In this way, after this battle, the Dragon Empire completely gained its reputation.

In the original Dragon Empire Guild, the task bar was blank, and there was not a single task commission.

After this battle, the inhabitants of Magnolia rushed to the Dragon Empire and entrusted them with a mission.

"Me me me! My cat was lost, get it back, 2000j!! "

"Can you confess for me? Although that person already has a husband, I really like her! I am willing to bid 100,000 J! "

"Help me catch cheating, my damn husband, recently often ask out his magic teacher, the most important thing is that the magic teacher is still a man, it's really hateful, woo woo~ I bid 200,000 j!"

For a while, the Dragon Empire Magic Guild became lively.

For these task commissions, Miraj was full of joy, clapped his palms, and commanded: "Everyone listen to me, take your time." "

"As long as there is money, our Dragon Empire can take on any task."

"Our strength, you can also see."

After fading the [Receiving Magic], Miraj returned to his original appearance, with a heroic appearance.

As she spoke, Kana cooperated with her, holding a wad of paper in her hand, distributing paper to the people around her, and handing out pens, explaining: "You can write on it your needs and the price you can pay, including the time limit of the task... And so on, all the conditions, are written on it. "

Then, Miraj pointed to the task order column in the guild and showed a business-level smile: "After everything is done, stick the task order on the task bar. "

Under the command of Miraj and Kana, the tasks entrusted to them are also carried out in an orderly manner.

This scene, Ron is also in the eyes, I have to say that Kana and Miraj are quite capable, the entire guild is in order, he can be a handshaker.

Moreover, after the prestige increased, the task was entrusted with an endless stream.

Ron began to plan that if the house was rented larger, the number of guild members would only increase in the future.

Of course, you all have to have the strength to join the Dragon Empire.

After all, his little brother already has a magic version of the Black Shadow Corps, and he no longer needs a weak little brother.

Gollum, lying on the recliner, drinking iced orange juice while enjoying life, Ron also began to plan how to cut off Xiao Rebbe.

Because the guild bond [Enlightenment Against the Sky LV2], he needs a female wizard with strong potential, and Rebbie is a good choice.

As Ron pondered, the taskbar was already plastered with task delegates.

There are all kinds of tasks, a full column!

The crowd that posted the task also gradually faded, and the guild returned to calm again.

Miraj, who had been busy for a while, first fought and then took care of the guild, and she was the most tired today.

Moreover, the person she hit was still the leader of the Lightning Guild, and it was the first time she had killed someone.

Nervous? It must have been nervous, but she knew that she was already a member of the Magic Guild.

In the future, you will have to face various tasks, and your hands will be stained with blood, which is the most basic thing, either the blood of others or your own.

In order to protect Ron, her younger siblings, and the Dragon Empire, she can only continue to become stronger, including her inner armor.

Sitting in a chair and looking at the neat streets outside the guild, Miraj took orange juice from Ron's hand, took a sip, and said, "The endgame after the battle, Fairy Tail helped us clean up." "

"Makarov and Kildas said to us, let's not be afraid."

"The Lightning Guild is originally a guild with bad deeds, and over there in the Magic Council, they will help us."

I have to say that coming to Magnolia to build a magic guild is indeed a wise choice, and after having a good relationship with Fairy Tail, Fairy Tail will help Ron in many ways, nodding slightly: "I see." "

"This favor will be returned to the fairy tail in the future."

"By the way, how does today's battle feel?"

Miraj waved his small pink fist and looked excited: "It's not enough!" "

"The leader of that Lightning Guild is too weak."

"Moreover, I feel it, when I think about our guild Dragon Empire in my heart, a power will suddenly erupt in my body, and this power will make me strengthen a lot."

As soon as she heard Miraj say this, Kana was also thoughtful, rubbed her chin with her right hand, and considered: "I feel it too." "

"When I think about fighting for the guild in my heart, when I think about the guild, I can also gain great power."

Lisana's beautiful eyes flickered and she nodded repeatedly, indicating that she was the same, including Elfman.

Finally, Miraj snapped his fingers and suddenly said, "I see, this is the guild bond!" "

"When we think about the guild, the guild will give us spiritual strength and make us stronger!"

"So, when we fight in the future, just think about the guild!"

"This is the guild created by Ron, which will give us spiritual power!"

Kana's eyes were confused, and she muttered, "Spiritual power? "

"What Mira said seems to have a point, and you can try it like this next time you fight."

Elfman also scratched his head and laughed: "Sister Mila, you are so smart, it turns out that this is spiritual power." "

Lisanna was also full of joy: "This should also be the power of Brother Ron, after all, this is the guild established by Brother Ron, and it was Brother Ron who gave us spiritual power." "

Spoiling Lisana's little head, Miraj said, "Yes, Lisana. "

Ron didn't explain much about this.

Because the power felt by Miraj, Kana and others comes from [Morale Fury LV2], which is a real guild bond.

Miraj, Kana and others can know this power, after all, this is his system, and they can't reveal too much information to Miraj, Kana and others.

Subsequently, Ron divided the tasks on the task bar into levels, that is, C, B, A, S-LEVEL TASKS, TEN-YEAR TASKS, AND CENTURY-OLD TASKS... Wait a minute.

At present, there are no commissions for S-level tasks, ten-year tasks, and 100-year tasks, and the highest is only A-level.

In this regard, Ron is already very satisfied, can train Miraj and others, can make money.

Letting Miraj, Elfman, Lisana, Kana and others complete the task commission, on the one hand, you can exercise, on the other hand, you can also make money, it is just perfect.

Moreover, for doing tasks, Miraj and others have shown high enthusiasm.

Kana accepted a C-level mission commission with a prize of 100,000 J.

Elfman also accepted a C-level mission commission with a prize of 80,000 J.

Lisanna also accepted a C-level task commission, with a prize of 120,000 j.

Miraj accepts a B-level mission commission with a prize of 300,000 J.

Ron was pleased with the hard work of the guild members.

As long as Miraj and others complete this wave of task commissions, the bonus will be 600,000 J, and the rent for the next month will be settled.

As the leader of a magical guild, Ron was happy to see the hardworking guild members.

Did the seeds he planted finally wait for the harvest?

Suddenly, when Ron admired Miraj and the others in his heart.

Several familiar figures passed by the door of the guild again, they were Rebe, Sarusuk, and Dorel.

Because Miraj and the others were still fighting before, most of Ron's eyes were on Milager and the others, and he did not pay attention to Rebby.

At this moment, when Ron was paying a deliberate attention to Rebby, he discovered something.

The title of the book that Rebbe was holding in her arms, the brown sheepskin cover, was "Lord of Mystery", the author "Ron who loves diving".

There is no doubt that the porter of this book is Ron, because Magnolia, as a big city, rents are too expensive.

At that time, the Dragon Empire could not receive the task commission, and the fat sheep of Laxus was in the protection period.

So in order to get the money right, Ron could only use the knowledge of the previous life and became a porter.

Because of his divine power, he remembered the knowledge of the previous life very well, and then directly carried the web article [Lord of Mystery] and submitted it in the world of demon tail.

Fortunately, the manuscript was also passed, for which he also earned 200,000 J.

Of course, if [Lord of Mystery] sells well, he will have a new share of the manuscript fee in the future.

It's just that he is teaching Kana and others to learn magic, and he is also managing the magic guild and the hospital, so he does not pay special attention to the sales situation at the back of this book.

Unexpectedly, he saw the book in Rebbe's arms, holding the book, which was actually the book he wrote.

Rebby in the original book loves literature, and because she likes novels, she has become good friends with Lucy.

Suddenly, Ron's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

A plan comes to his mind, and it's called the plan to capture Rebby.

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