
Inside the Fairy Tail Guild, there was a thick smell of alcohol, and the sounds of fighting, noise, and the collision of wine glasses rose and fell one after another.

On the bar counter of the wine cabinet, sat an old man, with an amiable appearance, wearing an orange clown costume, an orange clown hat, and pointed clown shoes on his feet, like an old clown in a circus.

Holding a glass of wine in his hand, he swallowed it with a grunt, burped a full belch, his face was red, and the old man was none other than Makarov, drunkenly said: "Sure enough! Our guild's goblin liquor is the best! "

"It would be even better if, a few more young female guild members joined our Fairy Tail."

In this regard, on the side, Kildas, who was also drinking, patted the table and agreed: "Yes! "

"President, you're right."

Suddenly, Makarov turned at Kildas and roared: "Bastard! To your size! "

"Do you know how many letters of guarantee and apology I wrote to dig you out?"

"A dozen letters, a total of tens of thousands of words!!"

Kildas took a sip of whiskey, his face was full of relief, and he smiled heroically: "Ahhhhhh "

The mouth said sorry, but the expression showed that I would do it next time.

"You give me more seriousness!" Makarov was full of rage!

Kildas sighed lightly, covered his face helplessly, and complained: "President, you can't blame me." "

"The incident in Lance Village is really not my fault, that little ghost named Ron is too fierce!" Kildas sighed while recalling: "He alone turned over thirty Dark Magus, and also overturned Laxus, and killed half of the village. "

"The villagers were afraid to speak because they were afraid of Ron."

"As a result, this stinky boy of Laxus, because he lost to Ron, didn't know what he was thinking and didn't speak, so I could only back the pot."

As soon as these words came out, Makarov looked at Laxus in the corner with solemn eyes, covered in bandages, looking scarred, and said in amazement: "Ron... Is it really a person, defeated Laxus? "

Kildas spread his hands, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "That's what it is. "

The other guild members on the side heard Kildas's words and there was a burst of boos.

"Yo, Kildas, your excuse is too bad!"

"That's right, you said that an eight-year-old boy, awakened magic for only two weeks, and the power of awakening is not magic, it is still a power that has never been seen before, called divine power, that person is still a doctor, and he also overturned thirty dark wizards alone, and also overturned Laxus, and killed half of the village, who believes this!"

"That's right, my dog doesn't believe it, he shook his head when he heard it, it's a bad excuse!"

To be honest, Makarov is not very convinced, the main thing is that Laxus is too strong, and Ron has only awakened the power for two weeks... But how did Laxus' injury come about?

This is very confusing.

And no one dared to ask Laxus.

After all, Laxus is very hot now, and no one wants to bear the wrath of Laxus.

So, the person behind the pot is still Kildas, which is a world where only Kildas is injured.

In this regard, Kildas did not defend too much, still drinking boldly and laughing loudly.

He knew that facts spoke louder than words, and when these men met Ron, they were more shocked than he was.

Thinking of Ron, Ron arrived, and just as Kildas was drunk alone, he put a hand on Kildas's shoulder and said, "Yo, uncle hasn't seen you for a long time, you came out." "

As soon as Kildas turned his head, he saw Ron's face, his eyes widened, and he shouted angrily: "Bastard Ron, you still dare to come to me!" "

"Last time, I was miserable by you, hurry up and invite me to drink, you owe me a favor!"

Ron complained, "Uncle, you let an eight-year-old kid invite you to drink, and that's what you did." "

For a while, when Ron and Kildas were talking, the members of the Fairy Tail Guild looked at Ron, and their hearts were full of curiosity, this is obviously just a little brat! Kildas is really bragging!

Makarov was also slightly startled, although Ron's immature face in front of him was very handsome, he was indeed just a child, and now he was even more skeptical of Kildas's words.

Laxus, the lone wolf in the corner, stared at Ron with death, not saying a word, with a cold expression, no one knew what Laxus was thinking now.

For the suddenly appeared Ron, Makarov was still very generous and friendly, put his arm around Ron's shoulders, and said with a smile: "Boy, it's that you rejected Fairy Tail." "

Ron didn't twist either, and said directly: "Yes, I want to create my own guild, and I'll register it later and officially create it." "

In this regard, Kildas and Makarov did not laugh at Ron because of Ron's age, but encouraged Ron.

Makarov patted Ron on the shoulder and laughed, "Okay! "

"Young people should do a good job!"

"Little ghost, I am optimistic about you."

"You can come to the leprechaun often to play when you have time!"

Ron nodded and smiled, "Thanks, old man." "

And Kildas looked at Kana next to Ron, Kana looked shy, lowered her head, and did not dare to look directly at Kildas, this is the last time she touched Kildas!

Kildas saw the shy Kana, looking like he suddenly realized, glanced at Ron with a playful gaze, and ridiculed: "I didn't see this little girl last time, you are quite strong, you have a leg." "

"What's the name of this little girl?"

Ron asked for a glass of orange juice at the bar, took a sip of cold orange juice, and said, "Her name is Kana, you have found this, Kildas you are really good." "

In the face of Kildas, Kana had no way to deal with it, even more shy, the whole person hid behind Ron, ten fingers clenched, and said in his heart, how can Dad's personality be like this?

Without waiting for Kana to react, Kildas got drunk and continued, "Kana? "

"What a cute girl."

"If only I had a daughter, it would be so cute."

"Then, marry her to you, Ron, how do you look?"

Ron looked at Kildas playfully and said, "Are you sure?" Do you dare? "

"What don't you dare!" Kildas patted his chest and promised, handed a piece of paper to Ron, and the meaning written on it was probably that if Kildas had a daughter in the future, he would let his daughter marry Ron, anyway, he didn't have a daughter, so he could brag at will

At this moment, Kana panicked, this dad, in front of her, sold her!

In the next second, completely ignoring Kana, Ron took the piece of paper from Kildas and deliberately shook it in front of Kana.

In an instant!

Kana's pretty face was red, all the way to the root of her ears, and her wheat-like healthy complexion was even more cute.

This moment!

Kana has made up her mind.

Be sure to practice well, and when you recognize each other in the future, beat up Kildas!

Ron, who got the pieces of Kildas paper, invited Kildas to drink a glass of tequila wine worth four thousand j, because he was in a good mood.

This scene made Kana's expression even more gloomy, she was worth four thousand j!

It was precisely because of these brief farces that Kana, who relaxed her mind later, chatted with Kildas for a while, talking about fishing, travel, wine, and interesting things about the magic guild.

At the end of the conversation, the rising Kildas also talked about his women, saying that he was very attractive and often dated beautiful women.

As a result, one second he was chatting well, and the next second he was punched in the head by Kana, which made Kildas look confused and inexplicably punched.

After a brief farce, Kildas gets drunk, and Ron takes Kana away from Fairy Tail.

When leaving, Laxus stood up, looked directly at Ron's back with a lone wolf-like cold gaze, and shouted!

"Next time!"

"I won't lose to you again!"

Ron didn't look back, waved his right hand casually, and said with a light smile: "As long as you bring enough money, it doesn't matter." "

At this moment, the huge Fairy Tail Guild suddenly became quiet and deadly.

All the guild members were stunned and looked in the direction Ron had left in amazement.

Just because, they just heard what Laxus said, and they will not lose again!

It turned out that what Kildas said was true, that Ron really defeated Laxus!

This moment!

Fairy Tail is unusually quiet.

Everyone's hearts were already shocked.

This moment.

Makarov also had a shocked expression, watching Ron leave, and muttered: "Laxus actually lost to someone younger than himself... He is five years younger. "

"Ron, or a doctor, is already that strong?"

...... Dividing line....

Makarov illustration of clown costume.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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