With the sound of the dragon's roar, the dragon's roar that shook the heavens and the earth.

Robin Lu, Brantish, Urrutia, Wendy, Lucy, Simon... When they looked back, they were shocked again.

The overwhelming black shadow swept in front of their eyes, and the black dragon came!

The Black Dragon descended on Ishgar.

Came to the Ancient Forest.

The boundless dragon power is like an ocean, covering the whole audience and shocking the whole audience, this is the black dragon.

Grunt, Robin Lu secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said in a trembling voice: "It's coming... The legendary black dragon, the dragon of destruction, the dragon of the end. "

Brandish's trembling gaze raised his eyes to look at the black dragon, and his heart was also turbulent, and he was shocked: "What a strong magic... Is Ron okay? "

Urrutia patted Brantish on the shoulder and soothed, "It's okay. "

"Our president is very strong."

Wendy worried, "I hope so. "

"Come on, Lord Ron!"

In Wendy, Urrutia, Brandish... and others under the shock.

The Black Dragon has officially descended on the Ancient Forest and comes into direct contact with Ron.

The black dragon knows and understands human speech.

However, for Ron, the black dragon did not speak, but just roared, and the endless dragon roar shocked the audience, and the infinite dragon power covered the audience.

In the eyes of the black dragon, Ron is an ant, and 01 doesn't need to care!

Without the slightest defense, the black dragon that had just appeared on the scene, the moment it descended on the ancient forest, it opened its huge mouth, and the fangs of the cold forest glowed cold, condensing endless magic power in its mouth, like a tsunami.

In an instant!

With one blow, the black dragon's breath has already gathered!

Then, in the next second, the black dragon's breath erupted, and a furious killing came out, blasting towards Ron!


A loud bang that exploded the heavens and the earth sounded!

Endless gunpowder smoke was raised, the ground rolled, like a ground dragon rolling, and thick smoke and dust covered the whole field!

Where the black dragon's breath passed, it was razed to the ground in just a breath, in the blink of an eye, and disappeared in an instant!

In just a moment, when the smoke cleared, the so-called ancient forest, the so-called nirvana... All gone.

Under the breath of the black dragon, they all turned to ashes and disappeared into the air, leaving only a huge crater on the ground, a terrifying giant pit.

This scene completely shocked Brantish, Urrutia, Wendy, Robin Lu, Simon... and the hearts of others.

They knew that the black dragon was strong, and they also thought about how strong the black dragon was.

However, they never expected that the black dragon would be so strong!

A casual breath has already destroyed everything, destroyed the ancient forest, destroyed the former nirvana.

This is the Black Dragon!

Synonymous with destruction!

At this moment, Brantish trilled, "What about Ron? "

"What's going on?"

Under the breath of the black dragon, under such a terrifying offensive, Brantish also had no confidence, and his little heart was beating wildly, worried!

The same is true of Urrutia, whose always cold and beautiful face showed worry for the first time, and pursed her red lips: "It should be fine..." "

"President Ron also has hole cards."

Wendy clenched her little pink fist and said worriedly, "The black dragon is too strong. "

"Let's go help President Ron together."

Urrutia can understand Wendy's thoughts.

However, the opponent is a black dragon, not an enemy they can deal with!

Taking a deep breath, Urrutia was also worried, but explained anyway, "Wendy, I know you're worried about President Ron too. "

"But, the opponent is the black dragon."

"With one breath, destroy the ancient forest, and destroy the terrifying enemy of Nirvana."

"We're just going to drag President Ron down if we act rashly."

"Bear with me, President Ron will be fine."

Hearing this, Wendy's lips moved, her beautiful eyes were unwilling, and she sighed lightly: "Sister Urrutia... I understand. "

Soon, Wendy, Urrutia, Brandish... The gaze of others, looking ahead, staring at the battlefield ahead.

The battle of the Black Dragon continues!

Is Ron still around?

After all, there are still zero humans who can fight the black dragon so far!

In this regard, Brantish, Urrutia, Wendy, Lucy... and others, and also did not have confidence.

They could only pray silently, praying for Ron.

Under the prayer, a figure appeared!

On the opposite side of the black dragon, Ron's figure reappeared, returning from the thick smoke.

Under the black dragon's breath, Ron was unscathed, his expression was calm, and he returned from the ruins, his blue eyes were as cold as ice, he raised his eyes to look directly at the black dragon, and murmured, "Black dragon?" "

"It's really strong..."

The first wave went head-to-head.

The power of the black dragon's breath.

Ron felt it too. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Endless magic, fierce roar, enough to destroy everything, this is the final blow, the black dragon deserves to be the dragon of the end.

Accompanied by Ron's appearance.

Brantish, Urrutia, Lucy, Wendy... Waiting for others, his expression was ecstatic, and his heart was full of surprise, President Ron was really strong!

Under the black dragon's breath.

Still unscathed!

This kind of strength, looking at the entire human race, is also a rare existence, enough to shock, enough to shock everyone's soul!

The only person who can survive the attack of the black dragon unscathed!

This is Ron, the Tyrant of Dragons!

Simon, Wally, Heteai, Miliana and others were even more directly stunned, dropping their jaws in shock, full of shock.

"It's... Ron turned out to be completely fine! "

"It's so strong! Won't the Black Dragon's offensive hurt Lord Ron? "

"It's worthy of Lord Ron, full of strong spirits!"

Under the shock of everyone, the battle continued.

After the first confrontation, the black dragon was also stunned, his eyes were hideous, his eyes were about to split, and he glared at Ron, and the roaring dragon roared again, 270 shook the sky!

The black dragon didn't understand why the humans in front of him were unscathed!


Humble humans!

Go to hell!

No hesitation!

The Black Dragon continues to attack!

This time, the black dragon deathly stared at Ron and roared out with the black dragon!

Spit out a huge wave of blue-white energy from his mouth to destroy Ron.

In the original book, the roar of the black dragon was powerful enough to kill the fire dragon king Igonir in an instant, and the aftermath destroyed the island of Sirius.

This shows how brutal the black dragon's roar is!

Under the black dragon's violent attack, Ron was still calm, raising his eyes to look at the black dragon, his forehead swaying wildly.

A crazy idea popped into his mind!

Before, in the face of the black dragon's breath, Ron used the divine power of the colorless realm to protect himself.

This time, in the face of the black dragon's roar, Ron was no longer silent, he chose to strike.

The Colorless Realm's divine power is unleashed again!

Immediately after, the magic skill: stop when smashing Varudo, and the magic skill: Mirror Flower Water Moon use!

The two major magic skills, one is time stop, and the other is illusion, blasting out in unison, aiming at the black dragon.

In the face of the roar of the black dragon, with Ron's current strength, of course he would not resist.

After all, the black dragon has lived for hundreds of years, and its magic power is far above him.

So, he can only outwit.

Relying on the cultivation in the past ten years, the divine skills obtained: smashing Waludo to stop at the time, the mirror flower water and moon illusion, so as to outwit the black dragon.

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