Have you already found any trace of Ron? Serra closed the book gracefully, raised his eyes to gaze at the little brother demon, cold as ice, and said, "Is it? "

The younger brother demon bowed his head and said, "Lord Serra, yes. "

"We chased a lot of places, because Magnolia is the base of Fairy Tail and has many members of the Magic Council, so it is heavily guarded."

"In the end, it also took us a lot of money, a lot of time, a lot of energy, to find Ron's traces."

Serra narrowed her eyes slightly and muttered, "Did you go to Magnolia?" "

"No wonder, it took so long to find it."

Not surprisingly, as Magnolia has many formal magical guilds, as well as members of the Magic Council, and is also the base of Fairy Tail.

Then, the younger brother demon continued: "Lord Serra, we have also investigated that during this time, Ron also established a regular magical guild dragon empire. "

"The Miraj who received our demon also became a member of Ron's guild."

"Good." Sera's beautiful eyes did not wave, and said without emotion: "Next, we should also move." "

Serra has always been decisive about Ron.

The stronger and more potential Ron has, the more she wants to capture Ron and transform Ron into a demon in order to write a demon story.


The other side.

The Witch's Sin led by Junai Himejima is also an official attack.

Target: C-level dark guild, black feather guild, hungry wolf knights, two C-level dark guilds.

In a dark forest.

At this time, the glow of the moon fell on the world.

From time to time, the howls of demonic beasts were heard in the forest, which was terrifying.

Here, the two dark guilds, the Black Feather Guild and the Hungry Wolf Knights, are gathering.

This dark forest is their base, because there is an enemy attack today, so that the two dark guilds that have always been at odds have to put aside their hatred first and join hands to meet the enemy.

The leader of the Black Feather Guild wore a black cloak with strange patterns carved on it, and wore a hood, revealing only a skinny face, his cheeks sunken in, and the whole person looked very gloomy.

The leader of the Hungry Wolf Knights, covered in black armor full of battle scars, holding a magic spear, with a fierce expression.

Behind them, hundreds of members of the dark guild stood, their expressions arrogant, grim, and disdainful.

"Commander, isn't it so big?"

"That's right, sir, is the enemy that strong?"

"Our two dark guilds join forces, even if it is a B-grade union, you can win ah, it is stable, don't panic!"

As a result, President Kuroba had a grim expression and said, "What do you know... I felt it, the breath of the comer. "

"He is not a member of a regular magic guild, he has a strong demonic aura on his body, and the one who comes is a demon."

The leader of the hungry wolf echoed: "That's right, I also feel that the enemy is not a person, but a demon. "

After saying that, the members of the dark guild behind them suddenly realized, instantly became serious, set up their weapons, and waited for the battle like a great enemy.

In this magical world, demons are obviously dangerous creatures enough to intimidate.


A silver bell-like chuckle sounded.

Under the cold moonlight, this laughter looks very strange and creepy.

"Ah la ah la ~ so many people, are you welcoming me?"

Immediately, a beautiful figure descended from the sky and appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The visitor was none other than Junai Himejima, who was wearing a JK short skirt, with a charming smile on his face.

Although Himejima Juno shows a variety of amorous atmosphere, his figure is also enchanting and attractive.

However, the members of this dark guild were like great enemies, because they knew that the woman in front of them was a demon.

However, after a while, they also found that only Jijima Juno came.

Seeing this situation, President Black Feather and Captain Hungry Wolf also breathed a sigh of relief.

They are afraid of a group of demons, not a single demon.

The black feather guild leader smiled darkly: "Girl, are you alone?" "

"On the big night, it is very dangerous for a person to appear on the territory of the dark guild."

"Although you are not human, you are a demon."

The leader of the hungry wolf looked fierce in his eyes and said, "Whether she is a human or a demon, anyone who comes must die!" "

President Black Feather's eyes showed a trace of lewdness, and he laughed: "It's a pity to die." "

"Catch her alive and make her my slave, Jiao~!"

Suddenly, the members of the dark guild behind him were also excited.

They saw that there was only one person in Himeshima Juna, and the advantage was in them, and they could righteously beat Himejima Juna.

"That's right! President Kuroba is right, this is a superb demon! Hahaha, be sure to catch it alive! "

"I actually dare to come alone, I thought it was a group of demons, Bai was worried!"

"After catching the demon alive, the reputation of our guild will also be greatly improved, which is really killing two birds with one stone!"

Just as the crowd was cheering.

Just when everyone is complacent.

Jijima Ju Nai covered his mouth and chuckled, but his beautiful eyes were covered with a layer of imperceptible ice, and he was full of murderous surprises, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "Ah la ah la ~ Is this your last words?" "

"It's a pity, I only belong to a certain adult."

"I hope you can hold out a little longer, let me enjoy the pleasure of torture."

Immediately, Jijima Junai's eyes flashed with a cold gaze, and his mind moved.

Immediately after her, the magical version of the Black Shadow Corps came out of the kill.

In the shadows, the ghost kills, the god is haunted, and in an instant, it kills in front of everyone!

The black shadow corps had a pair of scarlet pupils, under the cold moonlight, they looked strange and terrifying, and they controlled the ultimate flame offensive and burst out!

This is the magic version of LV1's Black Shadow Corps, under the cultivation of Jijima Junai, fire magic is also becoming more and more proficient, and the power is amazing!

It is several times more powerful than these ordinary dark guild members!

Suddenly, under the bombardment of the Black Shadow Corps, a flame ignited on the scene, as if a sea of fire burned the entire scene.

Suddenly! The fire is fierce, dyeing the sky red for half a day, and the night is like day!

Just one face, the members of the dark guild who had no time to dodge fell one after another, were swallowed by the sea of fire of the Black Shadow Corps, drowned in it, turned into ashes, and disappeared into the air!

For a while, screams, howls, and cries for help resounded in the dome.

It is a sharp contrast with the previous arrogance.

Compared to the well-trained Dark Shadow Corps, these chaotic members of the Dark Guild are vulnerable.

This scene made the black feather guild leader and the hungry wolf group leader look terrified, their pupils trembled, and the figure of the demon girl in front of them was reflected in their pupils.

At this moment, they didn't dare to underestimate the demon girl in front of them!

Grunting and swallowing a mouthful of saliva, the Hungry Wolf Leader looked at the defeated guild members.

His face was livid, he didn't understand the black shadow killer in front of him, where did it come from?

It seems that from the shadows, the ghost kills.

The powerful fire magic attack caused his guild members to fall one after another.

This group of Shadow Killers has well-trained collective combat capabilities and also possesses powerful fire magic.

Compared to ordinary guild members, this kind of fire magic is powerful enough.

In just a moment, hundreds of members of their dark guild fell into the fire.

This scene made the masses who were hiding in the dark around to eat melons already stunned, and they couldn't believe the facts in front of them.

They had never seen such a powerful corps as the Black Shadow Corps, a well-trained corps, and a powerful individual combat power, and what was even more terrifying was that this group of Black Shadow Corps seemed to be immortal.

The members of the Black Feather Guild and the Hungry Wolf Knights have also counterattacked, and all kinds of magic counterattacked, Black Feather Flame, Hungry Wolf Assault, Black Feather Entwined, Hungry Wolf's Broken Fist... Wait, but the result?

There are black shadow killers who have fallen, but in just a second, these fallen black shadow killers have been resurrected from the shadows, how to play this!!

It's open!

Comes with resurrection coins!!

A second ago, it took a lot of hard work to kill an enemy Black Shadow Killer.

In the next second, this enemy Shadow Killer was reborn from the shadows.

This kind of battle directly caused the members of the Black Feather Guild and the Hungry Wolf Knights to collapse mentally and defeat like a mountain.

In the end, the Black Shadow Corps relied on powerful firepower to easily take down the members of this dark guild.

The immortal Black Shadow Corps made the Black Feather Guild Leader and the Hungry Wolf Regiment Leader also pupil earthquake, and their guild members lost unjustly.

However, such a strong black shadow corps, like a black shadow killer descending in the night, a natural killer, how come such a strong corps has not heard of it before, which makes them very confused.

Now, in the huge battlefield, the Hungry Wolf Knights and the Black Feather Guild only have two people left: the Black Feather Guild and the Hungry Wolf Leader.

The two of them were already the hope of the whole village, their expressions were as gloomy as stagnant water, and their gloomy eyes stared at Jijima Junai, who had never made a move.

Guild Leader Black Feather gritted his teeth and said, "Who the hell are you? "

"This group of black shadow corps is immortal, it must have some kind of taboo super magic attached, why should it deal with us like this?"

The leader of the hungry wolf clutched the magic spear in his hand, ready to fight to the death, and roared lowly: "Let us understand the death of death!" "

"Are you a dark guild or a regular guild? Who the hell are you? "

For the inquiry of the two, Himejima Juno turned into the witch of thunder, elegantly raised her right hand, charged the power of thunder, and smiled: "Ah la ah la ~ you guys are really boring." "

"So vulnerable, the last words are also verbose, really less than one millionth of my master."

"Since you ask questions sincerely, I will show you mercifully that we are the sins of witches."

As for other questions, Himejima Juno didn't bother to answer.

The enemy is the dark guild, which does extremely evil things on weekdays, and when they do these evil things, they should also think that one day they will be killed, which is the cause and effect.

Hearing this, the pupils of the Black Feather Guild Leader and the Hungry Wolf Regiment Leader trembled, and they muttered in their mouths: "The crime of the witch? "

The guild they had never heard of, and, according to the words of the demon girl, the boss of this guild was someone else, who was that person?

It must be a demon, a demon who kills without blinking, and it may be the demon in Jelf's book, a demon who has survived for hundreds of years, a terrifying old guy who can lead such a terrifying guild as the crime of the witch!

Just as they were shocked and thinking, Himejima Juno had already moved his hand, raising his hand to release a terrifying magic.

Under the dome, a huge magic array was instantly created, and for a while the sky was black and suppressed a dark cloud.

It is this feeling that the black cloud presses the city and wants to destroy it, the thunder dragon rolls and roars between the dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and thunder dazzles.

Immediately afterwards, a world-destroying lightning strike penetrated the sky, penetrated the huge magic array, fell from the sky, and slammed towards the Black Feather Guild President and the Hungry Wolf Leader.

This blow of world-destroying lightning fell from the sky, so that the surrounding melon-eating masses were not calm in an instant, eating melons and eating their own bodies, this move is already the strength of S-level magic guides.

In an instant, the melon-eating masses scattered, fleeing madly in panic, and if they didn't escape, they would also be implicated and electrocuted into roasted chicken.

...... The dividing line....

Illustration by Shuno Himejima.

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