Obviously, under Elusa’s coercion, Lucy and Uru also reluctantly put on the bunny girl sex suit.

The black and white sexy suit, as well as the rabbit ear decoration, as well as the white polka-dot little tail, and a pair of alluring black silk, wrapping the rounded long legs of Elusa, Ulu, Lucy and others, making it even more amorous.

After turning into a bunny girl, Elusha was very proud, and Lucy was a little twisted and hid behind Elusa.

The most surprising thing is Ulu, as a mature woman, Ulu is very ashamed, hands clenched, fingers interlaced, shy to answer.

Seeing this, Elusha patted Ulu’s back and soothed: “Anla Ulu! ”

“This outfit suits you very well.”

Without the blessing of alcohol, now Ulu is shy, like a girl, helpless to support her forehead, and complained: “Words… Why should I dress like this? ”

Elusha crossed her hands at her waist and said of course, “That’s because…” ”

“I don’t know.”

“I think it’s neat and beautiful.”

“Anyway, before you reach your destination, just change back to normal dress.”

“There are no outsiders here, just rest assured.”

Lucy glanced at Ron, who was indeed not an outsider, and sighed lightly, “877, then we have to remember to change back into our clothes before arriving in Kuloba Town.” ”

“I don’t want to be cheap outsiders and wear bunny girls out on the street.”

Ulu nodded approvingly, “Yes, Lucy is right. ”

Obviously, in the eyes of Elusa, Ulu, and Lucy, Ron is no longer an outsider.

After ten years of getting along, the friendship between them has long surpassed everything.

And that’s it.

Elusa, Ulu, Lucy and others dressed as bunny girls also began to enjoy the journey.

Among them, when passing by the city of Harugion, Elusa’s eyes were full of stars, her hands wrapped around the crook of Ron’s arm, swaying, and coquettishly said: “Ron! I heard that Harugion City has many sweets, a variety of desserts, and they are delicious…. ”

As she spoke, the corners of Elusha’s mouth left crystal beads without fighting, and she looked salivating, very yearning.

For dessert, Elusa is serious.

Ron covered his face helplessly and complained: “Elusa, before you left, you said that this meeting must not be late. ”

Elusa pouted and coquettishly said, “There are thousands of meetings, but dessert is only once!” ”

“The taste of dessert changes every day.”

“The temperature, the humidity of the air, the mood of the pastry chef, the freshness of the air… And so on, all of these things, affect the dessert. ”

“So, if we miss it, we will regret it for the rest of our lives.”

Ron shook his head and said, “No, I won’t regret it. ”

“Because, I don’t like dessert.”

Hearing this, Elusa’s flickering eyes instantly dimmed, lost her highlights, her small face was lonely, full of a sense of loss, and she looked dejected, pursed her lips, and said, “Ron, I can understand you.” ”

“I see…”

As a result, the next second, Ron said, “I don’t have a dream, but I can guard your dream.” ”

“As long as you like, I will.”

After all, Ron’s current system has been promoted to a multi-child multi-blessing system.

Concise, simple and violent.

The more dragon seeds, the more Ron will reap.

With the Rebbie Dragon seed planted, Ron should also look for his next target.

Elusha is an excellent choice, once the dragon seed is planted for Elusa, with Elusa’s bloodline, you will definitely get a rich reward.

In any case, during the daily period, if you can provoke, you will not lose anyway, once you raid, it is blood earning, which is Ron’s combat idea now.

Determine the goal, clear it.

For Ron’s response, Elusa was slightly startled, her beautiful eyes flickered slightly, the breeze blew by, her crimson hair brushed her cheeks, and she brushed the messy ends.

Elusa’s heart always echoes Ron’s words No dream, but I can guard your dream.

Guarding her dreams?

At this point, Elusha blushed slightly, looked away slightly, looked away from Ceddh, and said shyly: “Thank you! ”

“I’ll move faster.”

Ron nodded, “Let’s change your clothes first.” [ Read more novels by visiting our website: urlis.net/1x2zb1yw ] )

“You can’t go out on the street with a bunny girl.”

Elusa was like a little girl, and her little face was full of bright smiles: “Hmm! I get Ron! ”


For Harugion.

Lucy and Uru are also curious, shopping is a woman’s nature, and Lucy and Uru are no exception.

When it was learned that they would go to Harughion first, and after the tour, they would go to the meeting.

Lucy is very excited, after all, Lucy is now seventeen years old and likes to play, which is a normal thing.

Ulu is slightly mature, and she does not refuse to play.

In her eyes, Lucy and Elusa were both the same, about the same age as Urrutia.

She treats Elusa and Lucy as daughters, Elusa and Lucy are happy, she doesn’t care.

That’s it.

The Dragon Magic Guide Boat, descended on Harugion.

This scene directly shocked the entire Harughion City.

As a port city with only one magic shop.

The city of Harugion belongs to a remote place in the entire kingdom of Fiore.

For the Magi Guild, they are rare.

Especially, the one who came is still the Dragon Empire!

In the Kingdom of Fiore, the No1 Magi Guild!

Although, the city of Harucion is remote and backward.

However, they have heard of the famous Dragon Empire, and they have also heard of the guild coat of arms of the Dragon Empire.

No matter what, the Dragon Empire is also the strongest Wizard Guild.

In an instant, the entire city of Harugion boiled!

“Wow! That is the legendary magic guide boat, the Dragon Empire is here! ”

“Wow! Is this the legendary guild? ”

“What a powerful boat, what a luxurious magic guide boat!”

“This is the First Magi Guild of the Kingdom of Fiore! So strong! ”

“Hahaha, the president of the Dragon Empire a few days ago [Dragon Tyrant], Lord just came to our Harugion City, and now the people of the Dragon Empire are also here, are they here to greet their president?”

“It must be like this, after all, it is Lord [Dragon Tyrant], the legendary Lord Magister!”

“Haha, a few days ago, I just met Lord [Dragon Tyrant], and in the Harugion Bar, Lord [Dragon Tyrant] signed for me.”

Ron and the others, who had just landed in Harugion City, their expressions instantly froze.

Because, the residents of Harugion City, their shock, exclamation, discussion, Ron, Elusa, Lucy and others, also listened to their ears.

From the discussion, from the exclamation, Ron could know that the “Dragon Tyrant” came to Harugion City a few days ago, and signed many people’s names, and took many group photos.

This made Ron frown slightly, then the question arises, if the person who came the other day is the “Dragon Tyrant”, then who is he?

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