
In front of the door of the Dragon Empire Guild, a certain street entrance, around the corner.

Salusuk and Dolaire kept talking.

Sarushuk opened his arms and said impatiently: "Just now there is obviously a chance to enter the fairy tail, why don't you dare to enter?" "

Dorell scratched her head and said helplessly, "There are too many people in the Fairy Tail Guild... I'm a little scared. "

"Also, don't you dare?"

Sarushuk snorted coldly: "What don't I dare!" "

"All right! We can't miss another opportunity this time! "

"Today, be sure to enter Fairy Tail!"

Dorel was a little hesitant: "We don't know magic yet, can we really join Fairy Tail?" "

Salusuk shook his fist and excitedly said, "Definitely!" "

"Have faith!"

"The teachers have said that we have a talent for magic, so we can learn it later!"

"Moreover, Rebbie's knowledge is so rich, and she knows several ancient scripts, she will definitely be welcomed by Fairy Tail."

While Salusuk and Dorel were talking, Rebbie just quietly held the book and stood aside, her eyes a little fleeing.

Seeing this, Dolaire asked: "Are you okay with Rebby?" "

"You've been in a daze since watching the battle in the Dragon Empire."

Rebe shook her head again and again and smiled: "It's okay. "

"I was just thinking that the Dragon Empire might also be a very interesting guild."

Sarushuk opened his arms and smiled, "Rebby, let's go together and join the fairy tail." "

"Although the Dragon Empire is not bad, Fairy Tail is the strongest !!"

"We have already agreed to join Fairy Tail together and form a squad, have you forgotten?"

Rebbe pursed her lips and fell silent.

Then, Sarusuk and Dorel took a deep breath, plucked up courage, and frantically cheered themselves up.

Then the two walked towards Fairy Tail together, be sure to enter the Fairy Tail Guild today, and then see if you can join Fairy Tail!

Because they were a little nervous, the two walked on their own, completely forgetting about Rebbe behind them.

Rebbie just silently watched the back of Salusuk and Dorel leaving, holding the book in her arms tightly.

She likes books very much, because she reads books, so she likes the adventure stories on books, and the colorful adventure stories fascinate her.

From the newspapers, she saw the story of Fairy Tail, a magical guild that loves to mess around and often makes the newspapers for sabotage.

That's why she wants to join Fairy Tail, and such a guild must be fun.

It's just that after today, she witnessed the Dragon Empire.

A trace of hesitation began to arise in her heart, because the existence of the Dragon Empire, more like the magic guild in the novel, seemed to be more interesting.

As Rebbe hesitated, a gentle voice sounded in Rebbe's ears.

"Do you also like to watch the [Lord of Mystery]?"

Rebbe looked back stunned and saw the blue-eyed boy, his forehead swaying, but he nodded subconsciously, which was regarded as a response to Ron.

Ron kept smiling: "Perhaps, we can get to know each other, and I also like to watch [Lord of Mystery]." "

Rebbe, who reacted, asked curiously: "Are you the president of the Dragon Empire?" "

"I remember you."

Ron didn't hide it either, and bowed his head: "Yes." "

Because Rebbe herself was interested in the Dragon Empire, she smiled on her little face and said, "Nice to meet you, my name is Rebby." "

Ron said, "My name is Ron. "


Ron who loves diving?

Rebbe was slightly startled, and glanced down at the sheepskin cover of the book in her arms, which was proudly marked with the author's name [Ron who loves diving], this is a new book that has only recently been released, this author is also a new author, and the Dragon Empire is also a new guild....

Rebby, who was full of thoughts, suddenly thought of a possibility, and was shocked: "Did you write this book?" "

Ahem... Coughing secretly, he was just carrying, but Ron's face remained calm, and he nodded slightly: "Yes." "

"Thank you for liking and buying my books."

As soon as she heard that it was the author herself, Rebbe puffed up her pink cheeks, and her bulging appearance was very cute, and she complained: "I just saw the captain die recently, crying all night, it's so uncomfortable... I was also thinking about sending some blades to the author of this book. "

"Unexpectedly, you are here!"

When it comes to books, Rei is much livelier than the whole person.

Ron touched his nose and smiled awkwardly but politely: "Haha~ the plot needs." "

"Hmph!" Rebbie snorted playfully, then handed the book in her arms and a pen to Ron, and said fiercely: "Sign me, and I will forgive you!" "

Taking the book, signing his name, and handing it back to Rebbe, Ron glanced around and suggested, "Maybe we can find a place to continue talking." "

Rebbe, who took back the book, her beautiful eyes had begun to twinkle with little stars, and she was quite interested in talking about books and novels.

What's more, the teenager in front of her is still the author of [Lord of Mystery], she has liked this book recently, otherwise she would not carry it with her.

So, for Ron's invitation, Rebby agreed very happily.

The two then went to a nearby café.

The two drank coffee, ate dessert, and chatted about books and novels, and two or three hours passed like this.

Among them, Rebby repeatedly asked Ron for spoilers.

Because of the publisher's confidentiality agreement, Ron declined Rebby.

As a result, Rebbe also took Ron's arm and went on a coquettish attack.

What an abominable woman!

However, he Ron is a principled person, and the biggest principle is unprincipled, so in the end, under Rebby's gentle offensive, Ron still spoiled.

Moreover, he asked Rebby not to tell anyone else, after all, if the publisher knew, he would lose a lot of money.

In this regard, Rebbe covered her small mouth with both hands, looked at Ron with pitiful eyes, and nodded repeatedly: "I am the most secret!" "

"Don't worry!"

Ron took a sip of coffee and smiled, "That's good." "

Then, Rebbe stared at Ron with curious eyes and said, "In the future, can I still talk to you about the novel?" "

Ron smiled and said, "Welcome at any time." "

"You can also join our guild and become one of our members."

Rebby's eyes widened, and she pointed her finger at herself, surprised: "Can I too?" "

"Your guild members are very powerful, I'm too weak."

"Besides, I haven't studied magic yet."

Patting Rebbie's shoulder, Ron encouraged: "You have a good magical talent, and you are good at a variety of ancient scripts, and you are a good auxiliary magician. "

"As for magic, I can teach you."

"I inquired about your information, I'm sorry."

Waving her hand, Rebe smiled lightly: "It's okay, I don't care." "

"I'm also interested in your novels, as well as in the Dragon Guild..."

Suddenly, Rebbe's words stopped abruptly.

Only because Sarushuk and Dorel ran over with excited looks and ran towards Rebbe.

The two ran wildly all the way, ran into the café, and stood panting in front of Rebbe.

As soon as they entered, the two looked at Ron with vigilant eyes, full of unfriendly eyes, they both had a crush on Rebby, and of course they would not welcome the opposite sex who played with Rebby.

For Ron, they just felt very familiar, as if they had seen it somewhere, but they didn't care too much.

Because, they are very excited now, very hight, really hight to the point of not working!

They qualify to join Fairy Tail!!

Sarushuk hunched over, put his hands on his knees, panted rapidly, like the old worn bellows, and said, "Rebby! We did it! "

"President Makarov personally received us, and he said that our teacher had recommended us to him, saying that we are very talented in magic and can let us join Fairy Tail and then learn magic!"

"You too, they say that you are proficient in all kinds of books, they say that the library of the goblins, just lack an administrator, you can also join!"

"They also say that Fairy Tail lacks a knowledgeable guild member like you."

Because of the fierce running, Dolaire also blushed and said, "Rebby is right! "

"We all join Fairy Tail and then we can form a squad!"

As they spoke, Sarushuk and Dorel proudly straightened their waist, raised their chins proudly, and showed a meaningful smile, as if to tell Ron, see? We're members of Fairy Tail!

Just as children can't wait to show off to their friends when they buy new Ultraman toys, Salusuk and Dorel have no malice and simply want to show off.

Then, they looked at Rebbe expectantly, waiting for Rebbe's response.

The thing they dream of, of course, is to join Fairy Tail with Rebbe, form a squad, and then constantly complete tasks to become an excellent Magister, even an S-class Magister, and find another opportunity to confess Rebby when she is famous!

...... The dividing line....

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