
A data panel.

Resurfaced in Ron's mind, this was the guild's data panel.

[Guild President: Ron].

[Magic Guild: DragonEmpire/Dragon Empire].

[Guild rank: lv1].

[Guild members: Miraj C-level Magister, Elfman, Lisanna {Elfman and Lisanna have not awakened magic and learned magic, so there is no level}].

[Guild bonds: 0].

PS: Accept more guild members, and if the guild is strong, it can accelerate the fusion progress of the Black Dragon Sky template.

The host can also teach magic to the members of the guild, teach the right magic, make the guild members more powerful, and after the guild members are strong, it will also accelerate the fusion progress of the Black Dragon Sky Template.

With this main quest, to create the strongest guild, the fusion speed of the Black Dragon Sky template will also be greatly improved, and multi-line attack!

Cultivate, heal patients, build guilds... and so on, can accelerate the fusion progress of the Black Dragon Sky template, which can be described as multi-line blossoming.

For this main quest to build a guild, Ron is also looking forward to it.

After all, this is the world of Fairy Tail, and he has seen a lot of Fairy Tail fandoms in his previous life, and those who traverse will eventually join Fairy Tail.

He was thinking, why did he have to join the demon tail and build a guild by himself, wouldn't he be fragrant?

In the long run, he must not only create the strongest guild, but also a guild that is above the country.

What the Kingdom of Fiore, the Empire of Albares, the continent of Chelutina... All won the super guild.

It's not that the fairy tail is bad, but why did he run to send people under the fence when he had capital?

As Ron looked at the guild panel, a loud noise sounded, breaking Ron's thoughts.

For a while, the whole village was in turmoil again, and it seemed that something big had suddenly happened.

The villagers were fleeing for their lives, looking devastated and terrified.

This scene made Ron, Miraj, the village chief and others look confused.

Among them, a young man with a desperate look on his face fled to the village chief and hurriedly explained.

"The village chief runs away, this time the demon is really coming!"

"Still in the church, where Mira excelled, this time the demons really came, they claimed to be the Dark Magus, they believed in demons, and the demons they believed in were annihilated... So take our village and sacrifice it. "

"If you don't run away, it's too late!"

After saying that, the young man who rushed to report did not care about the reaction of the village chief and others, spread his legs, and continued to flee.

Obviously, it was not an accident that Miraj [received] demons in the village church, and now this group of dark wizards who believe in demons have also come to take revenge.

The target of this group of Dark Magus is obviously Miraj!

At this moment, the village chief panicked, he glanced at Ron, and then at the three of Miraj.

The village chief's face was full of panic, it was the legendary black wizard, the black wizard who did everything evil, the black wizard who did not give birth everywhere, the black wizard who was terrifying!


As soon as he heard that it was the Dark Magister, the village chief directly gave up resistance, abandoned the village, and ignored Ron, Milager and the others, threw away the crutches in his hand, and walked directly like a fly, slipping away, the speed is not slower than the little young!

At this moment, the whole village is in chaos, cries for help, shouts, fights... In an endless stream.

Everyone is fleeing, and in the face of the legendary Dark Magister, no one dares to resist!

This is the fear engraved in the DNA, just like when a wild deer meets a male lion, the first reaction is to escape!

At this moment, Miraj was also full of despair, she knew that the target of this group of dark wizards was her!

Others can escape, she will definitely not be able to escape, because the target of this group of black wizards is her, and she is the initiator of the incident!

Biting her lip, Miraje's face was full of unwillingness, why is it always like this, life is obviously just getting better, she is obviously innocent, demons appear in the village church, she is forced to defend, forced to receive demons, forced to become the object of disgust of the villagers, forced to be chased and killed by the black wizard

She obviously just wants to live and take care of her younger siblings, obviously it's just a very small and small wish, why is it so difficult, why is fate always so unfair! !

Thinking of this, the strong Miraj also had tears in her eyes, and she knew that this time, it was all over.

The Dark Magus is here, how can she escape?

Despite his sadness, despair, and helplessness, Miraj remained calm, looked at Ron with pleading eyes, and said, "Ron, there is one thing I want to beg you. "

"After I stay, you take Lisanna and Elfman to escape. "

Elfman's body was so frightened that he was terrified, but his tone was firm: "Sister Mira, we want to advance and retreat together!"

Lisanna also shook her head repeatedly: "Yes, Sister Mila, we won't leave you!"

Miraj had already made a decision and said, "The other party is the legendary Dark Magister, and we are not members of the magic guild, how can we resist each other!"

"Obedient, you go first, I'll go to you later." "

Although she and Ron are both magicians, both of them are so young, and she is not in full control of [receiving magic] now.

Ron is only treating the Magister, both of them have only five scum, what to use to resist the Dark Magister!

By the time Miraj persuaded Elfman and Lisana, the Dark Magus had already tracked down thirty Dark Maguss.

A piece of darkness surrounded Ron, Miraj and the others in an instant.

These dark wizards wore uniform black robes, which were carved with strange, evil, and terrifying patterns, their faces were hideous, their expressions were tyrannical, their eyes were scarlet, like demons in human form, and endless greed filled their eyes, and their gazes converged on Miraj's body.

The leading black wizard is a bald head, with a strange red pattern carved on the bald head, holding a skeleton staff, which points to Miraj, and smiles: "Jiaoji, I found you." "

"You have the breath of a demon on your body, you made it, the demon in the village church!"

Miraj protected Ron, Elfman, and Lisana, his face full of sadness, gritting his teeth, and said unwillingly: "Damn, it's too late!"

Anyway, still fighting, Miraj looked at Ron and said, "Ron I'm sorry, I'm bothering you." "

"I've only known you for a short time, but I'm glad I got to know you, and if we still had the chance, we might become very good friends and cook big meals and enjoy food together." "

"I will take Lisanna and Elfman with you. "

Miraj's words were like a flag, and throughout the whole process, Ron remained silent and calm, constantly observing the situation around him.

He could feel that after Miraj received the demons of the church, there was always an overflowing demonic aura on his body, and no matter how they escaped, this group of dark wizards could track them.

So, there is only one way to solve it, and that is to fight.

If it was before, of course, he would not have the strength to solve this matter.

However, now it is different, with the enhanced version of the Black Dragon Heavenly Template, will he still be afraid of thirty black magic guides?

A little shot can solve everything.

...... The dividing line....

Illustration by Elfman.

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