Previously, Ron only found that he could get rewards for treating other people's illnesses and injuries.

Unexpectedly, treatment is not limited to the body, and healing the body and mind of others can also be rewarded.

Miraj is an orphan and a sister, and only Miraj takes care of his younger siblings on weekdays, and Ron's long-lost concern naturally opened Miraj's heart.

And Miraj is the protagonist group in the demon tail world, and the rewards for treating Miraj's body and mind are naturally rich.

It is directly the Asura realm divine power lv1, which is also one of the divine powers, calling the undead and spirit beasts to help fight, the higher the divine power, the stronger the calling thing.

Unexpectedly, being kissed by Miraj can also heal Miraj's little heart by the way, and also obtain a divine power, which is really an unexpected surprise and makes Ron feel very happy.

Unexpected surprises are equivalent to picking up money, which can multiply happiness!

For a while, there was a strange atmosphere in the forced room.

Elfman and Lisanna looked at each other, and Elfman scratched his head and said, "Sister Mira, your face is so red, are you not feeling well." "

"Let Brother Ron help you see it again. "

Lisanna looked worried: "Yes, Sister Mira, let Brother Ron help me see." "

Miraj pouted, his expression forced to be grim, and said: "Elfman, Lisana, I'm fine, don't worry about me." "

After a brief episode, Ron patted Miraj on the shoulder and smiled: "Well, don't worry about your sister, her body has recovered." "

"Moreover, your sister is also a magic guide, and her body is much better than ordinary people." "

"Okay, now that the matter is settled, go out and report to the village chief. "

Miraj nodded slightly, took Lisanna and Elfman's hands, followed Ron, and walked out of this dark and narrow room, and the four of them came to the village chief not far away.

Throughout the whole process, the village chief and others trembled, holding all kinds of weapons, sickles, hoes, axes... Wait, guard Miraj.

Seeing this, Ron grabbed Miraj's right hand, then raised it, and said, "See?"

"This is Miraj's right hand. "

"It's not the demon's right arm, it's just magic, you can control it yourself. "

"Not only is Miraj not cursed by the devil, but he is also a magician. "

Miraj, who was grabbed by Ron's right hand, had a pretty pink face, red all the way to the root of his ears, his expression was still forced to be cold, pretending that nothing happened.

Under Ron's explanation, the village chief and the villagers finally realized.

The village chief stared at Ron with grateful eyes, and said excitedly: "Lord Ron, thank you so much." "

"Although Miraj is not cursed by the demon, fortunately you have also eliminated the demonicization for Miraj and solved this worry for us. "

Otherwise, Miraj is holding the right arm of a demon, whether it is a demon curse or not, ordinary people are not afraid when they see it!


Ron stretched out his right hand and smiled: "You're welcome old village chief, just raise your hand, one hundred thousand j." "

The corners of the village chief's mouth twitched slightly, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

However, for Ron, the village chief still did not dare to offend, in their eyes, Ron was not an ordinary eight-year-old child, but a healing wizard, and could also cure Miraj's demonization, and he had great powers!

In the end, the village chief smiled bitterly and endured the pain and gave Ron 100,000 j, after all, this was also agreed.

This scene made Miraj, Lisana, and Elfman's pupils tremble, their eyes were staring, staring at Ron, and the 100,000 J they were holding in their hands, their faces were full of envy! !

As orphans, they usually live in poverty, where have they seen so much money, so much money, they can buy many, many, many delicious food!


Thinking of this, Elfman still left an indisputable saliva at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Lisana, how many roast chickens can you buy for 100,000 J." "

Lisanna grunted and swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "I don't know, I just know that I can buy a lot of cakes." "

Miraj is also very envious, but as a sister, she can only remain cold, cough, and say: "Elfman, Lisana, my sister will also work hard." "

"In two days, I will treat you to something delicious." "

Elfman and Lisanna turned to look at Miraj and smiled: "Well, thank you Sister Mira, we will help too." "

Looking at the sensible three, Ron rubbed Lisanna and Elfman's little heads and said, "Okay, I'll treat you to dinner tonight." "

Elfman's head had already fantasized about roasting pig, roast chicken, and roast meat, swallowing wildly, expecting: "Brother Ron, really?"

"Thank you!"

Lisanna was still a little introverted and said, "Brother Ron, I just need a strawberry ice cream and a Black Forest cake." "

Looking at Lisanna and Elfman, who were full of expectation, Miraj couldn't bear to refuse Ron's kindness, and his heart was hesitant.

Seeing this, Ron also took Miraj's little head, soft white hair passed through his fingertips, felt very good, and was wrapped in a faint orchid fragrance: "Mira, you're welcome." "

"It just so happens that I also lack employees, if you are not afraid of hard work, work for me." "

"I'm strict, Mira, are you afraid?"

Miraj felt warm in his heart, tears rolled in his eyes, and he snorted coldly and said coolly: "Who is afraid of whom!"

As orphans, they have always yearned for a home, and Miraj is even more so.

For his peers Ron, neither Miraj, nor Elfman, nor Lisanna were disgusted, and after a series of events, they only had a good impression of Ron.

Therefore, Ron's invitation made Miraj, Elfman, and Lisanna easily accepted, and at the same time looked forward to it.

For a while, Elfman also raised his arms and said excitedly: "From today onwards, I want to be a man!

Lisanna smiled gently, "Brother Ron, I can help too!"

It seems to be quite good, and Ron, who is used to being alone, also began to have some expectations for the joining of Miraj's three siblings: "Good." "

Suddenly, the cold mechanical sound sounded again.

[Ding, main quest, build the strongest guild start, guild number +3!].

...... Dividing line....

Illustration by Lisana.

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