At Rebby’s invitation, Ron says goodbye to his sauna friends Elusa, Miraje, and Ulu.

As he left, Uru laughed and teased, “Ron left so soon, did you ask the girl?” ”

“Don’t eat hot pot anymore?”

Ron waved his hand and said with a light smile: “No, eat it next time.” ”


Elusha and Miraj are used to Rebby’s invitation, and Rebby likes to read books and often asks Ron to read, which is already a common thing in the union.

Elusha squinted her eyes slightly, looked comfortable, enjoyed the sauna, and reminded: “Don’t be late tomorrow.” ”

“The venue of the meeting of presidents is the town of Kuloba.”

“Tomorrow morning, take the Dragon Demon Guide Boat and set off directly.”

Ron bowed his head and said, “Got to know Elusa.” ”

“Really, you’re older than me.”

After complaining, Ron left the sauna and went to Rebby’s accommodation.

Coming to the third floor of the Women’s Guild Building “Five Ninety-Three”, I walked through several corners and along the corridor until I finally came to Rebbe’s residence.

In front of the door hangs a house sign with the words “Rebby” engraved on it.

Knock knock!

Ron knocked on the door.

After a while, with a click, the door suddenly opened, and the strange Rebbe came into view.

Rebbe is completely different from the weekdays, black silk and white silk, tight lace skirt, contrasting glasses, plus flirting lighting.

Although, through the foreknowledge of the divine power of the void realm, Ron already knew everything.

However, in front of Rebby, Ron still pretended to be shocked, slightly startled, and wondered: “Rebby, this is?” ”

“Didn’t you ask me to read?”

Rebbe pouted, holding Ron’s arm while pulling Ron in: “This can also read!” ”

“Is there a problem?”

The corners of Ron’s mouth tugged: “No problem. ”

So, extracurricular teaching was officially launched.

Although, it’s all Rebby’s layout.

On the side, Ron, who was in front of the desk, had already entered the state, holding the book, reading it carefully, and looking serious.

Looking at the serious Ron, Rebby became even more nervous, her little red face, red all the way, red to the delicate jade-like ear roots, red to the swan neck.

Facing the nervous Rebby, Ron patted Rebe’s shoulder and smiled lightly to reassure: “Rebby, relax.” ”

“What’s wrong with you today?”

Rebbe took a deep breath, causing the tension to ease up slightly, and shook her head repeatedly!

“Ron… It’s okay……. ”

At the same time, Rebbe was in her heart and was also crazy to cheer herself up!

In the competition of figure, she is not as good as Elusha and Miraj!

So, she had to find another way!

Suddenly, Rebe’s beautiful eyes flickered slightly!

Although, she is an airport!

In terms of strength in front of her, she is inferior to Elusha and Miraje.

However, her legs are still good!

What’s more, now she has equipment added to her legs, that is, black silk and white silk, I heard that boys like this.

At this point, Rebbe stared at Ron with sultry eyes, her pure face, very seductive, very contrasting, held up the black-framed glasses, and said provocatively: “President, I seem to be injured… Can you help me? ”

To be honest, Rebbie’s sultry acting skills, similar to Elusa, are a little stiff.

But the pure appearance was still a plus, and Ron asked, “Where did it hurt?” ”

At this time, Rebby’s face was red, and she said shyly and weakly: “It’s a bad foot.” ”

So Ron gently treated Rebby’s injured part.

During the whole process, Rebby was even more ashamed to cover up, and her eyes were full of Ron’s figure.

Finally, Rebby on the top is not pretending either!

Confess directly to Ron.

“Ron-senpai! Please! Don’t refuse me…. ”

For Rebby’s confession, Ron did not refuse and directly agreed.

Immediately, the two continued to talk about books, talk about novels, and continue to increase their feelings.

Then, with affection, the first dragon seed was successfully planted.

Under the control of fertility magic, after a month, the dragon seed will be born.

And Ron’s reward will follow.

For the new version, the far ahead of the system, Ron is very satisfied!

Now that his seeds have been planted, he only needs to wait for the fruits to grow.

This is the system that is far ahead, simple and crude!

Also, when Ron taught Rebby outside of class.

Outside the room, there was also a figure.

This figure is there all the time!

That’s right, the owner of this figure is Lucy. [ Read more novels by visiting our website: ]

Lucy loves to write novels, Rebby loves to read novels, the two have long been sisters, and they are good girlfriends!

The two often spend time together, discussing novels late at night and gossip about the Dragon Empire.

Tonight, Lucy came looking for Rebby, and she had planned to do the same, as usual, to talk to Rebbe about literature, novels, and gossip.

But the result!

Bumped into the big news by her!

Rebby turned out to be President Ron ~~~!

To be honest, after Lucy came to the Dragon Empire, she didn’t have much contact with Ron, because Ron was too salty and often rotten, and he didn’t know where to put it…

For Ron, Lucy has always been very reverent and respectful!

After all, it was Ron who saved her and saved her mother.

There is no doubt that Ron is her great benefactor.

Now, the incident between Rebbie and Ron shocked Lucy even more, directly subverting Lucy’s three views!

Because, from Rebbe’s chat, she can tell!

Ron turned out to be (Covering the Sky), (Lord of Mystery), (Dao Weird Immortal)… Wait, author of a series of masterpieces!

This is Lucy’s favorite novel!

President Ron turned out to be her favorite author!

Before, Lucy had also speculated about this problem, and at that time she just thought it was the same name.

After all, President Ron was so young at the time, how could he write these masterpieces!

Now, Lucy, who learned everything, felt a great shock!

Just like Rebby at the beginning, as a literature lover, when she meets her favorite author, of course, her heart is difficult to calm down!

At the same time, Lucy is also looking forward to it!

Double happiness, her lifesaver, and her favorite author, mom will be happy to know the news!

For a time, a dangerous idea appeared in Lucy’s heart, making Lucy’s already crimson and shy face, even more shy and red, the deer in her heart bumped into the atrium, plopping ~ plopping ~ heart beating randomly, nervous.

Taking a deep breath and deciding everything, Lucy’s eyes gradually became firm!

Immediately, Lucy quietly left the scene, and it seemed that she could not look directly at Rebbe in the future.

2.2 The next day, early in the morning.

Ron was fine, and after breakfast, he was waiting for Elusha and Ulu.

Miraj and Elusa, who were stolen without knowing about it, saw Ron. Still like a spring breeze, full of smiles.

Only Lucy, with a pair of big black eyes, appeared in the women’s guild building.

Miraj waved his right hand and greeted, “Lucy, rare!” ”

“You rarely get up that early.”

Uru echoed: “Yes, usually, Lucy at this time period is probably still sleeping.” ”

Elusa thought about it seriously and agreed: “Lucy’s daily life is to eat and sleep, eat when she wakes up, and sleep lazy every day. ”

One by one, the spit made the corners of Lucy’s mouth twitch.

But she was also powerless to refute it, after all, what was said was the truth!

More importantly, Ron is there, and Ron is her target!.

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