
Brian who discovered the truth.

The decision has been made.

That is to use Urrutia as a weapon!

Take Urrutia as a hostage and threaten Ron and threaten the Dragon Empire!

Hey, hey, hey… Ron, you don’t want Urrutia either….

Oblivious… Ulu, you don’t want Urrutia either….

As Brian imagines the future, imagines the time of conspiracy.

Boom with a loud bang~!

In the research room, the large wall was directly broken and collapsed, smoke and dust were everywhere, and thick gunsmoke covered the entire site.

When the smoke cleared, Ron, Uru, Kagura, Gray… and other figures, suddenly appeared.

This scene shocked Brian for a hundred years!

So quickly killed!

At this moment, in the research room of the Magic Development Bureau, a group of researchers had earthquakes in their pupils, their expressions were shocked, and they were in a cold sweat, and they shouted one after another.

“What about the Magic Council troops!”

“What about the Magic Development Bureau troops!”


“The enemy has attacked!”

Apparently, these escorts were all used by Kagura, Gray, Leon, Yukino, Kuno, Ginana, Shirley… Wait for someone, brushed off.

These minions are obviously no match for Kagura, Gray and others.

Relax, master everything, and enter the Magic Council smoothly.

Ron’s azure eyes were waveless, his expression was waveless, and the corners of his mouth turned up: “It’s useless!” Useless! Useless! ”

“It’s useless for you to shout louder.”

“They’re all dead.”

“Now, the entire Magic Development Bureau, only you are left.”

353 When they heard this, the researchers’ expressions were terrified, and their bodies trembled like chaff in a sieve.

“Lord Brian… What to do! ”

“Don’t be arrogant in your Dragon Empire!”

“Yes, we are the Magic Development Agency!”

“That’s right! We are the power of the Magic Council! ”

“Ron! I warn you, you know what you’re doing? ”

For the verbose person, Ron frowned slightly, raised his right hand, and the colorless realm divine power blasted out.

In a flash!

A group of researchers were killed in an instant.

Their pupils trembled, their souls trembled, with unwillingness, their eyes were full of Ron’s figure, with boundless fear, and finally they went to perish.

Raise your hand and kill everything in an instant.

For human traffickers, Ron didn’t have any nonsense, just take it directly.

This is strength, absolute strength, arrogant strength!

At this moment, Brian’s brain was down, and Ron’s strength caught him off guard, too domineering!

Ignoring the false name of the Magic Council, ignoring the false name of the Magic Development Bureau, come in and kill, crush everything!

In an instant, the so-called Magic Development Bureau had been breached.

The huge Magic Development Bureau, only Brian is left!

Seeing this, Brian looked like a madman, spread his hands, and smiled viciously: “Boom~!” ”

“[Dragon Tyrant]?”

“It is worthy of being the [Tyrant of the Dragon], an absolute tyrant!”

“But ah! Don’t underestimate me! ”

“Don’t underestimate the power of knowledge!”

“Urutia, still in my hands!”

“So, you know, Ron!”

“You don’t want Urrutia either…”

The words stopped abruptly.

It was only when Brian looked back and looked behind him that he realized that the children behind him were all gone!

This scene made Brian furious, and roared furiously: “Impossible! ”

“Just a second ago, Urrutia was clearly still here…”

Ron opened his arms and smiled controllably, calmly saying, “What makes you delusional, Urrutia is still your hostage.” ”

As he spoke, Kagura, who was beside Ron, swayed and gradually, turned into the appearance of Urrutia.

At this time, Urrutia’s little face was pale and bloodless, but her eyes were bright and obviously not blackened.

Uru hugged Urrutia tightly, afraid that Urrutia would be hurt again.

Urrutia also hugged Ulu tightly.

The long farewell reunion made Urrutia cry with joy.

The picture in front of him refreshed Brian’s cognition again and again.

Until now, Brian’s heart had already collapsed, his face was distorted, and he said in a trill: “Illusion! ”

“You don’t talk about martial virtue, you used illusion on me!”

Ron chuckled, “What is there to say about human traffickers?” ”

The moment he came in, Ron had already used [Mirror Flower Water Moon] to instantly confuse Brian.

Save Urrutia and the children by the way.

After completing everything, the blackening of Urrutia was also cured.

Then, slowly torture Brian.

Now Brian has already collapsed, looking panicked, clutching the wand in his hand, and smiling viciously: “It’s okay!” ”

“I still have hole cards!”

“According to ancient texts, I have found a way to resurrect the dragon! ”

“So, (CBDB), all of you die!”

“Damn it!”

“You all deserve to die!”

“Die all!”

Between words.

Brian clenched the wand in his hand and slammed it into his chest.

Using his body as a living body, he cast a living connection magic to seal the soul of a “dragon” in his own body.

The method of disarming is to put the wand into the body and disarm the living connection magic, thereby summoning the dragon soul of the “dragon”.

Just when Brian is proud, he intends to undo the living connection magic.


Next second.

Blood spurts out!

Like a blood flower, it bloomed in mid-air, and finally spilled to the ground.

The blood flowers, extremely brilliant and gorgeous, made Brian also stunned, staring at everything in front of him.

When he reacted, he found that the wand in his hand had already turned into an artifact blood spear, which was Ron’s blood spear.

So, his ritual of dismantling the living connection magic became a suicide ritual.

At this moment, there are no more clowns in Gotham City, because the clown came to the Magic Development Bureau and transformed into Brian.

I kept holding back my tricks, and finally held out a suicide show!

The whole process was that Brian took a blood spear and pierced his chest, blood gushed out, blood flowed, stained his clothes red, and stained the ground.

Grunting, swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Brian the Clown is deceived again, deceived by Ron’s illusion.

In the end, his hole card became a “suicide show”!

With unwilling eyes, he fell in a pool of blood and eventually died.

The blood spear suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

The same is true of Brian’s body, wrapped in boundless unwillingness and sorrow, and finally goes to hell.

In this way, Ron succeeded in saving Urrutia.

Reunite Urrutia with Ulu.

For all this, Uru was filled with endless gratitude, and took Ron and Urrutia into his arms, leaving tears of gratitude.

“Thank you… Ron. ”

Urrutia’s big beautiful eyes stared at the boy in front of him.

She knew that the boy in front of her was strong, and it was Lord Ron who saved her.

The timid little Urrutia pursed her lips and said softly, “Thank you, Lord Ron.” ”

For the success of Trulutia, Ron was in a good mood, and he also saved a group of abducted children by the way, and said with a light smile: “You’re welcome, we are all people of the Dragon Empire, we are all a family, just leave our love in the Dragon Empire.” ”


Urrutia, who lived the rest of her life after the disaster, hugged Ulu tightly, and in Ulu’s arms, she told countless grievances, and her longing poured out at this moment.


The joy of Urrutia and Ulu’s reunion filled the audience in an instant.

Jean Gray, Leon, Kagura… The others also showed a smile, and they were heartfelt blessings for the reunion of Ulu and Urutia.

That’s it.

Saving Urrutia was successfully completed.

Broke the tragic life of Sister Tears!

In reality, Sister Tear is no longer tragic, the absence of childhood is no longer there, and it is Ron who changes everything and cuts off Uru and Urutia.

Then, next is Lucy and Brantish.

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