Staring at the boy in front of him, Pola’s expression twisted and she smiled wickedly: “Yo Xi! ”

“Another fanatical suitor?”

“You know, I was just joking.”

At this moment, Pola’s heart was shocked, and his [Enchantment Magic and Hypnotic Magic] did not work for Ron???

In order to relieve Ron, Pola pretended to be calm, coughed, and said, “Come on! ”

“I’m [Dragon Tyrant], do you want to sign an autograph, or take a picture?”

Since it is not clear about Ron’s strength, Bora chooses to delay the army.

For Pola’s perfunctory, Ron waved his hand and smiled: “No need.” ”

“Also, you don’t have to pretend.”

“I am the [Tyrant of the Dragon].”

As soon as these words come out!

Pola’s expression was horrified!

Feelings Guan Gong played a big knife in front of him!

The blue-eyed boy in front of him turned out to be Ron? It turned out to be the legendary [Dragon Tyrant]!

At this moment, Pola’s little brothers had earthquakes one by one, their faces were livid, and they finally touched the iron plate!

“Oops! Is he the Buddha-figure of [Dragon Tyrant]? ”

“What to do?”

“Afraid of what? We have many “two, five, three” and the advantage is in us! ”

“That’s right! The little [Dragon Tyrant] is ridiculous, just a child. ”

“Haha, there are a few beauties next to the [Dragon Tyrant], cool, brothers!”


Next second.

A click sounded.

Followed by.

The clicking sound kept ringing.

These lewd little brothers all cooled their bodies, splashed out bright red blood, and dyed their pants all red.

Immediately afterwards, a heart-rending scream sounded, resounding through the bar!

This group of little brothers fell one after another in an instant, fell in a pool of blood, covered their crotches and wailed, and the screams were like killing pigs, which was creepy.

Their expressions were painful, full of despair, and they were rolling around in pain.

Just now, Ron used the mirror to deceive Pola and the others, and then raised his hand to release the ice blade, cut accurately, and aimed at the life-root part.

Everything goes down, cut off the road of red dust.

Seeing this, Bora was trembling, her expression was pale, and her face was full of despair.

Is this [Dragon Tyrant]?

Absolute strength, crushing strength!

He didn’t react, and his little brothers lost their little brothers one after another.

This made Bora feel like a rabbit dead fox, without any hesitation, plopped, knelt directly to the ground, knelt down to Ron, and prayed: “[Dragon Tyrant] lord, I surrender!” ”

“I surrender directly!”

“My name is Bora, from the Nose of the Giant, although I have been expelled from the guild… I’m sorry I offended you. ”

“Please send me to the Magic Council, I am willing to accept all punishments.”

While speaking, Pola’s acting skills were full, tears and snot rushed together, a waking look, and he cried bitterly!

In fact, Pola’s heart is full of remorse!

Was it discovered so soon?

It’s a pity that this batch of good goods has not yet been sold, otherwise it can make a lot of money.

Is this damn [Dragon Tyrant] so strong?

What a damn it!

He can only admit it first, first go to the Magic Council for a year, and after he comes out, he is a good man again.

This is Pola’s rule, and fortunately, the [Dragon Tyrant] is a regular guild and must follow the rules and follow the rules of the Magic Council.

At this thought, the corners of Pola’s mouth turned up slightly.

Although he was caught, he still has a bright future.

Doesn’t matter!

It can come out again in a year!

You can continue to be arrogant!

At that time, continue to use the name of [Dragon Tyrant].

Faced with Paula’s surrender, Ron looked at Pola playfully, quipping, “Surrender? ”

“But, I refuse.”

Hearing this, Bora’s face was shocked, raised his eyes to look at Ron, and said in a trill: “Although, I have sinned. ”

“But, I surrendered!”

“You can’t do anything to me or you’ll break the rules of the Magic Council, you know?”

Ron’s murderous appearance made Pola’s expression twist and collapse, and his heart became more and more frightened.

Damn it!

Shouldn’t this [Dragon Tyrant] be a madman, not afraid of the Magic Council?

Under Ron’s monstrous killing intent, Pola’s soul trembled.

He knew that if he continued like this, he would really die!

So, Pola smiled coquettishly: “[Dragon Tyrant] lord. Can you give me a ride? ”

“I have an intelligence to tell you”

“In exchange for my life.”

“This information is very heavy, and it is also related to the Dragon Empire.”

To the flattering Pola, Ron rubbed his chin with his right hand, pondered for a moment, and said, “You can talk about it.” ”

Bora wiped the cold sweat from her forehead and squeezed out an ugly smile: “Is this an exchange?” ”

“Can I live?”

Ron bowed, “Of course. ”

Immediately, Bora took a deep breath and resumed her smile.

Tell Ron all the information he knows.

Under Pola’s report, Ron’s slightly frowned brows gradually stretched.

According to Pola’s intelligence, he can learn that Jellal has fallen into darkness, falling into darkness as smoothly as in the original book, and has created the Tower of Paradise.

This intrigued Ron slightly. [ Read more novels by visiting our website: ]

After all, Kagura’s older brother, Simon, is inside the Tower of Paradise.

Once Simon is rescued, Raiding Kagura is a matter of minutes, and planting the dragon seed is also a matter of course.

Also, according to Pola’s description, in order to avenge the Dragon Empire and take revenge on Ron, the Six Demon Generals also united with the Tower of Paradise and united with Jalal.

It can be said that this crusade against the Six Demon Generals is not easy.

One more unstable factor, Jellal, is another super doubled version of Brian.

In any case, the harvest is also huge, both to plant Kagura’s dragon seed and to cut off Hu Wendy.

At this point, the corners of Ron’s mouth turned up slightly, and he praised: “Pola, your intelligence is very useful. ”

Hearing this, Bora was relieved, let out a long sigh of relief, and said in a loud voice: “You’re welcome, Lord [Dragon Tyrant].” ”

“So now, can I go?”

“The deal between us has been completed.”

Ron said, “I can spare your life…”

“But you can’t go.”


Pola’s heart was cold, it’s over!

As a result, in the next second, his lower body was also cold, blood gushed out, stained his pants red, and another eunuch was born smoothly.

Not only that, Ron did not let Bora and the others go.

Using divine power, Pola and others were transformed into adult demons, eunuchs were made into adult demons, and then sent to the orc tribe for the orcs to enjoy.

Especially Bora, Ron transformed a little ruthlessly, making Bora very much in line with the taste of orcs.

So. Almost twenty-four hours a day, Bora has to endure the wrath of the orcs all the time!

Such a life is much worse than that of a eunuch.

That’s Ron’s rule, do whatever you want.

In the days that followed, Bora went to the orc tribe, and his screams resounded through the orc firmament.

As everyone knows, the worse Bora screams, the more the orcs like it.

What’s worse, Ron also imposed a magic enchantment on Pola, which is a personal magic enchantment, so that Bora can never commit suicide, which is to survive and not to die.

Pola’s friends all have this treatment, becoming eunuchs together, becoming shemales together, and going to the orc tribe together, which is just perfect.

From good brothers to good sisters, the friendship between them can be described as crossing genders.

This is the future of Bora, and the future of Pola’s little brothers.

After finishing everything and dealing with the follow-up matters of Pola and the others, Ron handed over to the Cat Legion.

The whole process, just in an instant, Ron instantly killed Bora and others, then inquired about intelligence, and then turned Bora and others into adult demons, and then sent them to the orc tribe.

For the control of the situation, Ron was perfect and successfully solved the incident.

This made Elusa, Lucy, Uru and others also stunned, watching the departure of the “eunuch” and “shemale” Pola, and their hearts were also amazed, and at the same time very refreshed.

This is how it should be treated with Bora, the 3.9 types of criminals who traffic in girls!

When Pola left, the seduction magic gradually failed, and everyone in the bar gradually sobered up and gradually saw everything!

They understood that the blue-eyed boy in front of them was the real [Dragon Tyrant].

It’s [Dragon Tyrant]!

Saved them!


The reputation of the Dragon Tyrant.

Boiling again, resounding through the bar, resounding through the firmament of Harugion.


The other side.

In some ancient forest.

Inside a primitive tribe-like guild.

A cute-looking girl with long dark blue hair and a blue-and-yellow dress was looking worriedly through the glass window at the blue sky outside.

On the side, there was also a little white cat, standing on both legs, still wearing a small pink skirt, hands crossed at the waist, a proud look, snorted, encouraged the girl and said: “Enough!” ”

“Don’t be cowardly anymore.”

“You’re going to grow!”

“You are the witch of the famous Dragon Slaying Demon Guide, take out a little of the momentum of the Dragon Destroyer Wizard!”

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