For Kildas’s answer, the crowd of Fairy Tail showed great excitement!!

After all, Kildas was the number one in their guild.

For this fight, Ron vs Kildas a match.

They are also looking forward to it!

“Come on! Kildas! I’m looking forward to this fight! ”

“Yes! Don’t lose face in front of Kana! ”

“Hahaha~ Kildas will not lose, I believe in Kildas.”

For the upcoming war, the people of Fairy Tail still choose to believe in Kildas, after all, they are Fairy Tail.

On the side, Iron Dragon Gajiru clasped his arms in front of him, looked displeased, and snorted coldly: “Gee! Is it five or five with Kildas? ”

“That Ron is that strong?”

Laxus had a heavy expression and said, “As you can see, Ron is a monster. ”

Laxus’s words made Gagiru slightly startled.

In Gagiru’s heart, Laxus did not boast about people, arrogant Laxus, actually admitted Ron’s strength?

This made Gagiru feel very incredulous, and said in amazement: “Laxus… Do you have a fever? ”

“Is it that exaggerated?”

“Ron is that strong?”

Laxus turned to leave, leaving Gagiru with a cold back, and said coldly: “Don’t underestimate Ron… He is stronger than you think. ”

“Ten of you, none of them are Ron’s opponents.”

“Let’s train well.”

“On the joint S-class magic guide test, don’t lose the face of Fairy Tail, otherwise it will kill you.” 26

Seeing this, Gagiru was stunned.

In the entire Fairy Tail, everyone said that Ron was strong, strong like a monster, which made Gagiru even more curious, and Ron was strong.

That’s it.


Return to Ron in the Dragon Empire.

Inform Elusa, Miraj and the others about the joint S-class magic guide test.

Hearing this, Elusa, Miraje, Naz, Gray and others were excited!

Especially Natsu, jumped on the table, waved his fists, and excitedly said: “Aaaaa I’m already on fire! ”

“Hahaha, I’m going to kill Laxus this time and kill Gagiru!”

Miraj covered his mouth and chuckled: “Ah La ~ Natsu is still as energetic as ever.” ”

Elusha smiled while eating the dessert: “Is this battle finally here?” ”

Lucy looked worried and sighed softly, “It seems… It’s kind of scary. ”

“After all, Gagiru, Laxus, Makarov, Kildas… Still very strong. ”

Brantish patted Lucy’s back and smiled, “Lucy, are you afraid?” ”

“If you are afraid, you learn to bark a dog, and I will protect you.”

Lucy shook her head, her gaze was firm, she looked directly at Brantish, and said seriously: “I’m not afraid!” ”


The Dragon Empire is in chaos again.

Seeing this, Ron snorted sharply, making the noisy guild instantly quiet.

Immediately, Ron informed everyone of the plan to attack the Six Demon Generals.

It’s time tonight!

Hearing this, Urutia, Kagura, Lucy, Jubia, Natsu, Gray… Wait for people, excited.

Brantish was the exception.

Although, Brantish was also a combatant.

However, Brantish is a real salted fish.

Anyway, when night falls, Ron, Urutia, Brantish, Lucy… Wait, take the Dragon’s Magic Guide Boat and head to the Ancient Forest, where the address of the Demon Cat’s lodging is located.

After a few hours of flight time, Ron, Urrutia, Brantish… and others, successfully arrived at the ancient forest.

And, I successfully found the Demon Cat’s lodging.

The whole process was very smooth.

Meet Ron, Urutia, Brantish… The others are Robin Rue, Wendy, and Charlotte.

Robin Ru was dressed as a Nelbit tribesman, holding a cane and his expression solemn.

Wendy is wearing a small blue and yellow skirt, blue hair, very bright, and the whole person is very shy.

Xia Lulu was wearing a small pink skirt and looked arrogant.

When they first met, Wendy fell directly and knelt in front of Ron.

In an instant, tears were rolling in her beautiful eyes, Wendy’s little face was red, she looked like she was about to cry, and said timidly: “Sorry… I didn’t mean to. ”

Ron stretched out his right hand, took Wendy’s small hand, lifted Wendy up, and soothed, “Are you okay?” ”

“My name is Ron and I’m from the Dragon Empire.”

“My name is Wendy… From the Demon Cat’s Lodge. Wendy got up and introduced herself.

Immediately, Urrutia, Lucy, Brantish… and others, also introduce themselves one by one.

Then, Robin Lu and Xia Lulu also introduced themselves.

When Xia Lulu introduced herself, Natsu looked shocked and dropped her jaw!

“Ahhh! Talking white cat???!!! ”

Xia Lulu’s forehead appeared blue, and she snorted coldly: “It’s really a rude human being, the blue cat next to you, can’t you also speak?” ”

“Do you need to make that fuss?”

Hearing this, Natsu glanced at Harpy, then at Xia Lulu, scratching his head and laughing: “It seems to be right.” ”

“Harpy is also a cat and can talk.”

While speaking, Harpy took out the fish from his backpack, his eyes showed love, came to Xia Lulu, handed the fish to Xia Lulu, and flattered: “Love~!” Hello, my name is Harpy. ”

“Do you want to eat fish?”

In this second, Harpy even thought of the child’s name.

It’s just that for the flattering Harpy, Xia Lulu had a look of disgust, don’t overdo it, ignore the Harpy, and said coldly: “I don’t eat fish.” ”

“Stay away from me, stupid cat!”

Hearing this, Harpy looked sad and continued: “You are a cat, this is Yu Ai, do you really not eat it?” ”

Xia Lulu refused: “Don’t eat!” ”

“Stupid cat, only you love fish.”

For Harpy, Xia Lulu mercilessly refused.

This scene made Lucy unable to stand it, and said: “Even if you don’t like it, you shouldn’t be so ruthless.” ”

Suddenly, Wendy came out to play the round, bowed again and again and apologized: “I’m sorry… Xia Lulu’s personality is like this, she has no malice, you are more inclusive. ”

Ron patted Harpy’s back and smiled, “It’s okay.” ”

“Hubby is very generous and won’t care about this.”

For licking the cat Harpy, Ron is also unable to complain.

Finally, Ron quietly told Harpy that he knew more beautiful cats, and after he went back, he could introduce seven or eight to Harpy without having to lick Charlotte.

In the original book, Harpy is Charlulu’s licking dog.

In reality, Harpy joined the Dragon Empire, and Ron naturally wouldn’t let his guild members become licking dogs.

When the time comes, go to the world of Edras and find seven or eight beautiful cats for Harpy, so that Harpy can also enjoy a wave, it is not a problem at all.

There is no need to lick a Xia Lulu with such a smelly personality.

After receiving Ron’s assurance, Harpy’s eyes lit up, looked at Ron expectantly, and said expectantly: “Love~!” Ron, is everything you said true? ”

Ron bowed his head and said, “That’s a must, JK cat, teacher cat, office uniform cat, black silk cat… All cats have everything. ”

“Before this, you give me a little tougher, don’t lose the face of the Dragon Empire, don’t lick Xia Lulu.” 800

Tempted by Ron, Harpy looked stiff and assured, “Love, President, I see!” ”

Of course, this is a private conversation between Ron and Harpy, and it is also a secret for both of them.

Then, after coming to the Demon Cat’s lodging, Robin Lu received Ron and the others.

Because of the urgency of time and without too much small talk, Ron immediately began his plan to annihilate the plan of the Six Demon Generals.

On the other hand, because they are cats, Harpy and Charlotus do not have much combat power, so they do not have to participate in the plan.

Xia Lulu, who was idle, looked at Harpy with curious eyes.

Harpy, who licked the cat a second ago, why is he so calm now?

The sense of gap before and after this made Xia Lulu a little unaccustomed.

Between thoughts, Xia Lululiu frowned slightly, thinking: Is this stupid cat playing with her?

On the ground, Xia Lulu picked the corner of her mouth, changed her tone, took the initiative to walk towards Harpy, the tone of green tea, and said: “Sorry Harpy.” ”

“What happened just now, it’s my bad.”

“I’ve been in a bad mood lately.”

“By the way, I’m hungry, do you still have fish?”

Xia Lulu knew that as long as she took the initiative, Harpy would turn into a licking cat again.

Give a little sweetness and lick the cat and you’ll have it.

As a result, Harpy took a fish out of his backpack and threw it to a dog not far away.

The dog eats the thief’s fragrance, and while eating, he also wags his tail at Hubpy.

Immediately, Harpy turned his head to look at Xia Lulu: “Love, this is the last fish, just gone.” ”

Suddenly, Xia Lulu’s face was black line, she was not as good as a dog???

This scene also stunned Lucy, Wendy and others.

The contrast between the before and after of the Harpy, this is also too big!

Encountering Lulu Charlotte again, Harpy refuses to lick cats and refuse to lick dogs.

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