After thinking for a moment, Ron rubbed his chin with his right hand and muttered, “Who is the boss of the Six Demon Generals?” ”

Elusha took another bite of cake, squinted her eyes slightly, very satisfied, and said with a light smile: “None.” ”

“A magician who loves total destruction, that is, to turn something tangible into nothing.”

“As you can see, nothing is another personality of Brian.”

“In the first place, you killed Brian because Brian had already cast dark magic.”

“Dark magic, protecting nothing.”

“So, it was only the person Brian who died last time.”

“This is even better for nothing, so that Wu’s personality is completely liberated.”

“Today’s Wu, its strength is enough to match the Saint Ten Great Demon Guides, and it is very cruel!”

“None, not only destroying the regular guild, but even the dark guild will not let go.”


Ulu looked solemn, put down his glass, and said seriously: “Ron, I also want to participate in this meeting.” ”

After all, it was Brian who killed Urrutia so badly in the first place.

Of course, Ulu will not forget this hatred.

Ron bowed, “Yes.” ”

After thinking for a moment, Ron continued, “Elusa, you should join too. ”

The corners of Elusa’s mouth turned up: “OK.” ”

Miraje’s beautiful eyes curved and said with a light smile: “Come on!” ”

“I’m waiting for you, triumphant.”

Ron nodded: “It will.” ”


Natsu and Gretzizzi roared.

“Ron! I’m going too! ”

After the acquaintance, Gray no longer called Ron Lord Ron.

For this, Ron didn’t care either, he preferred the current title.

However, for the noisy Gray and Natsu, Ron also has a headache and has no choice but to help.

As if facing a bear child, Ron has nothing to do about “bear children” like Gray and Naz.

There was no way, only to release Elusha, Ron glanced at Elusha obliquely and said, “Elusa.” ”

Hearing this, Elusa smiled gracefully, put the cake on the bar, then stood up, crossed her hands at the waist, and said with an awe-inspiring attitude, “Which of you is going.?” ”

In the face of Elusha’s questioning, Gray and Natsu were instantly sluggish, their expressions frozen, and they were full of tremors.

For Elusa, they are deeply afraid, and this is all the fear of being “beaten”.

On weekdays, Ron was too lazy to take Linaz and Gray.

Elusa is different, as the wind discipline committee of the Dragon Empire, as the Dragon Queen.

For the Dragon Empire and the members of the guild, Elusha is all-encompassing, and the trouble-loving Gray and Natsu naturally cannot escape Elusa’s righteous iron fist.

Facing Elusa, Gray and Naz stubbornly.

Grehaha smiled: “I went home first… It’s so cold today, I’m afraid of the cold, go home and sleep. ”

Naz pulled up the hopy and was about to flee, and said in a trill, “Elusa… I’m afraid of the heat, I’ll go home and take a shower, cool down and say goodbye! ”


Natsu and Gray, escaping with a puff of smoke, away from Elusa, and their lives are safe.

Seeing this, Miraj covered his mouth and chuckled: “Ah la ah la ~ Gray is afraid of cold, and Naz is afraid of heat.” ”

“Elusa, you are still as strict as ever.”

Now Elusa is not wearing armor, but wearing a casual long skirt.

The black tight skirt shows Elusa’s figure perfectly, bumpy, to have a European pie, there is PP and PP, it is just perfect!

Because, with Ron’s protection, Elusa’s heart is no longer lonely or afraid.

So, it’s different from Elusha in the original book.

In the original work, Elusha needs armor protection to protect her fragile heart, and in daily life, Elusha will also wear armor.

But now it’s different, in daily life, Elusha is no longer wearing armor, her expression is more confident, and her momentum is more domineering.

This is Elusa, the brand new Elusa, Elusa, the Queen of Dragons!

Such Elusha, in the face of Miraj’s ridicule, Elusha pouted, slightly playful, and complained: “Mira… Isn’t it because of you yet? ”

“Your personality is too contrasting, too much change.”

“The imps that caused the guild were not suppressed.”

“So, there is no way, I can only resist.”

Miraj was slightly apologetic and smiled: “Sorry Alusa.” ”

“Can I compensate you for treating you to goblin cake?”

Elusa’s delicate face, full of smiles, nodded slightly: “This is almost the same.” ”

Now Elusha and Miraj are sisters, which is a real contrast.

Before the change, it would have been fought a long time ago.

Elusa’s complaining gaze looked at Ron and hummed, “Also, someone’s irresponsibility.” ”

“In the past ten years, someone has salted fish every day, and it is rotten every day.”

Ahem, Ron coughed awkwardly.

No way, he needs layout, he needs to endure, he needs to wait for the right moment.

So, in the last ten years, he has really been rotten, salted fish.

The entire Dragon Empire was indeed supported by Elusha.

Immediately, Ron chuckled: “A Black Forest cake.” ”

Elusa’s beautiful eyes flickered slightly, she hugged her arms in front of her, pressed the corners of her upturned mouth, and continued: “At the recent meeting of presidents, I held 58 times in a row for someone…. ”

Ron continued: “One strawberry pie, one tiramisu, blueberry donuts, multicolored macarons…. ”

Under Ron’s dessert offensive, Elusa fell.

Elusha, who has always been the queen, showed a happy smile, extremely contrasting, nodded repeatedly, and said excitedly: “Very good!” ”

“Then I’ll forgive you a little!”

Immediately, Elusa blinked her beautiful eyes, her eyes were silky, and her sultry gaze looked at Ron, although the movements were stiff and unnatural.

However, it can be seen that Elusha has studied it.

Compared with the queen’s powerful Elusha on weekdays, the extreme contrast of Elusa now is very sultry.

This made Ulu and Miraj slightly startled, such Elusha is rare and surprising.

Ron was also stunned for a moment, what’s wrong? Elusha was strange, with an indescribable feeling.

Although, Elusa in the original book is also very contrasting.

However, Ron is accustomed to the more common queen aura Elusa in reality.

At this time, Elusa’s pretty face turned crimson, and her current heart is also a deer bumping into her heart, pounce (Qian Wang Zhao) Tong ~ plop ~ beat.

This is a move she learned from watching movies, which seems to attract the attention of boys.

It’s just that Elusa who did it for the first time is still very nervous, completely opposite to the queen’s momentum on weekdays, very shy and flustered.

Taking a deep breath, Elusa mustered up her courage and said, “Ron… Do you want to go to the beach together on the weekend? ”

“I bought a sexy swimsuit.”

“Hmm… I know an uninhabited island, just near Magnolia. ”

“I want to… We… OK…. ”

In the end, Elusha’s voice trembled and majestic, and the more she spoke, the quieter she became, as thin as a mosquito moan.

This… Faced with the invitation of Elusa, the Dragon Queen, she directly stunned Miraj and Ulu, and shocked their jaws.

The two had earthquake pupils, and their eyes were full of the figure of a girl with crimson hair, was this still the Dragon Queen they knew?


Two-person toilet?

Very sexy swimsuit???。

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