That’s it.

Based on the intelligence, Ron made a short plan.

Attack the Magic Development Bureau tonight, pinch Brian, and save Urutia.

Among them, Ron chose Uru, Kagura, Yukino, Kuno, Ginana, Leon, Gray… and others, as partners, participate in this battle.

After preparation, when night comes, the ink-splashed night descends on the sky, dyeing the sky.

The full moon hangs high in the night sky, the cold moonlight falls on the world, and the breeze blows.

Outside Magnolia Town, Ron, Ulu and the others were already ready.

Ride the Dragon’s Magic Guide Boat and fly to the polar ice plains of the northern continent.

According to intelligence, the area around the Polar Ice Plain is the base of the Magic Development Bureau.

Along the way, the glow of the moon fell on the bodies of Ron and the others.

Ulu was worried, leaning on the edge of the Dragon Demon Guide Boat, looking at the dark night, looking at the gloomy full moon, his delicate face was full of worry, and his willow eyebrows frowned slightly.

Seeing this, Ron soothed, “Don’t worry.” ”

“We will definitely succeed!”

“Then, Liberation 21 to save Urutia.”

Gray waved his fist and said seriously: “That’s right! ”

“Master, look at me!”

“I’m already on fire!”

Leon calmed down a little, hugged his arms, glanced at Gray coldly, and complained: “Hey… Gray, don’t be impulsive this time. ”

Gray glared at Leon: “I won’t!” ”

For a while, Gray and Leon also confronted each other, fighting like little children.

Immediately, the distraught Ulu gave two people, one brain collapse, so that Gray and Leon wailed in unison, holding their heads and squatting down, and instantly quiet.

Then, after “appeased” Gray and Leon, Ulu instantly changed his face, looked at Ron with a light smile in his eyes, and said, “Lord Ron, I understand.” ”

“Thank you for your information, and for your help.”

Ron waved his hand and said casually: “It’s all the Dragon Empire, you’re welcome.” ”

“What’s more, the Magic Development Bureau is a dark force, or a dark force that abducts children, Brian has done all the bad things, damn it!”

To be honest, Ron was really uncomfortable with Brian’s behavior.

Even if you engage in dark forces, it is still human trafficking, and it is still abducting and trafficking children, it is simply damned, and the crime deserves death!

The so-called Magic Development Bureau is a dark organization that abducts and sells children.

Ron also hated this dark force, which touched his bottom line.

Hearing this, Ulu looked at Ron with appreciative eyes and smiled: “I understand. ”

“This Magic Development Bureau, as well as Brian, used the Magic Council as a guise to scourge many families and many children.”

“Urrutia is just one of them.”

“Beyond that, the families who lost their children, I can imagine how much pain they have endured, and so have I.”

“Always suffering and suffering the pain of losing my daughter.”

“So, we have to solve the Magic Development Bureau and solve Brian.”

Ron nodded approvingly: “That’s right. ”

Once the Magic Development Bureau is solved, and Brian is solved, they save more than Urrutia.

There are also many children, who have been abducted by the Magic Development Bureau, and they will also be saved.

During the conversation, Ulu was also full of emotion, glanced at Gray and Leon, and then at Ron, they were all the same age, and the gap was too big.

“Ron, may I ask?”

Ron shrugged, his expression calm: “Yes.” ”

Ulu thought for a while and said, “Your strength and potential are far beyond the Magus of Ishgar, do you have any dreams?” ”

Ron said truthfully: “Take Fiore, take Ishgar.” ”

“The current Fiore, and Ishgar are too weak.”

“It’s all the result of the corruption of managers.”

“So, this requires a great purge to purge the ruined Fiore and Ishgar.”

For Ron’s wild hopes, Uru was slightly startled, but there were no too many accidents, the golden scales were a thing in the pool, and they turned into dragons when they encountered storms.

With Ron’s qualifications, it is indeed possible to take Isugal.

Ulu narrowed his eyes slightly, and the corners of his mouth turned up: “No matter what, I will support you.” ”

After a series of events, Ron has long been convinced by Ulu.

On the side, Gray also looked excited, shaking his fists and drinking!

“Lord Ron! I will too! ”

Meanwhile, Leon, Yukino, Kagura, Kuno… and so on, all of them.

Obviously, under Ron’s tutelage, although the number of his guild members is not large, their loyalty is still full of existence, and their strength is also super strong!

That’s it.

While making small talk.

The Dragon Magic Guided Boat accelerated.

Cut through the sky and through the shady curtain!

Under the desolate night, the Dragon Demon Guide Boat with full firepower had already arrived in the Polar Ice Plain of the Northern Continent in just three days.

It’s freezing and snowy, and as far as the eye can see, it’s a boundless snow-white.

When the cold wind hits, the ice that penetrates the bones of the heart, cold into the bone marrow, makes people tremble, and the soul is trembling, this is the area of the polar ice plain.


The other side.

Somewhere in the area of the polar ice plain.

Inside a luxurious castle, Brian is studying children in the magic research room, intending to conduct magical experiments.

The magical experiments carried out are taboo experiments, inhumane experiments.

At this time, Brian was holding a wand in his right hand and a book in his left hand, dark skin, white hair, wearing a white coat, and his expression was gloomy.

Behind Brian, followed by a group of researchers in white coats, their expressions were grim, and their bodies were full of slaughter.

In the magic research room, on the other side of the transparent glass wall, in a small room, many children are imprisoned.

These children, one by one, their faces were distorted and broken, one by one, they looked panicked, one by one, they looked terrified, they curled up, their eyes of fear, through the transparent glass wall, stared at Brian and the others.

Tremolo whispered.


“No~ it’s scary here! I want to go home! ”

“Woooo Woohoo~! ”

In the midst of the crying, one of the girls, wiping the tears from her delicate face, said with a firm expression: “I will definitely go home!” ”

“My mother is a super powerful wizard, she will definitely come to my rescue.”

For the girl’s self-talk, Brian completely heard it, looked at the girl with evil eyes, and mocked: “Dead heart, Urutia!” ”

“You can’t leave here!”

“You are the abandoned daughter.”

“You were abandoned by Ulu.”

“It was Ulu who took the initiative to send you over.”

“Got it?”

“Do you understand?”

“I repeat, you were abandoned by Ulu, and it was Ulu who took the initiative to send you over.”

“So, no one will save you.”

“Your destiny is in my hands.”


The girl Urrutia’s pupils trembled, her face was full of despair, tears rushed like rain, streaked across her cheeks, dripped to the ground, and murmured like a trill: “How… Possible. ”

Is she really abandoned?.

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