Didn't wait for Mebis to react!

Harpy raised his arms and shouted, continuing to cheer for Natsu!


"Natsu takes the iron dragon, let's have a barbecue together tonight!"

Natsu looked ecstatic and confident, wrapped in endless flames.

Behind Natsu, the infinite flames condensed the figure of a giant dragon, and this scene intimidated the audience!

At this moment, facing the fire dragon Natsu, the iron dragon Gajiru had a feeling of powerlessness.

As Natsu said, the strength of the two of them is not on the same level.

Before, he played at full strength.

Natsu was just a warm-up.

When Natsu went all out.

In the face of the powerful Natsu, the legendary fire dragon Natsu, Gajiru also recognized the current situation.

In the face of absolute strength, he has no hope of winning, even if he has the blessing of the Sirius Island and the blessing of the Sirius Tree.

What's even more terrifying is that quietly, Mebis, as the first president of Fairy Tail, also gave Gajiru a set of blessings!

It can be said that the current Gajiru's strength has reached its peak, and he has also opened a plug-in, a plug-in sent by Mebis.

Despite this, in the face of the fire dragon Natsu, the iron dragon Gajiru was still powerless.

Anyway, at this moment of fighting, the iron dragon Gajiru is also fighting to the death, turning on the plug-in again, and roaring angrily!

"Natsu !!"

"I admit you're strong!!"

"But, I'm a member of Fairy Tail!"

"I carry the glory of Fairy Tail on my back!"

"So, I don't lose!"

"I'm not alone, I still have partners!"

"The faith of my partner will make me stronger!"

"With the help of my partner, I will be stronger, break through the limit, surpass myself, this is who I am!"

After a mouthful of escaping, because of the belief of the fairy tail, the iron dragon Gajiru was also full of firepower, and his whole body erupted with terrifying magic, like an ocean of endless magic.

The black magic was overwhelming, and it instantly confronted Natsu's red magic.

One black and one red, two majestic magic, facing each other!!

This is Gajiru's faith, the partner's faith, and the mouth's belief!

is similar to the original book, as a member of Fairy Tail, once you open your mouth and open your partner's belief, you can turn the tables to the limit.

Now, Gajiru is also in the mouth escape mode, plus the belief mode of the fairy tail partner.

Finally, Gajiru roared!

"I'm Fairy Tail!"

With this roar.

Gajiru perfectly reproduces the demon tail plot in the original book.

No matter what kind of battle, as long as you are a member of Fairy Tail, as long as you roar: I am Fairy Tail, you will win the final victory.

The reality is the same, after the roar, Gajiru's magic power soared, and he instantly leveled Natsu!


The two did not continue to talk nonsense.

Gajiru, who was open, with an arrogant expression, continued to use the Iron Dragon Slaying Magic, and a dragon slaying arcane Yiye Demon Iron Exterminator blasted out!!

This is also Gajiru's strongest magic, and he clasped his hands upwards and slashed out a huge slashing wave that blasted towards Natsu!

Facing the hanging Gajiru, Natsu looked ecstatic and excited: "Ahhhh

"Tielong is very good, this is like words!"

"This is the real battle!"

"I'm already completely on fire!"

Let's talk.

Natsu didn't underestimate Gajiru either, and in the face of Gajiru's onslaught, he also responded, and the Fire Dragon Slayer Magic was used, and a Dragon Slayer Mystery Red Lotus Burst Flame Blade blasted out!!

Wrap the fire of the dragon around your arms to form two blades of fire, whirl your body and unleash a flaming slash!!


Dragon Slayer Mystery Red Lotus Burst Flame Blade Positive Passion Encounters Dragon Destroying Mystery Karma Demon Iron Divine Sword!!

The two major dragon-destroying mysteries are facing each other!

Under the Counterwave!

The Dragon Slaying Mystery Red Lotus Flame Exploding Blade was like a tiger descending from the mountain, unstoppable, devouring everything, including the Dragon Slaying Mystery Karma Demon Iron Sword!

This frenzy of fire, like a tsunami, swept through the whole field, engulfing everything, destroying everything, including Gajiru.

With the sound of the last loud bang~ endless gunpowder smoke filled the audience in an instant.

When the smoke of gunpowder faded, the scene was like ruins, and a huge pit suddenly appeared, surrounded by potholes, and the scene of ruins and broken walls was extremely tragic, trees, flowers and plants... Everything, under the flames, was reduced to ashes and disappeared into the air.

This is Natsu's strength, worthy of the name of the fire dragon.

A shot of the Dragon Slaying Mystery Red Lotus Burst Flame Blade directly destroyed everything.

Inside the pit, Gajiru had already fallen, his face grizzled and embarrassed, blood spilling from the corners of his mouth, and he looked at Natsu with unwilling eyes.

He was defeated.

Lost completely. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Not only that, but he also saw that Natsu was still full of energy after the victory, magic, physical strength, energy... It's still at its peak.

This is the most unacceptable thing for Gajiru!

You must know that when he first met Natsu, the strength of the two of them was five or five, and each had its own victory or defeat.

All the changes start with Natsu joining the Dragon Empire.

Since Natsu joined the Dragon Empire, the gap between Natsu's strength and him has been getting wider and wider.

Until now, Natsu can already kill him, or easily kill him, and easily handle it.

There is no doubt that the current Natsu is far above him.

At this point, the iron dragon Gajiru no longer stiffened, and said sadly: "Fire dragon... You win. "

"You're really strong. "

"If it were you, maybe you could beat Ron. "

Hearing this, Natsu was shocked and exclaimed, "Ahhh

"Tielong, your brain has not been broken? "


"I can't beat him. "

"Although my magic was taught by Igoni 740, Ron also taught me a lot. "[]

"Before I met Ron, I had a conversation with you. "

"After meeting Ron, you haven't beaten me yet. "

Let's talk.

The iron dragon Gajiru suddenly realized.

I see, it's all because of Ron!

Seeing this, Natsu continued, "So, Ron's strength has long since surpassed your imagination. "

"My president is the real monster, an invincible monster, like a god, invincible. "

Natsu, who has always been giggling, is full of awe, reverence, and yearning on his face when he talks about Ron, which is enough to show Ron's strength.

This made the iron dragon Gajiru also full of emotion, no wonder Laxus also had such a high opinion of Ron, so it was...

Are gods invincible?

After a moment of silence, Gajiru continued, "Fire Dragon, Ron or Kildas, who is stronger?"

Without the slightest hesitation, Natsu laughed, "It's definitely Ron." "

"I've never seen Ron at full strength, and at full strength, Ron is definitely the strongest. "

This shocked Gajiru again, is Ron really that strong?

Kildas, who is also a monster, isn't Ron Ron's opponent either?

At the time of Gajiru's shock, the fairy military master Mebis not far away, at this moment, his little face was also filled with a shocked expression.

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