shut up." "

Immediately, he looked at Ron with excited eyes and said, "Very good, I hope you don't disappoint me." "

For a while, Elfman and Lisanna looked at Ron with worried eyes, and at the same time cheered for Ron: "Come on Brother Ron, kill the yellow hair!" "

Miraj was also very excited, waving a small pink fist: "Give the yellow hair a little color and see!" "

Seeing this, Kildas laughed and bent down with a smile: "Laxus, your new nickname, yellow hair is bad, and you are very suitable!" "


"Shut up Uncle!" Laxus once again proved to himself: "Also, my name is not Huang Mao, my name is Laxus!" "

After saying that, Ron did not continue to talk nonsense, and his body burst out with terrifying divine power, and his blue eyes were covered with a layer of cold coldness, and said: "I know the yellow hair." "

"Let's start fighting."

The laughter around him increased Laxus's anger value several times, and so did his combat power, swinging his fists and roaring, killing Ron!

"Bastard! Angering me is the reason for your failure! "

"Remember for me, Uncle Ben's name is Laxus!"


A breaking wind sounded.

Laxus, who burst out of the blast, his legs exploded on the ground because of the strong recoil, dusty, and full of dazzling electricity, crackling, and flashing with electric light!

The muscles of the right arm bulged, like stone-like muscles, and the right fist was wrapped with endless thunder and lightning, dragon killing magic, and the collapse fist of the thunder dragon, offered!

Wrap the Thunder Dragon's electricity in your right fist and unleash the blow Ron!

The whole process, completed between electric light and flint, Laxus's offensive is as fast as thunder, and the power is also terrifying as a tsunami, unstoppable!

Between breaths, the raised Thunder Dragon Collapse Fist had already killed in front of Ron, only a meter away from Ron!!

Laxus's eyes also reflected the figure of the teenager in front of him, he could already imagine the future of the teenager, it must be the future of the fall, the future of being knocked down by him.

Unfortunately, the reality is always harsh.

The rushing electricity hit Ron's whole body, his forehead swayed wildly, his eyes reflected Laxus's furious expression, and the corners of his mouth turned up.

The strength of Laxus also stimulated Ron's blood, which seemed to boil, and finally felt a little fighting.

In order to pay tribute to the strength of Laxus, Ron also attacked with all his strength, and endless divine power burst out madly.

Roaring inside the boy, the killing came out!!

In a flash!

Colorless Divine Power LV2 Outbreak!

Suddenly, the world loses its color, fades its colorful colors, turns into colorless, and everything loses its vitality!

Followed by!

The colorless wall LV2 was activated, and the colorless enchantment protected in front of Ron, shining with majestic divine power!

In an instant, the Thunder Dragon's broken fist roared and slammed into the colorless wall!

As a result, like a mud cow entering the sea, it did not make a wave, but was swallowed by Ron's colorless wall, touched the right fist of the colorless wall, quickly swallowed, lost its color, turned gray, and the thunder and lightning dissipated into nothingness.

The originally majestic thunder and lightning has dissipated in the blink of an eye, Laxus's all-out blow was completely disintegrated by Ron, and the whole person was shrouded in the divine power of the colorless world, but also turned into colorless, unable to exert any power, as if being watched by the gods, a sense of powerlessness surged in his heart!

Immediately afterwards, Ron raised his right hand and pressed Laxus's face with a light smile.

With a force, Laxus, who was held down in the face, was killed by Ron's face, and directly exploded into the ground, his head hit the ground first, and his body came as promised.


A loud bang sounded.

Smoke and dust filled the air.

When the smoke faded, Laxus had been beaten to the ground by Ron, his body embedded in the ground, and the ground cracked and shattered to form a human-shaped crater.

The whole process is done in one go.

After it was over, Ron took a deep breath, gathered his divine power, and the world regained its color, stood up, and patted the dust on his hands.

At this time, Laxus lying on the ground, his clothes had burst open, covered in scars, embarrassed, the corners of his mouth spilled bloodshot, staring at Ron in front of him with horrified eyes, and muttering in his mouth: "You guy... What exactly is this power? "

"Not magic, not spells."

Experiencing such a powerful force firsthand, Laxus has long forgotten the pain of defeat, and his heart can only be infinitely shocked.

Ron was also slightly startled and said, "You haven't fainted yet, you are also quite strong, I thought this blow was enough to stun you." "

"This is divine power."

On the side, Kildas, who has always been lazy, was also stunned at this moment, and Laxus was killed instantly.

This is not the most shocking.

The most shocking thing was that the power used by that kid was a completely new power, a power that had never been seen before, called divine power!

Kildas has traveled to the western continent of Alakidasia, the continent of Kiltina... Wait, he is also well-informed, but he has never seen such a domineering, strong, crushing force.

Sildas, Kildas secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "Divine power... Do the gods use power? "

Syllable! Ron snapped his fingers and smiled: "That's right, the power that the gods who are above everything have." "

Laxus, lying on the ground, did not give up the battle and roared: "No kidding! "

"My strength is invincible!"

"No one is above me!"


The violent Laxus struck the roar of the thunder dragon, accumulating the electricity of the thunder dragon in the lungs, and then spit out a tsunami of thunder and lightning, drowning Ron!!

This thunder dragon's roar was only a few tens of centimeters away from Ron.

This roar of the thunder dragon is enough to destroy the heavens and the earth, and it is filled with boundless power!

This thunder dragon's roar, shining thunder light, illuminated the audience!

In the face of such a close destructive blow, Ron's blue eyes were like an emotionless machine, and said flatly: "Laxus, really." "

"Nobody told you that when others speak, do you have to listen quietly?"

"You fairy tail, it's so unruly."

Then, Ron burst out of colorless divine power, relying on powerful divine power, unfolding a colorless wall in his right hand, holding the roar of the gushing thunder dragon with one hand with one hand, hard catching the roar of the thunder dragon with one hand, and pressing it down, and pressing it back into Laxus's mouth abruptly!

Elegance, quite elegance!

The cloud is light and the wind is light, and it is another blow to touch the face to kill!

Next second.


Endless smoke rose from the ground and flooded Laxus and Ron like a tsunami.

The thunder roared, resounding through the sky, startling the crows in the surrounding woods, panicking across the sky, leaving a burst of noisy chirping, and the afterimage reflected on the bodies of Kildas, Miraj and others, and then dissipated.

Compared with the noisy black crow chirping, Kildas, Miraj and the others had long been silent, their expressions frozen and dull.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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