In this way, after sending out the witch's sin, Ron, as the mastermind behind the scenes, planted the seeds like a fruit farmer and waited for the harvest.

After a while, Miraj and the others came back, they had already finished purchasing, and everyone looked like a big bag and a small bag.

Especially Lisana, her small body carries a cannabis bag, which is cute in contrast and very cute.

Lisanna who came back, put down the marijuana bag first, sweat ran down her cheeks, blushed beautifully, and said happily: "Brother Ron! "

"We bought a lot of food, and here are the special Warcraft ham, cured meat, fish... We all bought a lot. "

"Sister Mira said that she will make us a big meal tonight, so that we can have more strength to rush tomorrow!"

Rubbing Lisana's little head, the white hair passed through the fingertips, it felt good, and Ron showed a spoiled smile: "Is it?" "

"Then you eat more tonight."

Lisanna's eyes curved with a smile: "Well, Brother Ron too!" "

After putting the items away, Miraj crossed his waist with one hand, looked very competent, and said with a smile: "Ron, thanks to you, I pit a million J of yellow hair." "

"Otherwise, we may not have enough money."

Ron smiled: "That's not called a pit, that's called fair trade, I help him treat, he pays for my medicine." "

That's it.

After a short small talk.

Miraj made a big meal, grilled fish, grilled meat, fruit salad, apple pie... All kinds of food, everything, let Ron and others have a full meal, taste buds are satisfied.

Then, after a night of rest, early the next morning, Ron and the others boarded the morning train and went to their final destination: Magnoria.

It is worth mentioning that the town center of Magnolia is precisely the stronghold of Fairy Tail.

In the huge Magnolia, there are many magic guilds, and it can be said that the local magic industry is quite popular, and the economy is also very good.

This is also the reason why Ron chose Magnoria, in case of opportunity, to heal him Makarov, Kildas... This kind of top master, the harvest is estimated to be not bad.

Although he did not join Fairy Tail, he also wanted to make a good relationship and have the opportunity to go to Sirius Island in the future, the sacred place of the guild of Fairy Tail, and the graveyard of Mebis, the first leader of Fairy Tail.

If you can treat Mebis, the reward you can get, Ron can't imagine it, he can only look forward to it!

In case of encountering Zela, maybe he can also heal a wave, after all, his healing technique is the divine power of the immortal realm, and maybe the divine power will produce miracles.

Once Zera is healed, Mebis is naturally hand-to-hand, and Zera's recovery can heal Mebis's psychological wounds in minutes.

Of course, this was just Ron's ambition, and as his thoughts diverged, the exhaust sound of the train

rattled sounded

Ron and the others had already arrived in Magnolia, and since the starting point was not far from Magnoria, it only took more than two hours for Ron and the others to arrive at their destination.

After getting off the train, Miraj, Elfman, Lisanna and others were carrying a large pile of luggage with small bodies and small bodies.

However, none of the three had any complaints about these.

After all, their previous lives were all windy meals.

Now life is already good, and they are very satisfied.

It's not that Ron bullied them and let them keep backpacking and dragging a lot of suitcases, but because of the existence of the guild bond [Enlightenment Against the Sky LV1], the talent of Miraj and others has long improved.

They are geniuses, coupled with [Enlightenment Against the Sky LV1], dragging large bags and small bags is equal to an exercise for them, which is the benefit of guild bonds, equal to a group system, a system that guild members can enjoy!

Moreover, after this period of exercise, Elfman and Lisanna have also improved their originally weak bodies.

Ron also plans to find an opportunity to use the guild bond [the leader's gift lv1] to teach magic to Elfman and Lisana, and when they also become magicians, the guild level can be upgraded to lv2, and it is estimated that they can unlock new guild bonds.

Because of this, Ron kept Miraj and the others busy, so that they could exercise, and I have to say that understanding against the sky is easy to use.

Ron pulled out a map, pointed to the center of town, which happened to be next to the Fairy Tail Guild, and said, "This is our residence, rent a house near here." "

"The rent is about 100,000 j."

"Rent another shop, and I'll open a hospital to make money."

"Next to it is Fairy Tail, that guild loves to make trouble, often people get hurt, and opening a hospital next to it is the most profitable."

"After all, their guild members are all similar to Laxus, belonging to the Fortune Boy."

As soon as they heard Laxus, Miraj and the others knew that they were stable, their eyes were starry, full of power!

Immediately, everything went well, and Ron rented the house plus the shop, the price was slightly more expensive, beyond the budget of a lost amount, a total of 250,000 j.

Fortunately, there is Laxus, otherwise the money is really not enough, Ron silently thanked Laxus in his heart.

Then, Miraj, Elfman, and Lisanna were full of motivation and began cleaning their new home.

For their new home, Miraj and they are full of expectations, and their faces are full of happiness.

After all, they were once orphans, people who had been drenched in rain, and knew best the happiness of having a home.

After briefly explaining some things, Ron entrusted the task of setting up the new home to Miraj, and he went to Fairy Tail to take a look.

After all, it's only five minutes away from Fairy Tail.

Thanks to Laxus by the way, visit Kildas.

A few days have passed, and Kildas is estimated to have been released long ago.


In front of the gate of the Fairy Tail Guild.

The bunting with the demon tail logo printed directly above sways in the wind.

The guild is bustling, with the clashing of wine glasses, the sound of BGM music from Fairy Tail, the noise of members fighting... In an endless stream.

For the lively goblin guild, outside the gate, a little girl was quietly gazing at the goblin guild in a corner, her little face full of envy.

The little girl has a healthy wheat complexion, dark brown hair, a yellow slip dress, a yellow cross-body bag, both the small skirt and the small satchel are a little faded, and there are some small patches, but it is very clean.

The little girl is none other than Kana Arupelona, which is slightly different from the original.

In the original book, Kana was six years old and joined Fairy Tail when she couldn't do magic.

And Karna in the real world has not yet joined Fairy Tail and is now eight years old.

Because of her inferiority to Kildas, Kana has always been a person who secretly observes and avoids Demon Tail, so the Demon Tail and Makarov have not noticed Kana.

Relying on selling flowers and newspapers, as well as her mother's inheritance, Kana barely survives.

Coming and going, because of various butterfly effects, it leads to small deviations in reality.

{Anyway, Kana's current personality, no alcoholism, nor the habit of wearing a swimsuit all day, is still very normal, and will be in the future, after growing up, the personality will be much more cheerful, the eldest sister is like that, occasionally drink red wine, but will not wear revealing}

For a while, in stark contrast to the lively Goblin Guild, Kana looked at the inside of the guild with yearning eyes, trying to find a familiar figure, and muttered in a lonely tone: "If I am also a magic guide, it will be good." "

"It would be even better if I was also a powerful Magister."

"In that way, my father will not dislike me, he will recognize me, and he will recognize who I am."

A gentle voice sounded behind Kana, breaking the silence in the dim corner.

"No, the love of parents is unconditional, no matter how you live, whether you are a magic guide or not, you are his favorite child."

Hearing this, Kana's pupils expanded rapidly, turned sharply, and looked back behind her in amazement.

I saw that in the dim corner, a teenager about the same age as her appeared behind her at an unknown time, and the teenager had a pair of blue pupils that were very good-looking, which made Kana also slightly startled.



It is not the same as the quiet and peaceful painting style.

On the other hand, the hunt for the crime of the witch has already begun.

The same goes for Cool Moon Day Serra's demon hunt.

Different places, but at the same time, because of the same person, the gears of fate began to turn.

...... The dividing line....

Kana Arupelona illustration as a child.

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly tickets, ask for data, thank you brothers for their support!!

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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