Ron didn't care about the shock of everyone in Fairy Tail.

However, Kana, who followed Ron home, her little face was also full of shock, and said in a loud voice: "You actually defeated Huang Mao Bad? "

"Are you that strong?"

Poor yellow hair?


Ron said casually: "General, I didn't say it, I'm weak." "

Kana, who often observes Fairy Tail, naturally knows some information about Fairy Tail, Laxus is also a very powerful character in Fairy Tail, and among the younger generation, it ranks first!

For a while, for Ron, Kana also ignited a trace of reverence, Mu Qiang is the subconscious behavior of all living beings.

You can only attract the opposite sex if you are strong enough.

The two walked on the street, for Ron, Kana was also curious, her beautiful eyes were full of Ron's figure, and said, "What are we going to do now?" "

Ron put his hands in his pockets and said, "Go to the nearby Magic Council branch and register for a magic guild." "

"This way~!" Kana put her hands behind her back and smiled lightly, "Are there many people in our guild?" "

Ron thought for a moment, considered it, and said, "There are five people in total, the oldest is nine years old. "

As soon as the words came out.

Kana was stunned, stunned, and said in a trill: "The oldest is only nine years old??? "

{Himejima Ju belongs to the crime of the witch, the power behind the ground, so he does not join the guild on the surface. }

In this way, under Kana's shock, Ron completed the registration guild.

The DragonEmpire/Dragon Empire Magic Guild ranks exactly two hundred, and the number is currently five, and the guild leader is Ron.

The only thing that made Ron unhappy was that the registration actually cost 100,000 j, and the Magic Council was really a place to grab money.

Later, Ron took Kana and returned to his new home.

Miraj, Elfman, and Lisanna who greeted Ron were full of joy when they saw Ron, and when they saw Kana, they were slightly startled, and their hearts were shocked, go out for a stroll, and there was another girl when they came back?

Ron, where did this go?

Then, Ron explained briefly, giving a brief description of Kana's situation.

Of course, the relationship between Kildas and Kana, Ron did not say it, and the strong Kana always has to become stronger and then recognize Kildas.

After learning that Kana's mother had died, Kana came to Magnolia alone, Miraj, Elfman, and Lisanna all expressed a friendly attitude towards Kana and welcomed Kana very much!

They have all been through the same thing and can naturally understand Kana.

To this end, Miraj also specially prepared a welcome party for Kana, another big meal, corn flapjacks, green pepper spicy boiled fish, Warcraft roast legs... Wait a minute.

This time the welcome party, let Kana also regain a smile, the personality is not as twisted and pinched as during the day, a little inferior, the whole person is also a lot hearty, a big sister look, has been teasing Lisanna to play, and Miraj also played very much.

What Ron cared about the most was that when Kana was playing, he drank juice heroically, picked up a large glass of juice and gurgled it, and burped after drinking, as if drinking some spirit.

A glass of juice and drink the momentum of spirits.

This scene made the corners of Ron's mouth twitch slightly, and his heart was full of emotion, it seems that he will have to pay attention in the future, so that Kana cannot touch the wine.

That's it.

Because of Kana's joining.

Plus the successful registration of the magic guild.

For the next few days, Ron was busy with the affairs of the Magic Guild, renovating the original medical hall and renting the house next to it.

Then the house next to it is the stronghold of the magic guild, and the rent has increased by 150,000 j, plus the previous rent, a total of four hundred thousand j, which makes Ron feel a little distressed.

There are still too few Laxas in this world, and there are too few good people.

If there were more good people and more Laxus, he would not be so poor.

Because, just finished Laxus's wool, Laxus, the fat sheep has not yet grown hair, so Ron is still leisurely, did not continue to look for Laxus, can only rely on himself.

In this regard, Miraj said that she will try to accept the task and increase her income for the guild.

Unfortunately, the current DragonEmpire/Dragon Empire ranking is only two hundred.

The fame is too weak, and no one comes to DragonEmpire/Dragon Empire at all to carry out entrusted tasks.

Since the creation of DragonEmpire/Dragon Empire, the guild's progress in completing missions has been zero.

This made Miraj, Kana and others slightly disappointed.

In this regard, Ron was very calm.

After all, he still has a hole card, and that is the crime of the witch of Himejima Junai.

There is really no money, so let the crime of the witch save the dark guild, eat black and eat black, and directly swallow the territory, power, and money of the dark guild.

Of course, if it continues like this, it will definitely not work, and Miraj, Kana, Lisanna and others will not be able to exercise.

For this reason, Ron also finally took the time to see that the time was ripe.

At this time, Kana, Lisana, and Elfman were already physically good enough to learn magic.

So, in the forest in the eastern suburbs, Ron taught Kana, Lisana, and Elfman magic.

During the whole process, Kana was slightly excited, waved her small fist, and said excitedly: "Ron! Teach me the best magic! "

Ron patiently explained: "The best is the best. "

"It's like unlocking, only the right key can be opened."

Kana pouted and said, "So it is. "

Elfman scratched his head and said worriedly: "Brother Ron, I'm so stupid, will I not learn?" "

Lisanna was also slightly worried, and her fingers clenched: "Yes, Brother Ron, I'm afraid I won't be able to learn." "

"If I can't learn magic, will you kick me out of the guild?"

"Can you continue to take me in? I cook, do hygiene, do laundry, warm my bed... "

Watching Lisanna try to sell herself, Ron rubbed Lisana's little head, comforted Elfman and Lisana, and smiled: "It's okay." "

"Either way, you can stay in the guild."

Hearing this, Elfman and Lisanna also breathed a long sigh of relief, and the big stone in their hearts was also slightly put down.

Kana couldn't wait, her eyes full of stars, and said in a loud voice: "Ron, let's start, I can't wait!" "

Ron shrugged and chuckled, "Okay, let's start now." "

Subsequently, Ron used the [President's Gift LV1] to impart [Card] magic to Kana, and [Receiving Magic] to Elfman and Lisana.

The whole process, in just a few seconds, Ron has already done everything.

After the end.

Kana, Elfman, and Lisanna have been promoted to C-class Magisters.

Through this period of cultivation, Miraj is not a vegetarian and has long been promoted to a B-level magic guide.

More importantly, with the blessing of [Enlightenment Against the Sky LV1], Miraj has approached an A-level magic guide, and is only one step away from an A-level magic guide.

Such a strong talent made Ron also admire, worthy of being a member of his guild.

Or is he more powerful, cultivated Miraje, and now cultivated Lisanna and others.

Also, after Elfman, Lisana, and Kana all learned magic, his guild rank was also successfully upgraded to lv2!

After this wave of operations, the guild's strength has skyrocketed.

Next, there should be a task delegated to the door, and Ron is also looking forward to it.

Double-line operation to make money, the Dragon Empire to do the task commission to get money, the witch's crime behind the black to make money.

As for the whereabouts of the witch's crime, every day, the Dark Shadow Corps came to report to Ron.

Therefore, Ron also knows everything about the witch's sin, and everything is under control.

At present, Jijima Juno is still exercising the Black Shadow Corps, because Himejima Juno has found that these Black Shadow Killers can also become stronger through continuous exercise.

This made Ron also look forward to it, according to Himejima Junai's report, in two days, the crime of the witch can officially attack.

Moreover, after the guild level up, a new reward will also come as promised, that is, a new guild bond!

...... Dividing line....

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly tickets, ask for data, thank you brothers for their support!!

It seems that the character who summons the [Dragon Maid of the Kobayashi Family] has a relatively high voice, so shall I arrange it?

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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