In an instant.

The fire of war is burning again!

One by one, the Black Shadow Corps controlled the ultimate flames and exploded the entire audience!

The armies of the Magic Council also blasted out various magic weapons.

However, the Black Shadow Corps is an immortal corps that has always suppressed the army of the Magic Council.

For a time, explosions, screams, battles... It's deafening.

This scene made the captain of the sunglasses look full of horror, raised his eyes to stare at the demon girl in front of him, and said: "Do you know what it means once you make a move on the Magic Council?" "

Generally speaking, ordinary dark guilds did not dare to rashly make a move against the Magic Council.

But the crime of the witch in front of him killed the dark guild one second, and the next second, he made a move on the Magic Council.

These operations are really shocking, so that the captain of sunglasses can't react.

The corners of Jijima Junai's mouth were slightly raised: "Doing something to the Magic Council means that your Magic Council will die." "

The captain of the sunglasses had a quake, his expression gradually became hideous, and he roared lowly: "It's really arrogant!" "

"Don't you know that the Magic Council is the rule?"

"Do you want to break the rules of the wizarding world?"

Jijima Zhu Nai narrowed his eyes slightly, turned into an afterimage, and killed in front of the captain of the sunglasses in an instant, his right hand was full of thunder and lightning, and the punch with full power was wrapped in endless thunder and lightning, directly hitting the belly of the captain of the sunglasses, and blasted out a large hole.


Blood splattered out!

Blood flowers bloom in midair!

Instantaneous, the captain of the forcible detention unit of the so-called Magic Council ERA, but that's it.

At this moment, the figure of the captain of the sunglasses stumbled, gradually moving away from Himejima Juna, blood stained his clothes, and his vision gradually blurred.

His strength is vulnerable in front of Himejima Junai.

Before the captain of the sunglasses fell, Himejima Juno said leisurely: "Ah la ah la ~ Who cares about the rules of the Magic Council?" "

"For us, the master's rules are the rules."

Immediately, the captain of the forcibly detained unit fell.

The members of the forcible detention unit behind him also fell one by one.

Under the strong suppression of the Black Shadow Corps, the forcible detention of troops is vulnerable!

Their strength is not even as good as that of the Dark Guild, the Black Feather Guild, and the Hungry Wolf Knights.

The reason why the Magic Council is so arrogant is also because it has nuclear weapons in the wizarding world, such as: magic wizard power, Feis... Wait a minute.

However, these weapons are also prohibited unless they are used as a last resort.

After finishing everything, Jijima Juno glanced at the audience, showed a satisfied gaze, and nodded slightly: "It's not bad." "

"This time, I should be able to get the master's reward."

In anticipation, Jijima Juno instructed the Black Shadow Corps to go to the base camp of the Black Feather Guild and the base camp of the Hungry Wolf Knights to collect their money.

And she rushed back to the Dragon Empire Magic Guild to receive Ron's reward, which was the agreement.

In this way, only endless gunsmoke and residual war fire were left on the battlefield, burning sporadically in the dark night.

The Black Shadow Corps and Jijima Zhu Nai were gone, and the melon-eating masses were also livid, and they witnessed everything.

The witch's sin first hunted the dark guild, the Black Feather Guild, the Hungry Wolf Knights, and then even the forcible detention force of the Magic Council was still killed.

It can be said that Witch Sin is a special guild that is neither a legal guild nor a dark guild.

Simply put, the Witch's Sin is a guild that kills everything, and his rules are the guild of rules.

Death to those who stand in the way, the rules of the guild in a concise manner!

"This... Completely ignoring the rules of the Magic Council and killing everyone in the Magic Council, you will definitely be attacked by the Magic Council! "

"Yes, the crime of the witch is too brave, even the dark guild does not dare to attack so ruthlessly, even the people of the Magic Council dare to kill it!"

"That's right, although the cause of the incident is also because the Magic Council is nosy, the crime of the witch was obviously just hunting the dark guild at the beginning, but anyway, the crime of the witch is a complete offense to the Magic Council."

"I can already predict that the Sin of the Witch is about to rise, a special guild that is neither a legal guild nor a dark guild, and after tomorrow, the major magical newspapers will be the Sin of the Witch."

In the exclamation of the crowd.

The other side.

Inside the Fairy Tail Guild.

Makarov is sitting at a table with his old friend Yajima, eating goblin ramen, a specialty of Fairy Tail.

Yajima sighed while sighing: "Pony, the Dragon Empire has also been doing a lot of things recently, but I am for you, so I have Paulen." "

Makarov scratched his head and said apologetically: "Yajima, thank you." "

"I will remember that we have been friends for decades, and I will pay for this leprechaun ramen!"

Yajima narrowed his eyes, stretched out his index finger, and said, "I'll wait a minute, I will add a bowl, and I will also need ten pieces of Warcraft ham meat." "

Makarov looked pained, the corners of his mouth twitched, gritted his teeth and said ruthlessly: "Good." "

"Then, Ron will ask you to take more care of it in the future."

Seeing this, Yajima sighed lightly: "Take care of more?" "

"Can't you just let Ron save snacks and stop messing around, okay?"

Makarov smiled awkwardly: "I'll let Ron pay attention too." "

"Haha, get used to it, after all, Fairy Tail often does things, so I am used to asking you."

"Thank you for the matter of Ron's Dragon Empire and Lightning Guild this time!"

Yajima breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Pony, you're welcome, who called us old friends." "

Suddenly, while Ajima was enjoying the face, his magic communication crystal called, and the magic communication crystal was connected, which was an urgent notice from the magic council.

Immediately, Yajima's expression was startled, and Makarov's expression on the side was also fickle, and finally he tensed his face.

After ending the communication, both of them let out a long sigh.

According to the report of the Magic Council, they understood everything.

Tonight, another big event happened, and a force called the Sin of the Witch suddenly rose.

The two dark guilds were annihilated, and even the forcible detention force of the Magic Council present was also annihilated.

With a powerful combat power, the Thunder Witch, a behind-the-scenes boss, and the immortal Black Shadow Corps....

After a moment of silence, Makarov sighed: "I originally thought that Ron had enough to do things, but I didn't expect that the crime of this newly rising witch was actually even more chaotic than Ron, and it was neither a legal guild nor a dark guild, what a trouble." "

"Compared to the crime of the witch, I think Ron is very safe now."

Yajima narrowed his eyes and sighed softly: "Indeed... There have been so many things recently, it is the Dragon Empire again, and the Witch's Sins, and the Magic Council is busy. "



Ron as a party.

In his room, half lying on a brown sofa.

Just now, he had already learned everything, because the Black Shadow Corps had been upgraded, so Himejima Juna's mission was completed.

Himejima Juno and the magic version of the Black Shadow Corps LV1, after tonight's hard work and combat cultivation, have also been promoted!

No accident, the magic version of the Black Shadow Corps was successfully promoted to [Magic Version of the Black Shadow Corps LV2], and the number increased by fifty.

The additional fifty Dark Shadow Corps also controlled a new magic, that is, the magic of the ice attribute.

Not only that, through this wave of battle to annihilate the dark guild, through this wave of cultivation, his Asura Realm divine power LV5 was also smoothly upgraded to LV6.

Gained a new opportunity to summon members of the Ten Thousand Realms Guild.

This time, the new member that Ron obtained is none other than the pure-blood demon, the silver-haired Queen of Annihilation ~ Gurefia Lucifegus.

Like Junai Himejima, all the firsts of Gulfia are still there, not the so-called human wife, this Gulfia has not even talked about love, she was summoned by Ron, and is completely loyal to Ron.

Ron was very satisfied with this new demon member.

The silver-haired Queen of Annihilation has the ability to compete for the seat of the strongest female demon, and her strong strength is beyond doubt!

Also an S-class female demon, Gurefia's strength is obviously far above Himejima Junai!

Moreover, although this Gurefia is young, although the strength is not as good as the peak wife Gurefia, but the original genuine product, high potential, large room for improvement, coupled with the assistance of the guild bonds, it will definitely be stronger in the future.

More importantly, Jijima Juno will lead the Witch's Sin to hunt the Dark Guild for him, improve his strength, and cultivate the forces in the Dark Domain.

And if he has to go out on a mission, then his Dragon Empire base camp will be the weakest moment.

The arrival of Gurefia solved this problem for him very well, allowing Gurefia to silently guard the base camp of the Dragon Empire and prevent his home from being stolen.

After all, in the original, Fairy Tail is often stolen.

Just as Ron was thinking, the open window at the balcony suddenly trembled.

The cool breeze of the night seems to blow through, and the cold moonlight also shines into the room through the window.

When Ron raised his eyes to look at the window, the next second a beautiful figure, sitting on the edge of the window, a pair of round long legs also came into view, graceful posture, attracting Ron's attention.

The one who came was the royal sister Jijima Junai, who had long purple hair, wearing a JK short skirt that made the proud figure difficult to hide, her eyes were silky, licked her delicate lips, and covered her mouth with a charming smile: "Ah la ah la ~ the master has not seen her for a long time." "

"Do you remember our agreement?"

"I have completed the task, master, what about your reward?"

Ahem, just say it casually, you still take it seriously, to be honest, you have long forgotten ... However, Ron's expression was calm, his blue eyes flickered slightly, and he maintained a business-level smile: "Of course I remember." "

...... The dividing line....

Silver-haired Queen of Annihilation ~ Gurefia Lucifegus illustration.

In the early stage, it is mainly to summon demons, and in the later stage, it is mainly to summon dragons.

Demons and dragons, in the world of Fairy Tail, are both species that exist, so it won't seem so strange.

Asking for flowers, asking for evaluation votes, asking for monthly tickets, asking for data, thank you brothers for their support!!!!!

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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