In other words, the current Virgo Star Spirit Key has not been used by the Duke of Obalu.

It has not been used by Lucy, and Ron can completely cut off his beard.

For such an original and genuine pink-haired maid to pretend to be a star spirit, and among the star spirits, Baluge's loyalty is also one of the best.

Although it is an M, in Ron's case, the original M is a plus, and Ron certainly can't refuse.

Moreover, Ron also wanted to try it, after pulling Baluge into the Dragon Empire Magic Guild.

See if Baluge will get [Enlightenment Against the Sky LV2], [Guild President's Gift LV2], [Morale Fury LV2], these guild bonds.

After all, Baluge is the star spirit.

After thinking for a moment, Ron continued to look at the content of the mission, which was the point.

If you want to get this pink-haired maid Star Spirit, you must first complete the task commission.

Mission content: Because of the powerful Book of Jelf, the Iger family is targeted by the Dark Guild.

In the end, the Book of Jelf was taken by the Dark Guild, and the Iger family was slaughtered by the Dark Guild.

The only people left is the Star Spirit Key, one of the zodiac zodiac signs.

So, beg the Magic Guild to intervene and fight the Dark Guild.

Mission completes and rewards a Virgo Star Spirit Key, one of the zodiac signs.

The dark guild that crusaded against is the Black Rose dark guild, and its strength belongs to the C-level dark guild.

But with the Book of Jelf, his strength is no longer comparable to that of an ordinary C-level dark guild.

What's more, the strength of the dark guild of the same level will be stronger than that of the regular guild, after all, there are many tricks, many means, and ruthlessness.

To sum up, the target of the crusade is the Black Rose Dark Guild, a C-level dark guild, and also has the unknown Book of Jelf, whose strength far exceeds that of ordinary C-level regular guilds.

This task seems to be a bit difficult, after all, it is not one person, but an entire dark guild, and the other party also has the Book of Jelf.

It is estimated that the Book of Jelf has not been thoroughly studied and cannot be opened to summon demons, otherwise the level of this dark guild is definitely not C-level, at least B-level.

If the demons in the book are powerful, it is a super-first-class dark guild.

To be honest, Ron is a little hesitant, the cost performance is a little low, and the main thing is that there is no money.

It is estimated that the Iger family was also beaten very badly, there will not be too many survivors, and this Virgo Star Spirit Key is also the last hole card of the Iger family.

Although, Ron is indeed quite interested in the Virgo Star Spirit Key.

However, he did not want to do the task that was not cost-effective enough.

With his right hand rubbing his chin, Ron narrowed his eyes slightly, pondering for a moment.

At this time, Kana came to Ron's side, took the task order from Ron's hand, pondered it carefully, and said, "Ron, are you going to take this task?" "

Ron confessed, "Still thinking about it. "

Kana's expression was a little surprised: "It's not like your style, the bonus is a zero task, you are actually still thinking about it?" "

"According to your style, the task commission with zero bonus should be rejected in seconds."

"Huh?" Miraj was also a little curious, walked over, poked his head over, pondered the task order with Kana, and muttered: "The reward is actually the Virgo Star Spirit Key, one of the zodiac signs." "

"Is it a rare zodiac key, this star spirit of the Virgo star spirit key, is it male or female?"

The corner of Ron's mouth twitched and he complained, "Are you stupid? "

"It's all Virgo, it must be a woman."

After realizing his stupid behavior, Miraj, who reacted, his pretty face was slightly red, and while no one was paying attention, he quietly punched Ron's head with his hammer, and snorted coldly: "Of course I know!" "

"I just want to test you and see if you know."

Without pain or itching, Ron directly ignored Miraj's small pink fist and muttered: "Although the reward is a little small, there is only one key to the zodiac." "

But the zodiac key is indeed rare enough, and overall this reward is not very pitted.

The opponent only has a C-level dark guild, and the unknown Book of Jelf, which can be tried.

After all, the Gharna Island mission in the original work is an S-class mission, and the reward is also a key to the zodiac plus a seven million J bonus.

His A-level quest has a reward of seven million J less, but having a key to the zodiac can also increase the reputation of the guild.

In the end, Ron decided to take this A-level mission [Crusade against the Black Rose Dark Guild].

After Ron's decision, the guild instantly came alive.

Elfman was also not fit, and came to Ron's body sweating profusely, excitedly: "Brother Ron! Take me one! "

"With Brother Ron, you can definitely learn a lot!"

For this opportunity, Elfman can think of it, and others will naturally think of it.

After all, A-level tasks are also an unattainable existence for them now.

Miraj can complete B-level entrusted tasks alone, and he can be regarded as a unique existence in the guild, let alone A-level entrusted tasks.

Kana put her arm around Ron's shoulders and winked playfully: "Ron... Can I give you a reward Oh, take me this time? "

Lisanna weakly raised her right hand, trying to increase her presence: "Brother Ron, I will also work hard, and I also want to participate." "

Rebbe closed the book, took off the glasses of the magic prop, looked at Ron with interest, and smiled: "Is the opponent the Dark Guild?" "

"Something you haven't touched must be a good adventure, Ron, and I'll sign up too."

Miraj folded his arms in front of him, full of fighting intent, and the corners of his mouth turned up: "Ron, you know what I mean." "

Seeing this, everyone was too enthusiastic, and Ron was helpless, and there was a kind of happy trouble.

Of course, A-level entrusted tasks still have certain dangers for them now.

So, if you form a team, Ron immediately thought of the candidate and said, "Just Mira and Rebby." "

Miraj can act as a thug and act as a combat force, and is Ron's open power, second only to his existence.

Rebbie is proficient in several ancient texts, and is also very researched about all kinds of magical anecdotes, as well as Jelf, the ancestor of the Dark Magus.

So, take Rebby with you, maybe it will work wonders.

After all, Rebby is an auxiliary magician.

After Ron spoke, Miraj put his arm around Ron's shoulders, gave a thumbs up, and chuckled: "Count you as having an eye." "

Rebby put her hands behind her back, her beautiful eyes curved and her crescent moon bent, and she smiled lightly: "Well, I'll cheer too, President!" "

As for Kana, Lisana, Elfman and others who did not get the opportunity, they seemed a little dejected and slightly lonely.

Finally, Ron said, next time must take them, next time must be, next time, next time....

Anyway, it will be the next time, after a flicker, Kana, Lisana, and Elfman will cheer up a little.

This is to draw a flatbread, as long as the pie is big enough, it can calm people's hearts.

In this way, the mission to fight the Black Rose Dark Guild was officially launched.


The other side.

After nightfall.

The ink-splashed dome is filled with a secluded and eerie atmosphere.

Stars dot the dome, and the cold moonlight spills into the world.


It was the day of the first hunting operation of Sin of the Witch.

After Jijima Junai's training during this time, the strength of the magic version of the Black Shadow Corps has also improved a lot, and it is also one step away from promotion.

After receiving Ron's approval, under Ron's guidance, Jijima Juno also led the Black Shadow Corps and hunted out directly, targeting: two C-level dark guilds.

After tonight, the name of the witch's sin is destined to rise gradually.

At the same time.

The other side.

In some dimly lit hall.

The whole hall is decorated with many skeletons.

Skull chandeliers, skeleton-shaped window patterns... Wait a minute.

This is the base camp of the Great Demon Liangyuetian Serra.

Serra's royal sister-like posture is graceful and full of intellectual royal sister style, and her charming posture is half lying on a scarlet throne, holding a book in her hand, reading carefully, and the title of the book is marked on the brown sheepskin cover.

This book is a new book recently released by mankind, and in order to condemn the boring story of mankind, Serra bought it to read.

Who knows, this thing is as toxic as Serra reading this kind of story for the first time, and it will be one night at a glance.

Without waiting for Serra to react, a day had passed.

Suddenly, a little brother demon hurriedly entered the hall and reported.

"Lord Serra, we have now traced Ron's traces according to your request, and the other party is currently in Magnolia."

...... Dividing line....

Serra illustration.

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