Hear it!

Makao and Wakaba had collapsed expressions and distorted faces.

Macao hugged his head and said bitterly, "Damn Kildas... Who are you and me?"

"How do I hit Ron!"

Wakaba sighed, "Kildas, you and Mister Heights, come on. "

"Macao and I can only cheer you on. "

"Whether it's Ron, or Lucy, or Wendy, they're all far better than me and Macao. "

"You can't participate in your fight, Marcao and I can't participate... "

With the blessing of the guild bonds, Lucy's combat power far surpasses that of Macao and Wakaba.

Seeing this, Kildas patted Makao and Wakaba on the back and encouraged, "Ah!"

"Just do your best. "

"Leave the rest to me and Misterant. "

On the side, Mistergang had a mysterious face and nodded: "Hmm" one-five-three." "


Bursting with powerful magic.

This is Mister Height, one of the strongest candidates in the tail of the wizards of the wizard guild, an S-level wizard with good strength.

To put it simply, the three people with the strongest fairy tails must definitely be Makarov, Kildas, and Mister Height.

With the assurance of Mistergang, Macao and Wakaba breathed a long sigh of relief, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As small people, Macao and Wakaba are also aware of their own strength, and with their strength, it is really difficult to resist Ron.

That's it.

Fairy Tail was also enthusiastic under Kildas's announcement.

The whole guild is noisy and cheering up!

For tomorrow's big war.

Combined S-Rank Magus test.

Fairy Tail vs Dragon Empire's first battle.

They are looking forward to it!

In particular, Makarov vs. Miraj and Elusa fight, Ron, Lucy, Wendy vs. Mister Heights, and Kildas.

The other side.

Since the fall of the Six Demon Generals.

There was also a major earthquake in the Balaam League.

After all, the Six Demon Generals are one of the three dark guilds of the Balaam Alliance.

Such a powerful dark guild has fallen, which makes the entire dark force tremble, and everyone is shocked, and they are even more afraid of Ron, the tyrant of the dragon, and the empire of the dragon.

For a time, among the dark forces, Ron's reputation, the reputation of the Dragon Empire, also rose strongly.

What's more, after this battle, Ron also officially declared war on the Balaam Alliance, declared war on the Gates of Hades, and declared war on the Demon Heart.

After all, the six demon generals who are also part of the Balam Alliance have all fallen, which is equivalent to Chi Guoguo's slap in the face of the Gate of Hades and the Demon Heart.

In the face of the provocation of the Dragon Empire, the Gate of Hades and the Demon Heart were also impatient, and in the name of the Balaam Alliance, they fought for the revenge of the Six Demon Generals, officially declared war on the Dragon Empire, and declared war on Ron!

With the declaration of war by the Demon Heart and the Gate of Hades, this is also equivalent to the entire Balaam Alliance directly declaring war on Ron, all the dark guilds, and all the dark forces, directly declaring war on the Dragon Empire!

This is the role of the Balaam Alliance, one side is in trouble and all sides are supporting!

What's more, the Six Demon Generals are one of the three giants of the Balam Alliance, and if the Six Demon Generals are beaten, the Gate of Hades and the Demon Heart will naturally not sit idly by.

Along with the fall of the Six Demon Generals, the Demon Heart, the Gate of Hades, and the Dragon Empire of all the dark forces declared war.

On the continent of Ishgar, the storm is surging again.

The incident of the Six Demon Generals is just the beginning, and the big drama has just begun.

For the Dragon Empire, for Ron, the Demon Heart, and the Gate of Hades dare not despise it.

After all, just now, Ron played the black dragon, this is the legendary black dragon, the black dragon of the end!

For Ron's strength and the power of the Dragon Empire, the Gate of Hades and the Demon Heart have long been recognized.

Therefore, in this crusade, the Demon Heart and the Gate of Hades are also full of firepower, pointing at the Dragon Empire, the Dragon Tyrant! (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Along with it, the Demon Heart, the Gate of Hades fired!

All the dark forces are eyeing the Dragon Empire.

This time, the battle between good and evil, has also kicked off!

For a time, the entire Ishgar was full of soldiers!

The entire Fiore Kingdom is also in turmoil!

The fall of the Six Demon Generals is just the beginning!

Completely angered the dark forces.

Leads to a big war, which is about to begin!

The battle between good and evil is just around the corner.

For this big war, ordinary people, the inhabitants of the Fiore Kingdom, will support the Dragon Empire, support Ron, and support the Dragon Tyrant!

After all, Ron was a member of the regular guild and was on their side.

They didn't dare to imagine what kind of tragic fate they would encounter when the dark guild and the dark forces won0 ...

After all, it's synonymous with dark guilds, dark forces, and brutality.

At the same time, the inhabitants also hate the incompetence of the Fiore Kingdom to the extreme!

As a huge kingdom, in the kingdom, the dark guild is rampant, but the king ignores it, which is really incompetent!

If it weren't for the Dragon Empire's action, if it weren't for the Dragon Tyrant's action, the Six Demon Generals would still be indulging in the Fiore Kingdom right now.

It was Ron who solved the Six Demon Generals, and also had to face the forces of darkness, the Demon Heart, and the Gates of Hades.

For a time, Ron's prestige and prestige reached its peak in the Fiore Kingdom.

Many of the inhabitants of Fiore directly expressed their hearts and asked Ron to take over the Kingdom of Fiore and ban the original King of Fiore.

This is no joke, the call is getting louder and louder as time goes on!

All in all.

The fall of the Six Demon Generals caused a great earthquake, leaving the Kingdom of Fiore, the forces of darkness, the Demon Heart, the Gates of Hades, Ishgar... It's all in turmoil!

All forces, the dark tide is surging!

Ron, as a party to the case, of course, is also well aware of this.

For the Demon Heart, the gates of Hades, Ron saw it.

At the same time, in the dark, he is also laid out, waiting for the demon heart and the gate of Hades to take the bait.

For a time, the crusade against the Fiore Kingdom, the crusade against the Demon Heart, the crusade against the Gate of Hades... All together.

Once you take the Fiore Kingdom, the Demon Heart, and the Gate of Hades, you will be just one step away from dominating Ishgar by 4.7 Er.

With the imminent birth of the dragon seed, Ron's ambition is also about to be realized, taking down the Fiore Kingdom, the Demon Heart, and the Gate of Hades... In one fell swoop.

That's it.

A new day has arrived.

Bright sunshine shines on the world.

When the Demon Heart, the Gates of Hades, and the Kingdom of Fiore are secretly operating.

Ron was not idle, and today the Dragon Empire and Fairy Tail officially launched a joint S-class mage test.

For the final battle, Ron continued to train the Dragon Empire, expand the power of the Dragon Empire, and improve the strength of Elusa, Miraj, Urrutia, Brantish, Lucy, Wendy, and others.

In Sirius Island, in the holy land of Fairy Tail, the people of the Dragon Empire and Fairy Tail gathered here, and the joint level trial was stimulated in a cluster! .

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